DEV Community

Mk Sharma
Mk Sharma

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How to Improve Front-end performance??πŸ€”

Improving front-end performance is crucial for creating fast and responsive web applications. Here are some tips to help you enhance the performance of your front-end code:

  1. Optimize Images and Media:

    • Use appropriate image formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG, SVG) for different types of images.
    • Compress images to reduce file size without sacrificing quality.
    • Lazy load images to only load them when they are in the viewport.
  2. Minimize HTTP Requests:

    • Reduce the number of requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files, using sprite sheets, and avoiding excessive use of external resources.
  3. Utilize Browser Caching:

    • Set appropriate cache headers to allow the browser to store resources locally. This reduces the need for repeated downloads.
  4. Minify and Bundle Files:

    • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to remove unnecessary characters like whitespace, comments, and newline characters.
    • Bundle multiple smaller files into a single, larger file to reduce the number of HTTP requests.
  5. Optimize Critical Rendering Path:

    • Prioritize the loading of critical resources needed for initial rendering (e.g., inline critical CSS, preload resources).
    • Avoid render-blocking resources in the head section.
  6. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

    • Leverage CDNs to distribute static resources across multiple servers, reducing server load and improving load times for users globally.
  7. Choose Efficient CSS Selectors:

    • Avoid using complex selectors or over-qualified selectors. Specificity can slow down rendering times.
  8. Optimize CSS and JavaScript Performance:

    • Avoid unnecessary animations and transitions, as they can hinder performance.
    • Use asynchronous and deferred loading for non-critical scripts.
  9. Implement Responsive Web Design:

    • Use CSS media queries to ensure your website is optimized for various screen sizes and devices.
  10. Avoid Render-Blocking Scripts:

    • Load non-essential scripts after the initial rendering or use techniques like async and defer.
  11. Optimize Fonts:

    • Use system fonts or a small set of web-safe fonts to reduce font loading times.
    • Consider using font-display CSS property to control how fonts are displayed while they are still loading.
  12. Monitor and Analyze Performance:

    • Use tools like Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, and browser developer tools to identify performance bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  13. Optimize JavaScript Execution:

    • Avoid unnecessary calculations and DOM manipulations, especially in loops.
    • Use efficient algorithms and data structures.
  14. Reduce DOM Manipulations:

    • Minimize the frequency of DOM updates and try to batch them when possible.
  15. Consider Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Static Site Generation (SSG):

    • For content-heavy sites, consider generating HTML on the server or at build time to reduce client-side rendering.

Remember to test your website's performance on various devices and network conditions to ensure a smooth experience for all users. Additionally, regularly monitor and address performance issues as your application evolves.

Oldest comments (3)

anderspersson profile image
Anders Persson

A very good list with god explaining.

manish7107 profile image
Mk Sharma

Thank you @anderspersson Sir😊

cezarytomczyk profile image
Cezary Tomczyk

Great points. I'll add a few more related to the image loading optimisation. I hope everyone finds it insightful.