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JavaScript Question: Help change the script (newbie!)

This script parses instagram followers. You need to log into your account and open the list of subscribers / subscriptions and paste the script into the console. Then it will start parsing.

Help change the code so that it only parses those who have published a story.

let ul_accounts = document.getElementsByClassName("jSC57 _6xe7A"); // класс тега ul списка аккаунтов
function parsing() {
let accounts = ul_accounts[0].innerHTML
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Парсинг ников
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let result_nick = accounts.match(/title="[^"]+"/g)
let result_count = result_nick.length
result_nick = result_nick.join(' ').match(/"[^"]+"/g).join(' ').match(/[^"]+/g).join('').match(/[^\s]+/g).join('\n')
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Печать ников
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
console.log('%cАккаунтов собрано: ' + result_count + ' шт.', 'color: #13a555; font-size:18px;')

Or help me to realize the idea. You need to parse people who have published a storypublished a story.

js #instagram #story #script

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