๐The Sequel
As promised, we're now working on the sequel article for the Wack-A-Molee game made with Analog. Like Terminator 2, The Dark Knight, or Spider-Man 2, I hope this sequel is better than the first part. So, let's get started and look at the code. In this second part, we'll explore the project structure, integrate the component built in the first part, and finally, we'll play a little game!
At the end we should have something like this:
Note: No moles were hurt as part of this project.
๐จWack-a-Molee THE SEQUEL!!
Let's start where we left off. In the first part, I showed the initial challenge in building the game: the lack of a library for animating the sprite, at least one with a user-friendly approach like the one used in the React Native app. I demonstrated how I solved the issue, and there's a little StackBlitz project to play around with and get familiar with the code. Constructive feedback is welcome; we're all here to learn. If you haven't seen it yet, check out part 1.
Project Structure
The Analog project has a simple structure. If you know Analog, you should be familiar with the pages folder that controls the routing. If you don't, what are you waiting for? Give it a try! In my case, I'm using an Nx project (personal preference), so the structure might look a little different, but essentially it is the same as any other Analog project.
โโโ README.md
โโโ game
โ โโโ index.html
โ โโโ package.json
โ โโโ postcss.config.cjs
โ โโโ project.json
โ โโโ src
โ โ โโโ app
โ โ โ โโโ app.component.spec.ts
โ โ โ โโโ app.component.ts
โ โ โ โโโ app.config.server.ts
โ โ โ โโโ app.config.ts
โ โ โ โโโ components
โ โ โ โ โโโ animated-sprite.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ clear-level.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ game-container.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ game-over.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ health-bar.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ level.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ mole.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ pause.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ score.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ timer.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ toggle-button.component.ts
โ โ โ โ โโโ welcome.component.ts
โ โ โ โโโ pages
โ โ โ โโโ (home).page.ts
โ โ โ โโโ game.page.ts
โ โ โโโ main.server.ts
โ โ โโโ main.ts
โ โ โโโ styles.scss
โ โ โโโ test-setup.ts
โ โ โโโ vite-env.d.ts
โ โโโ tailwind.config.cjs
โ โโโ tsconfig.app.json
โ โโโ tsconfig.editor.json
โ โโโ tsconfig.json
โ โโโ tsconfig.spec.json
โ โโโ vite.config.ts
โโโ nx.json
โโโ package.json
โโโ pnpm-lock.yaml
โโโ tsconfig.base.json
Let's dig a little bit on the core aspects of the project
๐ง Core
The heart and brain of the app will be inside components. Pages will only serve the purpose of routing to the place we want to be. With that in mind, let's describe the components based on the structure of the game image we just saw.
- animated-sprite.component: If you read part 1, then you probably already know about this one, but if not, let me give you a clue. This is the CORE of the core, so it's the one in charge of the animations.
- clear-level.component: This one will show the pretty image that lets the user know they cleared the level.
- game-container.component: This one is in charge of putting everything together and is also the owner of the logic that makes everything work. We will talk about that later.
- game-over.component: Kind of self-explanatory but is in charge of telling you that you lost.
- health-bar.component: This one will show you the health bar and will make it fill or get empty.
- level.component: This one is in charge of telling you that you go to the next level, YEI!!.
mole.component: This one, as the name says, is in charge of handling the mole and the different states the mole might have:
- Popping: When the mole simply pops.
- Idle: You only see the hole.
- Hiding: Well this one explain itself, is the mole hiding.
- Dizzy: If you hit the mole at the proper time it will get "dizzy".
- Faint: This happens after getting dizzy.
- Attack: If the mole is angry enough it will attack to try to make you lose health.
- Heal: Mole will transform into a some sort of x-men sentinel and if you hit it it will heal you (if you have any dagame)
- pause.component: It presents the paused screen.
- score.component: The little score bar.
- timer.component: The timer bar.
- toggle-button.component: the pause button.
- welcome.component: the initial screen.
I hope i'm not missing anything but pretty much these are the CORE elements I'll use to build this thing.
๐งฉBuilding the Pieces
Game Container
Let's start with the BOSS the one that will give the orders here and will handle all the state changes in the game, it looks like this:
const DEFAULT_TIME = 30;
interface GameState {
level: number;
score: number;
time: number;
cleared: boolean;
paused: boolean;
gameOver: boolean;
health: number;
molesAllowed: number;
damage: number;
const DEFAULT_STATE: GameState = {
level: 1,
score: 0,
cleared: false,
paused: false,
gameOver: false,
health: 100,
molesAllowed: 3,
damage: 5,
selector: 'game-container',
standalone: true,
imports: [
template: `<div class="container flex h-[100dvh] flex-col items-center">
class="flex w-full flex-1 flex-col bg-[url('/img/background.png')] bg-cover bg-no-repeat md:w-[650px]">
class="flex basis-[200px] flex-col content-center gap-4 px-6 pb-2 pt-12">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-[4px] md:gap-6">
<game-level [level]="state().level" />
<game-timer [time]="state().time" />
<game-score [score]="state().score" />
<game-toggle-button (click)="state().paused ? resume() : pause()" />
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
<game-health-bar [health]="state().health" />
class="relative grid cursor-[url('/img/hammer.png'),_auto] grid-cols-[repeat(3,_minmax(110px,_1fr))] items-center justify-items-center gap-4 px-4 py-0 md:grid-cols-[repeat(3,_minmax(140px,_1fr))]">
@for (mole of moles(); track $index) {
[frameWidth]="moleWidth()" />
@if (state().cleared) {
(reset)="reset()" />
@if (state().gameOver) {
(reset)="reset()" />
@if (state().paused) {
<game-pause (reset)="reset()" (resume)="resume()" />
styles: `
:host {
@apply flex flex-col items-center;
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class GameContainerComponent implements OnDestroy {
moleComponents = viewChildren<MoleComponent>('moleComponent');
private moleIntervalSubscription!: Subscription;
private timerIntervalSubscription!: Subscription;
moleQty = 12;
moleWidth = signal(0);
moles = signal<Array<number>>(Array.from({ length: this.moleQty }));
molesPopping = 0;
state = signal<GameState>({ ...DEFAULT_STATE });
#responsive = inject(BreakpointObserver);
private timeConditionMet = false;
constructor() {
next: result => {
if (result.matches) {
} else {
afterNextRender(() => {
setupTicks() {
let speed = 750 - this.state().level * 50;
if (speed < 350) {
speed = 350;
this.moleIntervalSubscription = interval(speed).subscribe({
next: () => {
this.timerIntervalSubscription = interval(1000).subscribe({
next: () => {
clearIntervals() {
if (this.moleIntervalSubscription) {
if (this.timerIntervalSubscription) {
randomBetween(min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
onFinishPopping(): void {
this.molesPopping -= 1;
popRandomMole(): void {
const molesArray = this.moleComponents();
if (molesArray.length !== this.moleQty) {
const randomIndex = this.randomBetween(0, this.moleQty - 1);
const mole = molesArray[randomIndex];
if (!mole.isAppearing && this.molesPopping < this.state().molesAllowed) {
this.molesPopping += 1;
popAllMoles(): void {
const molesArray = this.moleComponents();
for (let i = 0; i < this.state().molesAllowed; i++) {
if (this.molesPopping < 3) {
this.molesPopping += 1;
timerTick(): void {
if (this.state().time === 0) {
if (this.state().score > 0) {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, cleared: true }));
} else {
} else {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, time: (state.time -= 1) }));
// Check if time is less than 30% of the full time and the condition has not been met
if (!this.timeConditionMet && this.state().time < 0.3 * DEFAULT_TIME) {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, molesAllowed: 4 }));
this.timeConditionMet = true;
reset() {
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(() => ({ ...DEFAULT_STATE }));
pause() {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, paused: true }));
resume() {
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, paused: false }));
nextLevel() {
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(state => ({
level: (state.level += 1),
cleared: false,
gameOver: false,
molesAllowed: 3,
onScore() {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, score: (state.score += 1) }));
onDamage() {
if (this.state().cleared || this.state().gameOver || this.state().paused) {
const targetHealth =
this.state().health - this.state().damage < 0
? 0
: this.state().health - this.state().damage;
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, health: targetHealth }));
if (targetHealth <= 0) {
gameOver() {
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, gameOver: true }));
onHeal() {
this.state.update(state => ({
health: state.health + 10 > 100 ? 100 : state.health + 10,
ngOnDestroy() {
I know, kind of big, I might end up doing part 3 of the series ๐ค, but anyway let's check what's happening here.
Step 1: Define Constants and Interface
const DEFAULT_TIME = 30; // Default time for each game level in seconds
interface GameState {
level: number; // Current level of the game
score: number; // Current score of the player
time: number; // Remaining time for the current level
cleared: boolean; // Indicates if the level is cleared
paused: boolean; // Indicates if the game is paused
gameOver: boolean; // Indicates if the game is over
health: number; // Player's health
molesAllowed: number; // Number of moles allowed to appear simultaneously
damage: number; // Damage taken by the player when missing a mole
// Initial state of the game
const DEFAULT_STATE: GameState = {
level: 1,
score: 0,
cleared: false,
paused: false,
gameOver: false,
health: 100,
molesAllowed: 3,
damage: 5,
We start by defining constants and an interface for the game state. DEFAULT_TIME
sets the initial time for each game level. The GameState
interface outlines the structure of the state object, and DEFAULT_STATE
initializes the default values for a new game.
Step 2: Component State and Dependencies
export class GameContainerComponent implements OnDestroy {
moleComponents = viewChildren<MoleComponent>('moleComponent'); // Reference to all mole components
private moleIntervalSubscription!: Subscription; // Subscription for mole popping intervals
private timerIntervalSubscription!: Subscription; // Subscription for the game timer
moleQty = 12; // Total number of mole positions
moleWidth = signal(0); // Width of the mole (responsive design)
moles = signal<Array<number>>(Array.from({ length: this.moleQty })); // Array representing moles
molesPopping = 0; // Count of currently popping moles
state = signal<GameState>({ ...DEFAULT_STATE }); // Game state signal
#responsive = inject(BreakpointObserver); // Injecting breakpoint observer for responsive design
private timeConditionMet = false; // Condition to check if special time condition is met
constructor() {
// Setup responsive behavior for mole width
next: result => {
if (result.matches) {
this.moleWidth.set(100); // Set mole width for handset view
} else {
this.moleWidth.set(0); // Reset mole width for other views
// Setup game ticks after the next render
afterNextRender(() => {
The class maintains the game state, mole components, and various signals and subscriptions for handling game logic. The constructor sets up responsive behavior and initializes game ticks after the next render.
Step 3: Setup and Clear Intervals
let speed = 750 - this.state().level * 50; // Calculate speed based on level
if (speed < 350) {
speed = 350; // Minimum speed threshold
this.clearIntervals(); // Clear existing intervals
// Setup interval for popping moles
this.moleIntervalSubscription = interval(speed).subscribe({
next: () => {
// Setup interval for game timer
this.timerIntervalSubscription = interval(1000).subscribe({
next: () => {
if (this.moleIntervalSubscription) {
this.moleIntervalSubscription.unsubscribe(); // Unsubscribe mole interval
if (this.timerIntervalSubscription) {
this.timerIntervalSubscription.unsubscribe(); // Unsubscribe timer interval
initializes intervals for popping moles and updating the timer based on the current level. clearIntervals
clears any active subscriptions to avoid memory leaks.
Step 4: Game Logic Methods
number, max
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); // Generate random number between min and max
void {
this.molesPopping -= 1; // Decrement the count of currently popping moles
void {
const molesArray = this.moleComponents();
if(molesArray.length !== this.moleQty
return; // Ensure the moles array is correctly sized
const randomIndex = this.randomBetween(0, this.moleQty - 1); // Pick a random mole
const mole = molesArray[randomIndex];
if (!mole.isAppearing && this.molesPopping < this.state().molesAllowed) {
this.molesPopping += 1; // Increment the count of currently popping moles
mole.pop(); // Trigger the mole to pop up
void {
const molesArray = this.moleComponents();
for(let i = 0; i < this.state().molesAllowed; i++
if (this.molesPopping < 3) {
this.molesPopping += 1; // Increment the count of currently popping moles
molesArray[i].pop(); // Trigger the mole to pop up
These methods handle the random selection of moles, popping them, and managing the count of currently popping moles.
Step 5: Timer Tick Method
void {
if(this.state().time === 0
this.clearIntervals(); // Clear intervals when time is up
if (this.state().score > 0) {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, cleared: true })); // Mark level as cleared if score is positive
} else {
this.gameOver(); // Trigger game over if score is zero
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, time: (state.time -= 1) })); // Decrement the timer
// Increase moles allowed when time is less than 30% and condition has not been met
if (!this.timeConditionMet && this.state().time < 0.3 * DEFAULT_TIME) {
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, molesAllowed: 4 }));
this.popAllMoles(); // Pop all moles when condition is met
this.timeConditionMet = true; // Mark the condition as met
updates the game timer, checks if the time is up, and handles the logic for clearing the level or triggering game over. It also increases the allowed moles when the time condition is met.
Step 6: Game Control Methods
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(() => ({ ...DEFAULT_STATE })); // Reset the game state
this.setupTicks(); // Setup intervals again
this.clearIntervals(); // Clear intervals when paused
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, paused: true })); // Mark game as paused
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, paused: false })); // Mark game as resumed
this.setupTicks(); // Setup intervals again
this.molesPopping = 0;
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(state => ({
level: (state.level += 1), // Increment level
cleared: false,
gameOver: false,
time: DEFAULT_TIME, // Reset time for new level
molesAllowed: 3, // Reset moles allowed
this.setupTicks(); // Setup intervals again
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, score: (state.score += 1) })); // Increment score
if (this.state().cleared || this.state().gameOver || this.state().paused) {
return; // Do nothing if game is cleared, over, or paused
const targetHealth =
this.state().health - this.state().damage < 0
? 0
: this.state().health - this.state().damage; // Calculate new health
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, health: targetHealth })); // Update health
if (targetHealth <= 0) {
this.gameOver(); // Trigger game over if health is zero
this.clearIntervals(); // Clear intervals when game is over
this.timeConditionMet = false;
this.state.update(state => ({ ...state, gameOver: true })); // Mark game as over
this.state.update(state => ({
health: state.health + 10 > 100 ? 100 : state.health + 10, // Heal the player
These methods control the game's state transitions, such as resetting, pausing, resuming, progressing to the
next level, and handling scoring, damage, and healing.
Step 7: Cleanup on Destroy
this.clearIntervals(); // Clear intervals to prevent memory leaks
Finally, ngOnDestroy
ensures that intervals are cleared when the component is destroyed to prevent memory leaks.
๐จThe mole (since there's no proper mole emoji we will use a koala, don't judge me).
In order to make everything work we need the one element that will provide the name to this game, yeah you know, The Mole and it looks like this:
selector: 'game-mole',
standalone: true,
imports: [AnimatedSpriteComponent],
template: ` <game-animated-sprite
[frameWidth]="frameWidth()" />`,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class MoleComponent {
mole = viewChild<AnimatedSpriteComponent>('mole'); // Accesses the AnimatedSpriteComponent
finishPopping = output({ alias: 'finishPopping' }); // Emits when popping is finished
damage = output({ alias: 'damageReceived' });
score = output({ alias: 'takeScore' });
heal = output({ alias: 'moleHealing' });
frameWidth = input(0);
animations = {
idle: [0],
appear: [1, 2, 3, 4],
hide: [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
dizzy: [36, 37, 38],
faint: [42, 43, 44, 0],
attack: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
heal: [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33],
isAppearing = false;
isFeisty = false;
isHealing = false;
isWhacked = false;
isAttacking = false;
isHiding = false;
private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; // Store all subscriptions
// Initiates the mole popping sequence
pop() {
this.resetStates(); // Reset all states to ensure a clean start
this.isAppearing = true;
// Determine if the mole is feisty or healing
this.isFeisty = Math.random() < 0.5;
this.isHealing = !this.isFeisty && Math.random() < 0.08;
// Play the appropriate animation based on the mole's state
if (this.isHealing) {
this.mole()?.play('heal', 24, () => {
this.subscriptions.push(timer(1000).subscribe(() => this.hideMole()));
} else {
this.mole()?.play('appear', 24, () => {
// If the mole is feisty and hasn't been whacked, it will attack
if (this.isFeisty && !this.isWhacked) {
timer(600).subscribe(() => {
if (!this.isWhacked) {
this.isAttacking = true;
this.mole()?.play('attack', 13, () => {
} else {
// Otherwise, the mole will hide after a delay
this.subscriptions.push(timer(1000).subscribe(() => this.hideMole()));
// Handles the whack event
whack() {
// Only whack if the mole is appearing and not already whacked or attacking
if (!this.isAppearing || this.isWhacked || this.isAttacking) return;
this.isWhacked = true;
this.isFeisty = false;
if (this.isHealing) this.heal.emit();
// Play the dizzy and faint animations upon whack
this.mole()?.play('dizzy', 24, () => {
this.mole()?.play('faint', 24, () => {
this.isAppearing = false;
// Hides the mole
hideMole() {
// Only hide if not already hiding
if (this.isHiding) return;
this.isHiding = true;
this.mole()?.play('hide', 24, () => {
this.isAppearing = false;
// Resets all state flags
resetStates() {
this.isWhacked = false;
this.isAttacking = false;
this.isHiding = false;
this.isHealing = false;
this.clearSubscriptions(); // Clear all subscriptions
// Clear all subscriptions
clearSubscriptions() {
this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());
this.subscriptions = [];
Let's now dig a little bit inside the code:
Step 1: Define Component Properties and Outputs
export class MoleComponent {
mole = viewChild<AnimatedSpriteComponent>('mole'); // Access the AnimatedSpriteComponent
finishPopping = output({ alias: 'finishPopping' }); // Emits when popping is finished
damage = output({ alias: 'damageReceived' }); // Emits when the mole deals damage
score = output({ alias: 'takeScore' }); // Emits when the mole is whacked for points
heal = output({ alias: 'moleHealing' }); // Emits when the mole heals the player
frameWidth = input(0); // Width of the mole frame
animations = {
idle: [0],
appear: [1, 2, 3, 4],
hide: [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
dizzy: [36, 37, 38],
faint: [42, 43, 44, 0],
attack: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
heal: [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33],
isAppearing = false;
isFeisty = false;
isHealing = false;
isWhacked = false;
isAttacking = false;
isHiding = false;
private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; // Store all subscriptions
We define properties to manage the mole's state and animations. The outputs are events that the mole emits to inform the parent component about its actions.
Step 2: Mole Popping Logic
// Initiates the mole popping sequence
this.resetStates(); // Reset all states to ensure a clean start
this.isAppearing = true;
// Determine if the mole is feisty or healing
this.isFeisty = Math.random() < 0.5;
this.isHealing = !this.isFeisty && Math.random() < 0.08;
// Play the appropriate animation based on the mole's state
if (this.isHealing) {
this.mole()?.play('heal', 24, () => {
this.subscriptions.push(timer(1000).subscribe(() => this.hideMole()));
} else {
this.mole()?.play('appear', 24, () => {
// If the mole is feisty and hasn't been whacked, it will attack
if (this.isFeisty && !this.isWhacked) {
timer(600).subscribe(() => {
if (!this.isWhacked) {
this.isAttacking = true;
this.mole()?.play('attack', 13, () => {
} else {
// Otherwise, the mole will hide after a delay
this.subscriptions.push(timer(1000).subscribe(() => this.hideMole()));
The pop
method initiates the mole's popping sequence, determining whether the mole is feisty or healing and playing the appropriate animation. It uses timers to manage the sequence of events.
Step 3: Handling the Whack Event
// Handles the whack event
// Only whack if the mole is appearing and not already whacked or attacking
if (!this.isAppearing || this.isWhacked || this.isAttacking) return;
this.isWhacked = true;
this.isFeisty = false;
this.score.emit(); // Emit score event
if (this.isHealing) this.heal.emit(); // Emit heal event if mole is healing
// Play the dizzy and faint animations upon whack
this.mole()?.play('dizzy', 24, () => {
this.mole()?.play('faint', 24, () => {
this.isAppearing = false;
this.finishPopping.emit(); // Emit finishPopping event
The whack
method handles the event when the player clicks on the mole. It plays the appropriate animations and emits events based on the mole's state.
Step 4: Hiding the Mole
// Hides the mole
// Only hide if not already hiding
if (this.isHiding) return;
this.isHiding = true;
this.mole()?.play('hide', 24, () => {
this.isAppearing = false;
this.finishPopping.emit(); // Emit finishPopping event
The hideMole
method hides the mole, playing the hide animation and emitting the finishPopping
Step 5: Resetting States and Clearing Subscriptions
// Resets all state flags
this.isWhacked = false;
this.isAttacking = false;
this.isHiding = false;
this.isHealing = false;
this.clearSubscriptions(); // Clear all subscriptions
// Clear all subscriptions
this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());
this.subscriptions = [];
The resetStates
method resets all state flags to their default values, and clearSubscriptions
unsubscribes from all active subscriptions to avoid memory leaks.
๐ฅน Don't forget about the others
We're still missing some components like the score, toggle, timer, clear, and gameover, but these components are pretty much shells and share some behavior between them (at least the clear and gameover). So, let's dive into some of them and then we will share the final product.
The Clear component looks something like this:
selector: 'game-clear-level',
standalone: true,
template: `<div class="clear-screen">
<div class="cleared-level-container">
<span class="cleared-level-text">Level</span>
<span class="cleared-level-text">{{ level() }}</span>
<div class="panel">
<span class="panel-title">Cleared</span>
<span class="panel-text">Score: {{ score() }}</span>
<div class="panel-buttons-container">
<button class="panel-button" (click)="reset.emit()">
alt="Restart Icon" />
<button class="panel-button" (click)="nextLevel.emit()">
alt="Play Icon" />
</div> `,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ClearLevelComponent {
level = input.required<number>();
score = input.required<number>();
nextLevel = output();
reset = output();
As you can see is just an egg-shell that receives some data and emits some data, the GameOver have similar behavior.
Now let's check the score and the health-bar:
selector: 'game-score',
standalone: true,
template: `<img
class="absolute left-0 z-[2] h-10 w-10 md:h-12 md:w-12"
alt="Score icon, a tiny golden coin" />
class="absolute left-[20px] right-[5px] flex h-6 max-w-[8rem] items-center justify-center rounded-[13px] bg-white text-[0.8rem] md:text-[1rem]">
{{ score() }}
styles: `
:host {
@apply relative flex flex-1 items-center justify-center;
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ScoreComponent {
score = input.required<number>();
The score is pretty much the same, it presents some data that depends on the input that receives.
selector: 'game-health-bar',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule],
template: `<div class="ml-[4px] mt-[1px] h-6 w-full rounded-[10px] bg-white">
class="absolute ml-[4px] h-6 rounded-[10px] bg-[#ff1a1a]"
alt="Health icon, a red hearth"
class="absolute left-0 top-[-7px] h-10 w-12" /> `,
styles: `
:host {
@apply relative flex-1;
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class HealthBarComponent {
health = input.required<number>();
Pretty much all the remaining components are the same, an egg-shell with some data to present (properly styled I hope).
๐ฎ The Initial Screen and To Play
Finally i wanted to provide a little initial screen so you can mentally prepare yourself to hit some moles so here I go.
selector: 'game-welcome',
standalone: true,
imports: [RouterLink, AnimatedSpriteComponent],
template: `<div class="container flex flex-col items-center">
class="flex h-[100dvh] w-[650px] flex-col items-center justify-center gap-5 bg-[url('/img/background.png')] bg-cover">
<span class="text-shadow text-6xl">Wack-A-Mole</span>
#mole />
class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-4">
<span class="text-shadow text-6xl">Play</span>
class="flex h-14 w-14 flex-col items-center justify-center rounded-2xl border-white bg-[#ff1a1a]">
<img src="/img/icon_play.png" alt="Play Icon" class="w-4" />
styles: `
:host {
@apply flex flex-col items-center;
.text-shadow {
-1px -1px 0 #fff,
1px -1px 0 #fff,
-1px 1px 0 #fff,
1px 1px 0 #fff;
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class WelcomeComponent implements AfterViewInit {
mole = viewChild<AnimatedSpriteComponent>('mole'); // Accesses the AnimatedSpriteComponent
animations = {
idle: [0],
appear: [1, 2, 3, 4],
hide: [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
dizzy: [36, 37, 38],
faint: [42, 43, 44, 0],
attack: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
heal: [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33],
private mainAnimations = ['attack', 'dizzy', 'heal', 'appear'];
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
startSequence(): void {
playRandomAnimation(): void {
const nextAnimation = this.getRandomAnimation();
playAnimation(mainAnimation: string): void {
this.mole()?.play(mainAnimation, 12, () => {
timer(1000).subscribe(() => {
playHideAnimation(): void {
this.mole()?.play('hide', 12, () => {
timer(1000).subscribe(() => {
getRandomAnimation(): string {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.mainAnimations.length);
return this.mainAnimations[randomIndex];
As you can see welcome have a little more logic so let's check what is this thing doing.
Step 1: Define Component Properties and Outputs
export class WelcomeComponent implements AfterViewInit {
mole = viewChild<AnimatedSpriteComponent>('mole'); // Accesses the AnimatedSpriteComponent
animations = {
idle: [0],
appear: [1, 2, 3, 4],
hide: [4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
dizzy: [36, 37, 38],
faint: [42, 43, 44, 0],
attack: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
heal: [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33],
private mainAnimations = ['attack', 'dizzy', 'heal', 'appear']; // Main animations for the mole
We define properties for managing the mole's animations and a list of main animations to randomly play. The mole
property is used to access the AnimatedSpriteComponent
Step 2: Implement Lifecycle Hook and Animation Sequence
void {
void {
The ngAfterViewInit
lifecycle hook initializes the animation sequence after the component's view has been initialized. startSequence
begins the sequence by playing a random animation.
Step 3: Random Animation Logic
void {
const nextAnimation = this.getRandomAnimation();
void {
this.mole()?.play(mainAnimation, 12, () => {
timer(1000).subscribe(() => {
void {
this.mole()?.play('hide', 12, () => {
timer(1000).subscribe(() => {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.mainAnimations.length);
return this.mainAnimations[randomIndex];
: Chooses a random animation from the main animations list and plays it. -
: Plays the selected animation at 12 frames per second. Once the animation completes, it sets a timer to play the hide animation. -
: Plays the hide animation. Once it completes, it sets a timer to play another random animation. -
: Returns a random animation from themainAnimations
Finally the Wack-A-Molee is done and you can play around with it in here:
Wack-A-Molee Game and the code if you want to fork or star or something... github repo
๐ Conclusion: Wrapping Up Part 2
We did it ๐! We built the game, or at least something functional. We used Signals, Signal inputs, Signal Queries, Signal outputs, and SFC. We also built a component to reuse for little sprite sheet animations. I hope this article helped you get some inspiration. Let's see what I can try to build next!
If you found this article insightful, don't hesitate to connect with me on Twitter, Threads, or LinkedIn. Let's embark on this journey of discovery and innovation together! ๐ป๐๐
Feeling generous? Show some love and buy me a coffee. Your support is greatly cherished! โ๏ธ
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