If you're working with Google Sheets and you need to make its data accessible as JSON for a web application or API, PHP provides a simple way to get, parse, and convert CSV data from Google Sheets. In this post, I'll walk you through a PHP script that gets data from public Google Sheets in CSV format and converts it into a structured JSON response.
Why use Google Sheets as JSON?
Google Sheets are widely used to organize data. Whether for prototyping, content management, or a lightweight database solution, having the ability to convert Google Sheets to JSON opens up many possibilities for dynamic web applications.
Here’s the complete PHP script:
// Array of sheet URLs with their respective IDs
$sheets = [
'sheet1' => "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQawhdv3OZSq4n3DTEIwY6aID5otU3KTk_BYUUHc8nuCQNerFA0xdWRsd68z4aIpUs3JDFXohjsvJKy/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv",
'sheet2' => "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQawhdv3OZSq4n3DTEIwY6aID5otU3KTk_BYUUHc8nuCQNerFA0xdWRsd68z4aIpUs3JDFXohjsvJKy/pub?gid=1073107567&single=true&output=csv",
// Set response type as JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json');
try {
// Get the requested sheet identifier from the query parameter
$sheet = $_GET['sheet'];
// Validate the sheet identifier
if (!isset($sheets[$sheet])) {
throw new Exception("Invalid sheet identifier.");
// Fetch CSV data from Google Sheets
$csvData = file_get_contents($sheets[$sheet]);
if ($csvData === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("Failed to fetch data from Google Sheets.");
// Parse CSV data into an array
$rows = array_filter(array_map('str_getcsv', explode("\n", $csvData))); // Remove empty rows
$headers = array_shift($rows); // First row as headers
if (!$headers || empty($rows)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid or empty CSV data.");
// Convert CSV rows to associative array
$menu = array_map(function($row) use ($headers) {
$row = array_map('trim', $row); // Trim whitespace
if (count($row) !== count($headers)) {
return null; // Skip rows with missing fields
return array_combine($headers, $row);
}, $rows);
// Filter out invalid rows
$menu = array_filter($menu);
// Return JSON response
echo json_encode($menu);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle errors
echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]);
How It Works
1. Google Sheets Setup:
Ensure your Google Sheet is published as a CSV. Go to File > Share > Publish to Web and copy the CSV link.
2. Mapping Sheet URLs:
The $sheets
array maps user-friendly sheet identifiers (e.g., sheet1
, sheet2
) to their corresponding Google Sheets URLs.
3. Fetching Data:
The script uses PHP’s file_get_contents()
to retrieve the CSV content.
4. Parsing CSV:
The data is parsed into an array using str_getcsv()
and converted into an associative array with headers as keys.
5. JSON Conversion:
The processed data is encoded as JSON and sent back as the response.
6. Error Handling:
Errors such as invalid sheet identifiers, failed fetches, or malformed data are handled gracefully, returning appropriate error messages.
Example Usage
1. Request Format:
Call the script via URL, passing the sheet identifier as a query parameter:
2. Expected JSON Response:
For a sheet with the following content:
Alice,30,New York
Bob,25,San Francisco
The JSON output will be:
{ "Name": "Alice", "Age": "30", "City": "New York" },
{ "Name": "Bob", "Age": "25", "City": "San Francisco" }
Error Responses
The script includes robust error handling. For example:
Invalid Sheet Identifier:
{ "error": "Invalid sheet identifier." }
Fetch Error:
{ "error": "Failed to fetch data from Google Sheets." }
Advantages of This Approach
- Dynamic Data: Updates in Google Sheets are reflected in real-time.
- Simple Integration: No external libraries required; works with plain PHP.
- Flexible: Can handle multiple sheets using a single script.
This script is a simple yet powerful way to make Google Sheets data accessible via a JSON API. Whether you’re building a frontend app, creating dashboards, or exposing APIs, this technique will save you time and effort.
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