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Maarten Balliauw
Maarten Balliauw

Posted on • Originally published at on

Running a .NET application as a service on Linux with Systemd

In this post, let’s see how you can run a .NET Core / .NET 5 application as a service on Linux. We’ll use Systemd to integrate our application with the operating system and make it possible to start and stop our service, and get logs from it.

To build my supply chain attack with .NET, I needed to host a DNS server to capture the hostnames sent to me. Let’s use that as an example!

Creating a .NET application to run as a service

A .NET service will need to make use of the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting hosting model. This means any ASP.NET Core application will work, as will projects created using the Worker Service template (dotnet new worker). I’ll use Rider here.

Create new worker project in Rider

Next, you’ll need to install a NuGet package: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Systemd. This package provides the .NET hosting infrastructure for Systemd services. In other words: it contains the infrastructure to work with the Systemd daemon on Linux.

One thing left: registering the Systemd hosting extensions in our application. In Program.cs, you’ll need to add .UseSystemd() on the host builder:

public class Program
    // ...

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseSystemd() // add this
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>

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With that in place, our application can run as a Systemd service on Linux! Well, almost… There are two things left to do:

  • Implement the application
  • Register the application with Systemd

Let’s start with the first, and implement a DNS server that we’ll run as a service.

Implement a .NET DNS server as a service

The DNS server mentioned in my previous post is built in .NET using Mirza Kapetanovic’s excellent DNS package, and hosted as a service on Linux, using Systemd.

Let’s build a simple DNS service that returns the current time as a TXT record.

Note: You can skip this section if you just want to learn about how to register .NET applications as Systemd services.

First, install the DNS package. It comes with an almost ready-made DNS server, so that we only need to wire it up and implement the server logic.

The Worker class that was created by the worker service template is a good base to start with. In it, you can use constructor injection to get access to any services available in our application. We’ll go with an ILogger (already present in the template), and IConfiguration to get access to appsettings.json/environment variables/command line arguments. It extends BackgroundService, which has an ExecuteAsync method that will run our service. Here’s a skeleton Worker:

public class Worker : BackgroundService
    private readonly ILogger<Worker> _logger;
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public Worker(ILogger<Worker> logger, IConfiguration configuration)
        _logger = logger;
        _configuration = configuration;

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        // ... logic will go here ...

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Now let’s wire up the DNS server itself. In the ExecuteAsync method, add the following:

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
    var server = new DnsServer(new SampleRequestResolver());
    server.Listening += (_, _) => _logger.LogInformation("DNS server is listening...");
    server.Requested += (_, e) => _logger.LogInformation("Request: {Domain}", e.Request.Questions.First().Name);
    server.Errored += (_, e) =>
        _logger.LogError(e.Exception, "An error occurred");
        if (e.Exception is ResponseException responseError)
            _logger.LogError("Response: {Response}", responseError.Response);

    await Task.WhenAny(new[]
            port: int.TryParse(_configuration["Port"], out var port) ? port : 53531,
            ip: IPAddress.Any),

        Task.Delay(-1, stoppingToken)

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Time to unwrap!

  • We’re setting up the DnsServer, which will resolve records using a SampleRequestResolver (which we’ll need to build).
  • We’re subscribing to some events exposed by the DnsServer, so that we can look at logs of requests coming in, and see whenever something goes wrong.
  • Finally, we start listening for incoming requests.

The ExecuteAsync is passed a CancellationToken, which will be use when Systemd requests our service to terminate. Since the DNS library itself does not have support for CancellationToken, I’m using Task.WhenAny here to start the DNS server, so we are able to shut down our service when cancellation is requested.

The server itself will listen on the port that is defined in configuration, and when that is not present, defaults to 53531.

One thing left: that SampleRequestResolver class. It has to implement IRequestResolver, and build an answer for incoming DNS queries. Since this is not the real scope of this blog post, here’s a quick implementation that returns the current date and time for any TXT record requested, and returns an error for other requests:

public class SampleRequestResolver : IRequestResolver
    public Task<IResponse> Resolve(IRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
        IResponse response = Response.FromRequest(request);

        foreach (var question in response.Questions)
            if (question.Type == RecordType.TXT)
                response.AnswerRecords.Add(new TextResourceRecord(
                    question.Name, CharacterString.FromString(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O"))));
                response.ResponseCode = ResponseCode.Refused;

        return Task.FromResult(response);

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If you run the service locally, you’ll see it works! You can use tools like nslookup and dig to try it out.

Use dig to check our .NET DNS server

Check the of the DNS project for more examples, and be careful to not accidentally build an open DNS resolver if you explore building your own DNS.

Create service unit configuration

Let’s host our service on Linux! Systemd uses service unit configuration files that define what a service does, whether it should be restarted, and all that.

You’ll need to create a .service file on the Linux machine that you want to register and run the service on. In its simplest form, a service file looks like this:

Description=DNS Server

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/DnsServer --port=53


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The [Unit] section describes more generic information about our application. Systemd can run more than just services, and [Unit] is a common section for all types of applications that can be run. I’ve added just the Description, but there are many more options available here.

In the [Service] section, we define details about our application. For .NET applications, the Type will be notify, so that we can notify Systemd when the host has started or is stopping – the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Systemd package takes care of that. ExecStart defines the path where our service startup binary is located. In the above example, I’ll use a self-contained .NET application and tell it which port to listen on as a command line argument.

Finally, the [Install] section defines which OS targets can start our service. In this case, allows starting the service whenever we’re in a multi-user environment (almost always). You could also set this to so you’ll need a graphical environment loaded to start this service.

Build a self-contained .NET application

Our service itself will need to be available on the target Linux machine, where we defined Systemd can find it (with ExecStart): /usr/sbin/DnsServer.

The last thing I wanted to do was deploy .NET onto the target machine, so I decided to build a self-contained application, as a single file – the .NET runtime and all required dependencies are bundled in one single executable file. I used the following command to build the application:

dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained=true -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFiles=true -o artifacts

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This creates a DnsServer executable of roughly 62 MB (it contains what is needed from the .NET runtime). Copy it to /usr/sbin/DnsServer on the Linux machine, and make sure it is executable (sudo chmod 0755 /usr/sbin/DnsServer).

Installing and running the service on Linux

The .service file we created (I named it dnsserver.service) needs to exist in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory of the Linux machine the service will be deployed on.

Next, run the following command so Systemd loads this new configuration file:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

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This should now make it possible to look at the status of our DNS server service:

sudo systemctl status dnsserver.service

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Status of newly installed service

There are a couple of other commands that may come in handy:

  • Start and stop the service:

  • Make sure the service is started when the Linux machine is started:

Congratulations, we now have a .NET application running as a service, on Linux!

What’s going on in my service?

When a service is running, you may also be interested in what it is doing. We can inspect the latest log entries that our application emits, using the following command:

sudo systemctl status dnsserver.service

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We can see our service is running, get details about the process id, and see the latest log entries.

Latest log entries of our service

If you really need logs, you can use journalctl, and get all logs for the unit (-u) that is our DNS server:

sudo journalctl -u dnsserver.service

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What’s cool is that, thanks to the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Systemd package, we get color codes and log severities here:

Log severities in journalctl


In this post, we looked at how to run a .NET application as a Systemd service on Linux, using the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Systemd package. We only scratched the surface, though. There are many more options you can provide to Systemd, you can filter log levels with journalctl, and more. I recommend taking a look at Niels Swimberghe’s blog for some more examples of those.

Top comments (3)

ricobrase profile image
Rico Brase

Thank you for your nice post!

Would you mind adding language hints to your code blocks? That enables syntax highlighting which might help reading your code samples. :)

// your code here

You can replace cs with any abbreviation of a file format for proper highlighting. :)


public class Program
    // ...

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseSystemd() // add this
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
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public class Program
    // ...

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseSystemd() // add this
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
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maartenba profile image
Maarten Balliauw

On it :-)

ricobrase profile image
Rico Brase

Wonderful, thank you very much!