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Conferences about Rust Embedded

This article contains links to three conferences about Rust Embedded (two are in french). I attended the one at Devoxx France 2023 and it was great.

[Devoxx France 2023] Introduction à Rust embarqué - Sylvain WALLEZ

GitHub logo swallez / intro-embdedded-rust

Source code for the "Introduction to embedded Rust" talk

Introduction to embedded Rust

This is the source code for my talk "Introduction to embedded Rust". It has been given a few times:

There are two projects:

  • intro-attiny: a "blink" demo for an attiny85, with a variable rate driven by a LDR (light dependent resistor)
  • intro-esp32: two demos for an ESP32
    • Display the value of an LDR on a tiny OLED display.
    • Display the value of an LDR on a self-refreshing web page with an embedded http server powered by ESP-IDF.

Useful links:

[DevFest Nantes 2022] Oh crab ! My watch speaks Rust - Pierre-Yves AILLET

GitHub logo pyaillet / twatch-rust

Oh crab 🦀! My watch speaks Rust.

[Espressif DevCon22] Rust on Espressif chips - Scott MABIN

esp-rs · GitHub

Libraries, crates and examples for using Rust on Espressif SoC's - esp-rs


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