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DAY-18 : Training at Ryaz

  • DATE: 07/02/2022
  • DAY: Monday

Today I started at about 9:30 am a bit early than regular time as my aim was to cover up more of components.I was able to create various components of demo website i.e block quote, buttons ,grid ,card ,media objects ,testimonials ,inputs ,input groups. so, while designing these components I get to learn many new things earlier before I started watching this course I use to declare things like if I had to declare border-radius as 30px to more than 2 components so, I was declaring it number of times I needed but while designing these components I got to learn new thing that we can declare it as global and use it as many times as you can. As Today I managed to complete most of the modules so I think I would be able to complete it by tomorrow or a day after.

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