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Jump into conclusions

Opinionated means at least you have opinions, which isn’t a bad thing imho, otherwise...

I was recently poking around with SvelteKit to build some stuff, and came across an interesting article from @swyx.

My initial reaction, soon after reading the title (w/o checking contents), was like “Huh? Isn’t it a common sense that both Svelte and React are amazing front-end frameworks that are capable of building awesome sites AND apps??”.

Image description

However, there is a thing called jumping conclusion bias.

So i went through the article and took a step back. I read the title again, and it became as (__ are placeholders)

__ for Sites, __ for Apps
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But how do we compare Sites vs Apps?

Sites Apps
Static Dynamic
Content centric Rich interaction
Lightweight Rich features

Then we need to fill in the placeholders.

Eleventy for Sites, Next.js for Apps
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Is it a good title? maybe not. Let’s try again.

Svelte for Sites,  React for Apps
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Much better huh?

The final question might be “do you agree with what the author said?”, the answer is simply “i don’t know”. But does it even matter 🙂


Some cool technologies mentioned above

Top comments (1)

curiousdev profile image

Maybe this is not related to React and Svelte, but I think you just cannot differ between "Site" and "App". There are many possibilities between these kind of websites/applications. Of course you should know, what a Framework is capable of and what can be good or bad, before you start developing. Thanks for the link to the article!