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Mahmoud Elmahdi
Mahmoud Elmahdi

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10 JavaScript Array Utils

10 utility functions with no dependencies, to borrow and use for both Node.js and Browser applications to work with Array. Each function has a snippet block and executable demo with a unit tests.


Split an array into chunks. If array can't be split equally based on the given size, the last chunk will be the remaining elements.

 * chunk
 * @param {Array} array - List of elements
 * @param {Number} size - Length of each chunk to group
 * @return {Array} Returns list of grouped chunks
function chunk(array, size = 1) {
  return [array.slice(0, size)].concat(chunk(array.slice(size), size));
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function chunk(array, size = 1) { return isArrayWithLength(array) ? [array.slice(0, size)].concat(chunk(array.slice(size), size)) : []; } const actual = chunk(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], 2); const expected = [['one', 'two'], ['three', 'four'], ['five']]; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(actual, 3); const emptyList = []; assert.deepEqual(chunk([], 2), emptyList); assert.deepEqual(chunk({}, 2), emptyList); assert.deepEqual(chunk(null, 2), emptyList);


Compact is a falsy bouncer that returns a new copy with
all falsey values: false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN removed.

 * compact
 * @param {Array} array - A list of elements to compact
 * @return {Array} Returns a filtered values 
function compact(array) {
  return array.filter(Boolean);
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function compact(array) { return isArrayWithLength(array) ? array.filter(Boolean) : []; } const actual = compact([15, 06, false, 8, '', 7, 'em', undefined]); const expected = [15, 06, 8, 7, 'em']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(actual, 5);


Merges any additional values (args) to the first given input/array.

 * merge
 * @param {Array} array - Main list to link to
 * @param {...*} args - The values to chain
 * @return {Array} Returns a series or chainable values
function merge(array, ...args) {
  return [...array, ...args.flat()] :;
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⚠️ please select a higher Node version (10+) before you execute the code below

const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function merge(array, ...args) { return isArrayWithLength(array) ? [...array, ...args.flat()] : []; } const one = ['one']; const actual = merge(one, 'two', ['three'], [['four']]); const expected = ['one', 'two', 'three', ['four']]; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(actual, 4);


Get the last element from array.

 * last
 * @param {Array} array
 * @return {String} Returns last element in array
function last(array) {
  return array[array.length - 1];
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function last(array) { return isArrayWithLength(array) ? array[array.length - 1] : []; } const actual = last(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']); const expected = 'four'; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.isString(expected);


Creates a duplicate-free version from the given input-array

 * uniq
 * @param {Array} array - List of elements
 * @param {Boolean} [sort=false] - optional flag to sort
 * @return {Array} Returns uniq values list
function uniq(array, sort = false) {
  return sort ? [ Set(array)].sort() : [ Set(array)];
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function uniq(array, sort = false) { return isArrayWithLength(array) ? (sort ? [ Set(array)].sort() : [ Set(array)]) : []; } const duplicatedValues = ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'b']; const actual = uniq(duplicatedValues); const expected = ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd']; const expectedOrder = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 4); assert.deepEqual(uniq(duplicatedValues, true), expectedOrder);


Creates a set of values (keys() method - keys for each index in the array) with a beginning (0) and an end (size param)

 * range
 * @param {Number} size
 * @return {Array} Returns a list of generated keys
function range(size) {
  return [...Array(size).keys()];
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; function range(size) { return size ? [...Array(size).keys()] : []; } const actual = range(11); const expected = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 11);


Finds all values that are the intersection/included in all the given arrays/args and creates a list from the result.

 * intersection
 * @param {...*} args - List of arrays
 * @return {Array} Returns a list of unique values
function intersection(...args) {
  const [ first, ] = args;
  return first.filter(item => rest.flat().includes(item));
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⚠️ please select a higher Node version (10+) before you execute the code below

const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; function intersection(...args) { const [ first, ] = args; return first.filter(item => rest.flat().includes(item)) } const actual = intersection(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e']); const expected = ['b', 'c']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 2); assert.include(expected, 'b'); assert.include(expected, 'c');


Creates a list of values from array that are not present in other arrays/args. Result are determined by the first input

 * diff
 * @param {...*} args - List of arrays
 * @return {Array} Returns result of excluded values
function diff(...args) {
  const [ first, ] = args;
  return first.filter(item => !rest.flat().includes(item));
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⚠️ please select a higher Node version (10+) before you execute the code below

const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; function diff(...args) { const [ first, ] = args; return first.filter(item => !rest.flat().includes(item)); } const actual = diff(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c'], ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e']); const expected = ['a']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 1); assert.include(expected, 'a');


Excludes specified values from the given array

 * allBut
 * @param {Array} list - Array of elements
 * @param {...*} args - Values to exclude
 * @return {Array} Returns filtered list
function allBut(list, ...args) {
  return list.filter((value) => !args.includes(value));
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; function allBut(list, ...args) { return list.filter((value) => !args.includes(value)); } const actual = allBut(['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'], 'fourth'); const expected = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fifth']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 4); assert.notInclude(expected, 'fourth');


Creates a copy without the first element in array by destructuring all elements except the first one. If the given list has only one item it returns an empty array []

 * allButFirst
 * @param {Array} array - List of elements
 * @return {Array} Returns filtered list
function allButFirst([,]) {
  return rest;
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const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert; const isArrayWithLength = (array) => Boolean(Array.isArray(array) && array.length); function allButFirst(list) { if (isArrayWithLength(list)) { const [,] = list; return rest; } return []; } const actual = allButFirst(['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']); const expected = ['second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); assert.lengthOf(expected, 4); assert.notInclude(expected, 'first');

Some of these functions are inspired by popular libraries like underscore and lodash which I highly recommend to use for more complex operations and working with data types as well.

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