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Manas Mishra
Manas Mishra

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New Technologies to learn in 2022 as a Web Developer

2021 has been a great year for Web Developers, even when Pandemic hits the whole world, Web Development as a technology was keep growing and we saw a lot of different changes last year. NextJS 12 was released, with Rust Compiler and Native ES Module support. React 18 was being announced, with new API's like startTransition and even it included its own React Compiler. Web 3.0 was trending, MicroFrontends was trending, Rust was on the trends (since 3 years) and many more things. So, as a Front-End Web Developer, I decided that this year, I will learn some of the tehcnologies that will obviously increase my skill as a developer, but it will even give me more chance and ways of completing a complex project.

Let's Start

1. Node.JS
When you work in a company with bunch of different people, working on bunch of different technologies, then you always get stuck at a point that it would have been better, if I know atleast that technology, so that I could have been known about this particular issue, and may be able to solve it too.
As a front-end developer, Backend always fascinates me but I never got the chance to learn it. But, as a web developer, it good to have a knowledge of frontend as well as backend. So, I decided to learn Node.JS this year.

2. Web AR
You read it right, I decided to learn Web AR in 2022, because Augmented Reality is the future, and with the help of this technology I can create interactive e-commerce websites, where you can try clothes directly on your body, using your phone.
Websites like Spatial are offering virtual meeting rooms where you can interact with your coworkers. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies work fine with mobile apps, but WebAR technologies make it possible to experience it on web browsers. It lags in speed and cross-browser compatibility, which will come with improvements over time.

3. Flutter
My company works with React Native for client projects, but now they are planning to start with Flutter, and this is one of the reason, I started learning flutter (As I need to work on them). As a React Developer, its easy for me to learn React Native, but I love flutter for its continuous updates, fascinating community and its much faster then React Native. React Native even offers you two different way of creating project, Native and Expo but flutter gives only one, and thats the another reason that why I chose flutter, as many option creates confusion.

4. Advance Algorithms
It's may not a technology, but its necessary for me now. I heard many front-end web developers who say that DSA is not needed in Front-End Web Developement, but its not true. If you want to make a comment section like instagram, then you need to know the recursion, because thats what is going to help you to create infinite nested comments.

5. MongoDB
If I will learn NodeJS, then what's the use of a backend, without a database. And Node and MongoDB go hand-in-hand with React. I could have learnt SQL, but, Table based database, may be a little bit tough for me, and as MongoDB is offering Documents based DB, with many differnt features, like $lookup, $unwind etc, which ease the task.

That's all from my side. I chose less technologies to learn this year, but I will make sure that I will learn and implement it nicely.

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