This article was originally published on Rails Designer Build a SaaS
This is the third article on Building a SaaS with Ruby on Rails. This article continues where the previous one, adding sign up to Rails 8' authentication, stops.
Most SaaS products are used by multiple people from the same team or company. Although I would, when you start building your SaaS, urge you to keep it simple and just support one user on launch. I would álso urge you to build the blocks needed for teams in your app from the get-go. Having to deal with workspaces, teams and roles when you already have users is a bigger pain than you can imagine.
This article will focus on an important feature, and a metric you likely want to keep track off for new sign ups; invitations. Not just an invitation to use the app (though you can tweak it to do just that), but an invitation to the inviter's workspace.
As always the repo can be found here. Let's get right to it.
Adding workspaces
The previous article on adding sign ups, left the option to add a Workspace on sign up. Let's add that now. It's simple really. All it is, for now, is a record with a has_many :users
. All business records your users create will belong to the workspace, giving the users access to them (but that will be for another article).
Let's create the model first: rails g model Workspace name:string
. Then update the existing User model by adding a workpace_id: rails g migration add_workspace_id_to_users workspace_id:integer
Update the new Workspace model like this:
# app/models/workspace.rb
class Workspace < ApplicationRecord
has_many :users, dependent: :destroy
Then the User model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
# …
belongs_to :workspace
# …
Let's also update app/models/current.rb for some nicety: add delegate :workspace, to: :user
. This will allow you to do Current.workspace
to get the user's workspace. Nice!
Head over the Signup class and the actual code to create a new workspace on sign up:
class Signup
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
def save
# …
def create_workspace_for(user)
Workspace.create(name: "New Workspace").tap do |workspace|
workspace.users << user
Alright. Now the pieces are already in place to invite others to the Workspace.
Adding invites
What I am having in mind is the following:
- Workspace "owner" (the User would created the Workspace) adds email from invitee;
- Invitation model is created, with: email and inviter_id;
- After Invitation create, an email is sent to the email with an invite link;
- On clicking the link, invitee sees a form with email and password;
- Upon submit, an User model is created and attached to the Workspace.
Doesn't look all too bad when written out like this, right? Let's create the invitation model first: rails g model Invitation workspace_id:integer inviter_id:integer email_address:string accepted_at:datetime
Let's update the newly created model:
class Invitation < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :workspace
belongs_to :inviter, class_name: "User"
Let's also update the Workspace model by adding has_many :invitations, dependent: :destroy
. This will allow to list all (pending) invitations per Workspace.
In its most basic form there needs to be two controller with two actions each:
- one for creating the invitation by the workspace owner (actions: new and create);
- one for accepting the invitation by the invitee (actions: new and create).
Let's do the invitations creations first. It is simple really!
class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
def index
@invitations = Current.workspace.invitations
def new
@invitation =
def create
if invitation = Invitation.create(invitation_params)
redirect_to invitations_path
def invitation_params
.expect(invitation: [ :email_address ])
inviter_id:, workspace_id: Current.user.workspace_id
Then add to the routes resources :invitations, only: %w[index new create]
. Now it's also clear what views are needed:
NB: as with all articles in this series, the UI is left up to you. Head over the articles from Rails Designer, the components and check out the cool new Form Builder. It will give you beautiful form inputs by just typing form.input :email_address
. 👀
Simple list of invitations:
# app/views/invitations/index.html.erb
<% @invitations.each do |invitation| %>
<%= invitation.email_address %> - <%= invitation.accepted_at %>
<% end %>
Then the form to create a new invitation:
<%= form_for @invitation do |form| %>
<%= form.text_field :email_address %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
Simple enough! Let's create the mailer to send the invitation over:
# app/mailers/invitations_mailer.rb
class InvitationsMailer < ApplicationMailer
def invite(invitation)
@invitation = invitation
mail subject: "You are invited!", to: invitation.email_address
# app/views/invitations_mailer/invite.html.erb
Here is your invitation. Click this link to
<%= link_to "get started", accept_invitation_url(token: @invitation.generate_token_for(:invitation)) %>.
This shows a couple things that needs to be added and create the functionality for @invitation.generate_token_for(:invitation)
and the route, controller, class and views for accept_invitation_url()
Let's do the easy one first, let's add the following to your Invitation Active Model:
class Invitation < ApplicationRecord
# …
generates_token_for :invitation, expires_in: 7.days do
# …
This is a feature introduced in Rails 7.1. This also gives the method find_by_token_for() to look up the invitation as you will see in a moment. The nice thing, it will return nil
if the accepted_at column is set.
Let's speed through the boilerplate for accepting invitations and then look at the class to add the new user to the workspace.
# app/controllers/accept_invitations_controller.rb
class AcceptInvitationsController < ApplicationController
def new
@invitation = Invitation.find_by_token_for(:invitation, params[:token])
def create
redirect_to root_path
def invitation_params
params.expect(accept_invitation: [ :email_address, :password ])
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# …
resources :accept_invitations, only: %w[new create]
# app/views/accept_invitations/new.html.erb
<%= form_with model: @invitation, url: accept_invitations_path do |form| %>
<%= form.email_field :email_address %>
<%= form.password_field :password %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
Wow! That was fast. 🏎️ Let's create the AcceptInvitation class. It will be similar form object is done previously for Signup.
class AcceptInvitation
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
attribute :email_address, :string
attribute :password, :string
attribute :token, :string
validates :email_address, presence: true
validates :password, length: 8..128
def save
if valid?
User.create!(email_address: email_address, password: password).tap do |user|
add_new user, to: invitation.workspace
def model_name, nil,
def update_invitation
invitation.update(accepted_at: Time.current)
def add_new(user, to:)
to.users << user
def invitation = Invitation.find_by_token_for(:invitation, token)
This class is the place to handle everything needed after the invite is accepted. I've left it to updating the accepted_at column (remember how that expires the token) and adding the new user to the workspace. But you can add any action that makes sense for your business logic.
And there you have it. A simple way to add invites to your Rails 8 authentication generator.
Top comments (1)
Any next extension of Rails 8' authentication you want to see?