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Terraform Professional + HashiConf Talk

Just a short little update today. I am going to be documenting a new series of blog posts.

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Authoring and Operations Professional

Took the test as part of the beta program a while back and finally got a result :)

It was a fun opportunity and would recommend others to give it a shot!

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Authoring and Operations Professional

HashiConf Presentation

So back when a call for presenters went out for HashiConf, I put out a short topic on learning Nomad. It is one of the Hashi products which has intrigued me the most. I just have not had a reason or opportunity to work with it. Especially with 2 kids aged 3 and under, the amount of free time I have to learn something new is limited.

Well, unexpectedly for me this happened and now I am committed to learning a little bit about Nomad:


So if you happen to be in Boston for HashiConf, come stop by and say hi!

Top comments (1)

codycodes profile image
Cody Antonio Gagnon

Hey, congrats on getting certified as a Terraform Professional and your upcoming talk on Nomad @ HashiConf!! 🎉

p.s. love Carl, love ATHF (number 1 in the hood, G!)