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Know Your Movies(KYM)

This is a simple user-friendly interface for searching movies and displaying the cast members in that particular movie, thereby making it easy for movie enthusiasts to find out who starred in a particular film. this is a great fun for all movie lovers

The project is a group project which has been done by the following with the roles attached

Frank Kaziputa - UX Designer
David Oluwatosin Dorcas - Front-End Developer
Joshua Attah - Back-End Developer

Collaboration and Timeline
As per the requirements of the portfolio project, we came together as a team of three and decided based on the nature of the project to assign each other roles.
Since the project requires a user interface that needs to be designed, implemented as a front-end and support a back-end functionality. We assigned each aspect of our project to each individual to be able to increase our efficiency in developing the project and decrease workload.

Also, the project took place from Oct 20, 2023 - Nov 9, 2023.

As a User designer, my main focus was to make sure that users are able to interact with the webpage without any difficulties and that everyone is able to navigate through our website

in our team, we all love movies, whether our is addicted to movies, that's a topic on its own for a debate.
Despite the fact that one of us prefers Korean movies to American movies, our collective love for movies is still a source of inspiration which brought us together to create a solution focused on movie casts, influenced by the vast and often complex nature of the movies industry today.
We believe offering an extensive service that cuts across all aspects of movies can be complicated, often overwhelming users, leading to a bad user experience.
Therefore, basing our solution on a single focus (movie cast), we aim to create a simpler and more user-friendly platform where users can easily access the precise information they seek without unnecessary complexity.
As a learning process, we did not make the project very complex for example we used HTML5 and CSS for the front-end whereby javascript took care of the dynamic functions of our website.
REST API was used to get data from the server which we connected our website to.

Challenges We Faced
Manually Populating the Database
At first, it seemed probable to populate our website manually but when we got deep into the project and it was time to source data for our movies it proved too hard a work for such a little time frame.

We opted to use an API to populate our site. This solution proved more efficient than using our database because our website became functional without our own server.

in this project, I have learnt a lot, there are many solutions to different coding challenges out there, all you have to do is search and make useful of the available solutions

Frank Kaziputa is a passionate Back-end software engineer who thrives on the thrill of creating innovative solutions through code. My journey in software development has been marked by a deep commitment to tackling complex problems with elegant and efficient solutions."we do the hard things"

my GitHub link for this project

deployed project page

project’s landing page

LinkedIn profile

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