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Bandit tool

a). Programming Language used to create bandit tool

  • The Bandit tool is written in Python. It is a security tool specifically designed for analyzing Python code for common security issues and vulnerabilities.
  • If you plan to use Bandit to scan Python code for security concerns, make sure you have Python installed on your system, and you can install Bandit using pip:
    • pip install bandit
  • After installation, you can use Bandit to analyze your Python code for potential security vulnerabilities.

b). Parent Company of bandit tool:
Bandit is an open-source tool developed by the OpenStack project, which is a joint project between NASA and Rackspace. Therefore, the parent organization of the Bandit tool is the OpenStack community.

c). Purpose of bandit tool:

  • Its primary purpose is to identify common security issues and vulnerabilities in Python programs.
  • By analyzing the codebase, Bandit helps developers and security professionals discover potential risks related to security practices, allowing them to address these concerns and enhance the overall security of their Python applications.

Functionality of bandit tool:

  • Its functionality involves analyzing code to highlight potential vulnerabilities, promoting secure coding practices.
  • Bandit operates by applying a set of security-focused checks to Python source code. These checks cover a range of security issues, including but not limited to:

*Code injection vulnerabilities
*Hardcoded credentials
*Use of unsafe functions
*Insecure usage of cryptography
*Potential security pitfalls in *third-party libraries

d). Logo of bandit:

Image description

e). Bandit is an open-source tool, freely available for users to use and contribute to its development.

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