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LinkedIn: Is it useful for DEVs in 2020?

Devs who use LinkedIn, could you please share your experience on using the platform? Do you find job opportunities there, have you found some useful contacts there, etc?
Overall, is it worth to create and spend time on developing a complete profile there or you believe personal portfolio could be enough?

Oldest comments (27)

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I found my new to start job there, found by a recruiter.
It's the second time I actually found a job through LinkedIn.

You have to be open for it and work WITH the recruiter to make sure everyone is on the same page.

sami_amoah profile image

How? and were can I find recruiters

gklijs profile image
Gerard Klijs

Don't worry about that, they will find you.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

As Gerard mentions below, recruiters will find you.
Make sure your profile includes the following things:

  • Intro about yourself
  • Skills added via the skillset method
  • A testimonial from a previous manager works really well if you have

And if they send you an invite with opportunities always connect even if that job doesn't appeal to you.
Just tell them what you are looking for.

siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Yeah, it works. To make it work better fill profile and collect as many connections as you can.

kahdev profile image

Yes, it is - I have had some recruiters try to contact me via LinkedIn before.

louislow profile image
Louis Low • Edited

My experience on Linkedin is moderate. Besides finding jobs and making new connections. I also can find any kind of tech propaganda or culture for certain motivations.

pprathameshmore profile image
Prathamesh More

Of course! To make a connection and contacting to recruiters.

brewinstallbuzzwords profile image
Adam Davis

I'm still early in my career, but I've found it to be moderately helpful. When I was searching for my first job after college, I got a few interviews from companies that reached out to me on LinkedIn.

I haven't had another job search since then, but I keep my profile updated and get messages from recruiters on a pretty regular basis.

I also recently shared an article I wrote on LinkedIn and the view count exceeded my number of connections, so it seems like it could help grow my online presence.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Linkedin is Big Brother BUT it does have a shite load of job listings for Data Science.

sohaib01 profile image

I still feel I am in the early stages of learning coding, but still keeping myself open to any job opportunities out there by keeping my LinkedIn profile active.

What I have realised is it is good to make the connections and just put yourself out there so they are aware you are actively looking for a job. I have not been that successful yet, maybe because I have no experience and I am just self taught but I do see the potential from creating a profile on LinkedIn. So yes I would highly suggest create a profile, connect with a few recruiters and then see what happens. Good Luck and stay safe.

gbrantunes profile image
Gabriel Antunes • Edited

I've never get anything positive from Linkedin.

seanthegreat profile image
Sean Antony Brunton

Social media brings out the worst in me. I'm too critical in my thinking. I clearly see I am treated as inferior because of my autism. I got right t really offended when I see companies hiring austic people just for the pictures in social media like LinkedIn. I have the autism that has no physical side effects, only mental. I can see that these autistic ppl are hired to be retarded basically. As for recruiters, too vague in their approach (immediate red flag). Because of my disability, my persona and because I don't suck up to anyone (I refuse) it's impossible to get employment, yet I knock everyone out the park when it comes to fixing stuff. I will work for myself, buy LinkedIn and delete it! 🤣 Recruiter use LinkedIn like a slave market. Won't trust a word any of them say. They are there to use you, so they can make their commision or whatever. Nah I don't work like that. I have my own business (I will inherit it) and am willing to make the sacrifice to be the best so I dkbt have to answer to anyone! 😆

vishnuharidas profile image
Vishnu Haridas

I find it a very good platform. If your profile is good, recruiters will search and find you. Since most of the recruiters use the premium version (LinkedIn Gold?) they get the tools to discover people that match their requirements.

A personal portfolio is definitely a good addition, but most recruiters don't reach them directly, instead, they reach your portfolio website from your LinkedIn profile.

So I think that LinkedIn is still relevant if you are actively looking for opportunities.

anggachelsea profile image
Angga Lesmana

Just apply

javascripting1 profile image
James Young

LinkedIn is an annoying online CV site. The only reason to have a LinkedIn page is for others who expect to find you there or ask you for your LinkedIn page.

ecourtial profile image

Yes it I think it is quite helpfull to find new jobs and opportunities.
However you have to be very patient, because today LK has become a Facebook-like where people mix-up personnal branding, business and personnal life, trolls...

madza profile image

That's why I was concerned, tbh 😉

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Yes, all my well paid jobs found me from Linkedin recruitment.