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What happened with the AI excitement?

Back then in 2019, when I started my adult life as an Engineer everything was about Data. The projection of 10-20 years of automated daily processes, predictions, models, and algorithms was everywhere. This trend lasted during quarantine, trying to bring the best comfort and entertainment to the people in their houses. This year everything changed, since the economic disruption, and the war, and now AI is an actual reality, not a prediction like before. The Big Tech companies jumped with a technology that we couldn't imagine a year ago.

As a reality, these tools seem like a different scenario in our lives and jobs. Instead of satisfying the most problematic or dangerous duties of human life, they're committing the intellectual and creative tasks. Those areas where humanity expressed the most valuable capacity of our specie since the beginning of our history. And they do it better than us, I'm sure that ChatGPT could make the best post than me if I ask it. I'm not trying to deny the capacities of these tools, but it seems like companies would try to replace the most expensive and unique talent with a computer.

I was excited about all the AI benefits to our life, and I wanted to be part of it, now every day I see how people are afraid about their own job value. I'm afraid about the future of humanity, what kind of jobs we could commit better than a machine? Only the most dangerous and extreme ones, with the lowest income meanwhile a machine replace us.

Yes, I'm overreacting and I can figure out how instead of less, we will have more jobs than ever (for a while at least). I'm only uncomfortable and I'm alone in this feeling, all those entries about ML and Data are less popular every day since AI is a reality in our lives.

I'm not against progress, but it seems like the people in power seems all of these as new chances to be even richer, no matter what. Instead of an iHome, now we don't have where to live.

How do you feel about all of these?

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