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Manisha Kundrapu
Manisha Kundrapu

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Django Concepts

Settings file

1. What is the use of a transaction?

In Django, a transaction is a way of grouping multiple database queries into a single, atomic operation. It ensures that either all the queries are successfully completed, or none of them are, even in the face of errors or unexpected events. This is an important feature for maintaining data integrity and consistency, especially in situations where multiple queries need to be executed together, and errors can occur.

For example, when creating a new user in a Django application, several database queries may be required, including creating a new record in the user table, creating default permissions, and creating related records in other tables. These operations must be executed as a single, atomic unit, and any errors that occur must be properly handled to avoid leaving the system in an inconsistent state.

In Django, you can use the transaction.atomic() context manager to group multiple database queries into a single transaction. Any errors that occur within the context manager will cause the entire transaction to be rolled back. Additionally, Django provides other tools, such as transaction.on_commit(), to perform actions after a transaction is committed, and transaction.rollback() to explicitly roll back a transaction.

Overall, using transactions in Django helps ensure that database operations are performed in a consistent and safe manner, and can help prevent data corruption and loss.

2. Why atomic transactions?

Atomic transactions in Django are used to ensure the integrity and consistency of the database. When multiple operations are performed on a database, such as creating or updating multiple records, it is essential to ensure that all of the operations are completed successfully, or none of them are executed at all.

Django provides a built-in support for database transactions using the atomic() function. When the atomic() function is used, it ensures that all database operations executed within its block are completed successfully, or if any error occurs, then all operations are rolled back to the initial state.

For example, let's say you have two models A and B, and you want to create an instance of A and B simultaneously. Without using a transaction, if there is an error while creating B, A would still be created, leading to an inconsistent state. However, if you use an atomic transaction, either both A and B will be created, or neither will be created.

In summary, atomic transactions in Django are used to ensure that database operations are completed successfully or rolled back to their initial state in case of errors, thus maintaining database consistency and integrity.

3. What is secret key?

In Django, the SECRET_KEY setting in the file is a value that is used to provide cryptographic signing for various authentication and security features , such as session cookies and password reset tokens. It is a randomly generated string of characters, and is an important security measure that helps protect your application from attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). The SECRET_KEY is not the same thing as a user's password or login credentials, and should not be treated as such.

It is important to note that the SECRET_KEY should never be hard-coded into your code or shared publicly. Instead, it should be stored in a secure location and passed to Django through an environment variable or a configuration file that is not checked into version control.

To generate a new SECRET_KEY, you can use Django's built-in get_random_secret_key function, like so:

from import get_random_secret_key

SECRET_KEY = get_random_secret_key()
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This will generate a new SECRET_KEY that can be used in your file.

4. What are the default Django apps inside it? Are there more?

Django includes several default apps which are installed and enabled by default when creating a new Django project.

These apps provide core functionality to the framework and include:

  • django.contrib.admin:
    Provides a web-based administrative interface for the application.

  • django.contrib.auth:
    Provides authentication and authorization features for the application.

  • django.contrib.contenttypes:
    Provides content type functionality to the application.

  • django.contrib.sessions:
    Provides session management functionality to the application.

  • django.contrib.messages:
    Provides messaging functionality to the application.

  • django.contrib.staticfiles:
    Provides a way to serve static files like JavaScript, CSS, and images.

Other optional apps that can be installed and used in Django include:

  • django.contrib.sites:
    Provides site-specific functionality to the application.

  • django.contrib.redirects:
    Provides a way to manage URL redirections in the application.

  • django.contrib.sitemaps:
    Lets you specify the URLs that should be included in the site's XML sitemap.

  • django.contrib.flatpages:
    Provides a simple system for creating flat, static pages.

  • django.contrib.syndication:
    Makes it easy to syndicate content from your site with RSS and Atom feeds.

You can also create your own custom apps and include them in your Django project.

5. What is middleware? What are different kinds of middleware ?

In Django, middleware is a way to add extra functionality to the request/response processing pipeline. It sits between the web server and the view, and can modify the incoming request, outgoing response, or perform additional processing in between.

Django middleware can be used for a variety of purposes, such as authentication, caching, logging, compressing response content, and more.

There are different kinds of middleware in Django, including:

  • Process Request Middleware:
    This type of middleware is executed before the view is called and can modify the request or perform additional processing before passing the request to the view.

  • Authentication Middleware:
    This middleware is responsible for authenticating the user and setting the user object in the request object.

  • Session Middleware:
    This middleware adds support for session handling in Django.

  • Cache Middleware:
    This middleware provides caching support to the views.

  • Middleware for Compression:
    This middleware compresses the content of the response to reduce its size and save bandwidth.

  • Exception Middleware:
    This middleware catches and handles exceptions raised during the processing of a request.

  • Middleware for Response Headers:
    This middleware can add or modify response headers.

  • Middleware for HTTPS:
    This middleware redirects the request to HTTPS if the request is made over HTTP.

Django allows developers to write their own custom middleware to add functionality to the request/response pipeline.

Middleware can be added to the middleware stack in the settings file, and they are executed in the order they are defined in the stack.


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of web vulnerability that allows attackers to perform actions on behalf of victims without their knowledge or consent. Django has built-in protection against CSRF attacks.

The CSRF protection in Django is based on a random secret value stored in a CSRF cookie that only the server has access to. This value is included in every form rendered by Django by default as a hidden input field, and is also included in AJAX requests.

To use the CSRF protection in Django, you need to include the {% csrf_token %} template tag in your form. When the form is submitted, Django checks that the value of the CSRF cookie matches the value in the form submission.

If you encounter CSRF verification errors in your Django application, it could be because the CSRF protection middleware is not enabled, or because the CSRF token was not included in the form submission. Make sure that the
{% csrf_token %} tag is included in your form and that the django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware middleware is included in your MIDDLEWARE setting.

It's important to enable the CSRF protection in your Django application to prevent possible CSRF attacks. Disabling the CSRF protection is not recommended, as it can leave your application vulnerable to attacks.

7. XSS

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is another type of web vulnerability that can affect Django web applications. It allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into the application, which can then execute in the context of a legitimate user's web page.

Django provides protection against XSS attacks by automatically escaping dynamic content rendered in templates using the |safe filter. This ensures that any HTML code in the content is converted to HTML entities, which prevents it from being executed as code. You should also avoid using the |safe filter unless you are sure that the content is safe to render as raw HTML.

To further protect your Django application from XSS attacks, you can use the, which adds various security-related HTTP headers to the response. Some of these headers can help protect against XSS attacks, such as the X-XSS-Protection header, which enables or disables the browser's built-in XSS protection.

It's important to implement proper security measures to prevent XSS attacks, especially in web applications that deal with sensitive data or handle user authentication. By following best practices and using the available security features provided by Django, you can minimize the risk of an XSS attack on your application.

8. Click Jacking

Clickjacking is a type of security vulnerability where a user is tricked into clicking on a button or link that appears to be legitimate, but is actually hidden on top of another element on the page. This can be used to perform actions on behalf of the user without their knowledge or consent. Django provides built-in protection against clickjacking attacks by setting the X-Frame-Options header to prevent web pages from being embedded in iframes on other websites.

The X-Frame-Options header is a HTTP response header that can be used to control whether a web page can be embedded in an iframe on another website. By setting this header, you can prevent clickjacking attacks by ensuring that your web pages cannot be embedded in iframes on other websites.

In Django, you can set the X-Frame-Options header by configuring the MIDDLEWARE setting in your file. The following code sets the X-Frame-Options header to DENY, which prevents your web pages from being embedded in any iframes:

    # ...


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By default, the X-Frame-Options header is set to SAMEORIGIN, which allows your web pages to be embedded in iframes on the same domain. However, if you do not need to embed your web pages in iframes at all, it is recommended to set the header to DENY to provide maximum protection against clickjacking attacks.

In addition to setting the X-Frame-Options header, you can also use JavaScript to prevent clickjacking attacks by detecting whether your web page is being displayed inside an iframe and taking appropriate action. However, this method is less reliable than using the X-Frame-Options header, as it may not work in all browsers and may be disabled by browser extensions or security software.

9. Any other middleware that is there?

  • AuthenticationMiddleware: This middleware adds the user object to the request object after the user authenticates
  • CsrfViewMiddleware: This middleware adds protection against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks to your views by adding a CSRF token
  • SecurityMiddleware: This middleware adds several security-related HTTP headers to your responses to improve the security of your site, such as X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, and more
  • SessionMiddleware: This middleware manages sessions for your web application, providing a way to store information between requests for a specific user
  • CommonMiddleware: This middleware contains several common operations used in web development, such as adding a slash to URLs that don't have one, handling redirects, and more.
  • Message Middleware: This middleware is used to store and display messages to the user. It can be used to display success messages, error messages, and other feedback to the user.
  • Cache Middleware: This middleware is used to cache responses from your Django application. It can improve the performance of your application by reducing the number of requests to the server.
  • GZip Middleware: This middleware is used to compress responses from your Django application. It can reduce the size of responses and improve the performance of your application.
  • Locale Middleware: This middleware is used to set the language and localization settings for your Django application. It can detect the user's preferred language and display content in that language.

These are just a few examples of the middleware available in Django. You can also write your own custom middleware to add specific functionality to your application.

10 . What is WSGI?

WSGI stands for "Web Server Gateway Interface." It is a standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks, including Django. The purpose of WSGI is to provide a simple and universal interface that allows any web server to communicate with any Python web application or framework.

When a client requests a web page from a Django application, the web server sends the request to the WSGI server, which then forwards the request to the Django application. The Django application processes the request, generates a response, and sends the response back to the WSGI server. The WSGI server then sends the response back to the web server, which finally sends the response back to the client.

In Django, the WSGI server is typically provided by a third-party library, such as uWSGI or Gunicorn. Django includes a built-in WSGI handler in the form of the django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler class, which is responsible for handling requests and generating responses.

Using WSGI allows Django applications to be deployed on a wide variety of web servers, including Apache, Nginx, and many others. It also allows for greater flexibility in configuring and optimizing the web server and the Python application separately.

Models file

1. What is ondelete Cascade ?

In Django, on_delete is an argument that can be used to specify the behavior of a foreign key relationship when the referenced object is deleted. on_delete specifies what should happen to the objects that have a foreign key pointing to the deleted object.

on_delete can take several values, including:

  • models.CASCADE:
    When an object referenced by a foreign key is deleted, all objects that have a foreign key pointing to it will also be deleted. This can result in a cascading delete effect.

  • models.PROTECT:
    When an object referenced by a foreign key is deleted, the deletion will be prevented if there are any objects that have a foreign key pointing to it. This can prevent accidental deletion of important data.

  • models.SET_NULL:
    When an object referenced by a foreign key is deleted, the foreign key on all related objects will be set to NULL. This can result in data inconsistency if the foreign key is required.

  • models.SET_DEFAULT:
    When an object referenced by a foreign key is deleted, the foreign key on all related objects will be set to its default value.

  • models.SET():
    When an object referenced by a foreign key is deleted, the foreign key on all related objects will be set to the specified value.

For example, if we have a Book model with a foreign key to an Author model, and we set on_delete=models.CASCADE, then when an author is deleted, all books written by that author will also be deleted.

It is important to choose the appropriate on_delete behavior based on the requirements and relationships of your data.

2. A broad understanding of Fields and Validators available.

In Django, fields are used to define the type of data that can be stored in a model. There are several built-in field types available in Django, such as CharField, TextField, IntegerField, FloatField, DateField, and DateTimeField, among others. Additionally, Django provides support for defining custom fields that can be used in a model.

Validators, on the other hand, are used to ensure that the data entered by a user is valid and meets certain criteria. Validators can be applied to individual fields or to a form as a whole. Django provides several built-in validators that can be used to check if a field is required, if it has a maximum or minimum value, if it matches a regular expression, among others. Additionally, custom validators can be defined and used to validate form data based on specific business rules.

Overall, fields and validators are important concepts in Django and are used to define the structure and behavior of models and forms. By understanding the available fields and validators, developers can create robust and secure applications that handle user data in a reliable way.

Here is a brief overview of some of the most common fields and validators available in Django:


  • CharField: A field that can store a string of up to a specified maximum length.
  • TextField: A field that can store a longer string of text.
  • IntegerField: A field that can store an integer.
  • BooleanField: A field that can store a boolean value.
  • DateTimeField: A field that can store a date and time.
  • ForeignKey: A field that defines a many-to-one relationship with another model.
  • ManyToManyField: A field that defines a many-to-many relationship with another model.


  • MaxValueValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value is less than or equal to a specified maximum value.
  • MinValueValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value is greater than or equal to a specified minimum value.
  • EmailValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value is a valid email address.
  • RegexValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value matches a specified regular expression pattern.
  • URLValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value is a valid URL.
  • MaxLengthValidator: A validator that ensures that the input value is shorter than or equal to a specified maximum length.

3. Understanding the difference between Python module and Python class?

In Python, a module is a file containing Python code, while a class is a code template for creating objects that define the properties and methods of those objects.

Here are some key differences between Python modules and classes:

  • A module is a file containing Python code, while a class is a code template for creating objects.

  • A module can contain multiple classes, functions, and variables, while a class is a specific construct for defining object behavior and properties.

  • Modules are typically used to organize related code into a single file, while classes are used to define the structure and behavior of objects.

  • Modules are imported using the import statement, while classes are instantiated using the class keyword.

  • In Django, modules are commonly used to organize related functionality into separate files, such as models, views, forms, and templates. Classes are used to define the behavior and properties of those objects.

  • For example, in a Django application, we might have a module called that defines several classes, such as User, Post, and Comment, each representing a different type of object in the application. We can then import these classes into other modules, such as, to define the behavior of those objects in response to HTTP requests.

Django ORM

1. Using ORM queries in Django Shell

Django's ORM provides an interactive shell that allows you to experiment with database queries and interact with the database directly from the command line.

Here's how you can use the ORM queries in Django shell:

  • Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your Django project.

  • Activate your virtual environment, if you have one.

  • Type python shell to open the Django shell.

  • Once you're in the shell, you can start typing ORM queries to interact with your database. For example, you could retrieve all of the objects from a particular model using the following command:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> MyModel.objects.all()

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This will return a QuerySet object containing all of the objects in the MyModel table.

You can also filter the QuerySet based on certain criteria. For example, to retrieve all of the objects in the MyModel table where the name field is equal to "John", you could use the following command:

>>> MyModel.objects.filter(name='John')
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You can chain multiple filters together to refine your query even further. For example, to retrieve all of the objects in the MyModel table where the name field is equal to "John" and the age field is greater than 30, you could use the following command:

>>> MyModel.objects.filter(name='John', age__gt=30)
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You can also use other ORM methods such as exclude(), order_by(), values(), and annotate() to further manipulate your QuerySet.

  • When you're finished with the shell, you can exit by typing exit() or pressing Ctrl+D.

Overall, using the Django shell with ORM queries is a powerful way to interact with your database and test out queries before incorporating them into your application.

2. Turning ORM to SQL in Django Shell

Django's ORM provides a way to translate ORM queries into SQL statements.

This can be useful for debugging or optimizing queries, as it allows you to see the actual SQL that's being executed by the database.

Here's how you can turn ORM queries into SQL in the Django shell:

Once you're in the shell, you can start typing ORM queries to interact with your database.

For example, you could retrieve all of the objects from a particular model using the following command:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> MyModel.objects.all()

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To see the SQL that's being executed for this query, you can call the query attribute on the QuerySet object, like this:

>>> print(MyModel.objects.all().query)
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This will print out the SQL that's being executed to retrieve all of the objects from the MyModel table.

You can also turn more complex ORM queries into SQL by calling the query attribute on the QuerySet object.

For example, to see the SQL that's being executed for a filtered query, you could use the following command:

>>> print(MyModel.objects.filter(name='John', age__gt=30).query)
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This will print out the SQL that's being executed to retrieve all of the objects in the MyModel table where the name field is equal to "John" and the age field is greater than 30.

Overall, turning ORM queries into SQL statements in the Django shell is a powerful way to debug and optimize your queries. It allows you to see the exact SQL that's being executed by the database, which can be useful for identifying performance bottlenecks or other issues with your queries.

3. What are Aggregations?

Aggregations in Django are a way to perform various mathematical operations on a set of values within a QuerySet. They allow you to calculate statistics and summarize data based on certain criteria, such as the average or sum of a particular field in the database table. Django provides a set of built-in aggregation functions that you can use in your code.

Here are some of the built-in aggregation functions in Django:

  • Avg: Calculates the average value of a particular field in the QuerySet.

  • Count: Returns the number of objects in the QuerySet.

  • Max: Returns the maximum value of a particular field in the QuerySet.

  • Min: Returns the minimum value of a particular field in the QuerySet.

  • Sum: Calculates the sum of a particular field in the QuerySet.

You can use these aggregation functions in combination with other QuerySet methods to create complex queries.

For example, you could use the filter() method to narrow down the QuerySet to a specific subset of objects, and then use the Avg() function to calculate the average value of a particular field in that subset.

Here's an example of using the Avg() function to calculate the average price of all the products in a database table:

from myapp.models import Product

average_price = Product.objects.all().aggregate(Avg('price'))
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This code retrieves all the objects from the Product table and calculates the average value of the price field using the Avg() function.

The result is returned as a dictionary, with the name of the aggregation function as the key and the result as the value.

Overall, aggregations are a powerful way to perform calculations and summarize data within a QuerySet in Django. They allow you to create complex queries and extract useful insights from your data.

4. What are Annotations?

In Django, annotations are a way to provide additional information or computations on each object in a QuerySet. They allow you to enrich the data returned from a queryset with additional fields that are not part of the database schema. Annotations are similar to aggregations in that they both operate on subsets of data, but the difference is that annotations are applied to each object in the QuerySet individually.

Annotations are performed using the annotate() function in Django, and can be used with a wide range of aggregation functions, such as Count(), Sum(), Avg(), Max(), and Min(). The resulting QuerySet will contain the original objects, as well as the annotated fields.

Here's an example of using the annotate() function to perform a count of related objects for each object in a queryset:

from myapp.models import Author, Book
book_counts = Author.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book'))
for author in book_counts:
    print(, author.num_books)
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In this example, Author and Book are Django models. We use the annotate() function to annotate the QuerySet with a field called num_books, which is a count of related Book objects for each Author. We then iterate over the results and print out the author name and the number of books they have written.

Overall, annotations are a powerful way to add additional data to a QuerySet based on calculations or aggregations. They allow you to perform complex operations on your data without modifying the underlying database schema, and can be a useful tool for generating reports or visualizations based on your data.

5. What is a migration file? Why is it needed?

In Django, a migration file is an autogenerated Python script that represents a set of changes to your database schema. It contains instructions for creating, modifying, or deleting database tables, columns, indexes, and other database schema objects.

Migration files are needed for several reasons:

They allow you to version control your changes to the database schema, which makes it easier to track changes and revert to previous versions if necessary.
They make it easy to deploy changes to the database schema to production systems, because you can simply apply the migration files to the production database.
They provide a way to update the database schema in a consistent and reliable manner without having to manually make changes to the database or write custom scripts.

When you create a new model or modify an existing one in Django, you can generate a new migration file using the makemigrations management command. This command analyzes the changes you've made to your models and generates a new migration file that captures those changes. You can then apply the migration using the migrate management command, which updates your database schema to reflect the changes in the migration file.

Here's an example of generating and applying a migration in Django:

# Create a new model
class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    published_date = models.DateField()
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# Generate a new migration file
python makemigrations

# Apply the migrations
python migrate
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In this example, we create a new Book model with three fields, and then generate a new migration file using the makemigrations command. This command analyzes the changes we've made to our models and generates a new migration file that captures those changes. We can then apply the migration using the migrate command, which updates our database schema to reflect the changes in the migration file.

Overall, migration files are a critical component of the Django ORM. They allow you to manage changes to your database schema over time, version control those changes, and apply them in a consistent and automated way. Without migrations, managing changes to your database schema can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.

6. What are SQL transactions? (non ORM concept)

In general, an SQL transaction is a series of queries executed as a single unit of work, where all of the queries either succeed together or fail together. In Django, SQL transactions are used to ensure that database operations are applied atomically and reliably.

When you perform a database operation in Django, it is typically executed within a transaction. Transactions can ensure that changes to the database are atomic, meaning that either all of the changes are applied, or none of them are. If a transaction fails, all of the changes made within the transaction are rolled back, so that the database remains in a consistent state. This is important for ensuring data integrity and consistency.

In Django, you can control transactions using the transaction.atomic() decorator, which wraps a block of database operations in a transaction. There are also lower-level functions like transaction.commit() and transaction.rollback() which allow you to explicitly commit or rollback a transaction.

Overall, transactions are an important concept in SQL and databases in general, and they are essential for ensuring data consistency and integrity in Django applications as well.

7. What are atomic transactions?

In the context of Django, atomic transactions refer to a way of ensuring the atomicity of database transactions. Atomicity is one of the defining properties of database transactions, and it means that a set of database operations must be executed as a single, indivisible unit of work. This ensures that the database is always in a consistent state, even if there are errors or interruptions during the transaction.

Django provides a single API , transaction.atomic(), to control database transactions. When you use transaction.atomic(), Django starts a transaction before calling a view function, and if the view produces a response without errors , Django commits the transaction. If there are any errors, Django rolls back the transaction, undoing any changes that were made to the database during the transaction.

Using atomic transactions in Django is important any time you have a multi-step process that involves making changes to the database. By using atomic transactions, you can ensure that the database remains in a consistent state, even if errors occur during the transaction.


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