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My first Hacktoberfest

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Hello, I am Maneesh Kumar pursuing Computer Science and Engineering, Hacktoberfest 2020 was the best competitive and learning program that l have came across in a while. Especially, in this lockdown period, this fest helped me revise my skills. This feels good.


I made my five pull requests at Hacktoberfest 2020 which was my first hactoberfest event. And Each of my contributions has passed the 14-day review period.


I chose 5 projects from them, most of them related to sorting algorithms such as quick sort merge sorting because I have some experience in data structure and also used my hackneck experience and I chose some Hacknerk problem and gave them efficient solution.


Hacktoberfest 2020 was the best competitive and learning program that l have came across in a while. Especially, in this lockdown period, this fest helped me revise my skills. This feels good.This was my first Hacktoberfest event I attended and definitely I will participate again.

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