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Cover image for Deployed a Satoshi Dice on XinFin XDC Network
MahaLakshmi Perumal
MahaLakshmi Perumal

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Deployed a Satoshi Dice on XinFin XDC Network

Anyone thinking of deploying a dice game check my Satoshi Dice #Smartcontract and deploy your #DApp on XinFin XDC Network as it is very easy, fast and cheap. Enjoy the extra earnings by deploying your applications on XDC Network.

Check the code here:

`pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract SatoshiDice {
struct Bet {
address user;
uint block;
uint cap;
uint amount;
uint public constant FEE_NUMERATOR = 1;
uint public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 100;
uint public constant MAXIMUM_CAP = 100000;
uint public constant MAXIMUM_BET_SIZE = 1e18;
address owner;
uint public counter = 0;
mapping(uint => Bet) public bets;
event BetPlaced(uint id, address user, uint cap, uint amount);
event Roll(uint id, uint rolled);
function SatoshiDice () public {
owner = msg.sender;
function wager (uint cap) public payable {
require(cap <= MAXIMUM_CAP);
require(msg.value <= MAXIMUM_BET_SIZE);
bets[counter] = Bet(msg.sender, block.number + 3, cap, msg.value);
BetPlaced(counter, msg.sender, cap, msg.value);
function roll(uint id) public {
Bet storage bet = bets[id];
require(msg.sender == bet.user);
require(block.number >= bet.block);
require(block.number <= bet.block + 255);
bytes32 random = keccak256(block.blockhash(bet.block), id);
uint rolled = uint(random) % MAXIMUM_CAP;
if (rolled < bet.cap) {
uint payout = bet.amount * MAXIMUM_CAP / bet.cap;
uint fee = payout * FEE_NUMERATOR / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
payout -= fee;
// emit Roll(id, rolled);
// delete bets[id];
function fund () payable public {}

function kill () public {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
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