Without any boring intro, let me get straight to the point.
Go to this link
Right-click and go inspect then go to console
Now copy th...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I’m 30 followers from monetizing my little corner of YouTube, so please don’t use this code if I am in the list :)
don't worry. i will subscribe instead
Thank you! :)
Whish I had this for about 10k email subscriptions over the years.
Haha !
Why not just turn off notifications on yt?
Now make one that can delete all files in a GitHub repo branch. I am too lazy to go to the CLI, and the web ui of GitHub doesn't allow selecting or deleting multiple files...
Please and thank you in advance
Can this be done on Twitter?
Unfollowing everyone at once?
Another excercise: How to remove all my comments from all videos on YT? ;)
Awesome tip. But I suppose YouTube might crash if i did that to all my 5M subscriptions....
Just kidding 😂
Haha lol
Wow this would have been useful when I had 100+ channels that I was trying to sort. Starting from scratch might have been easier.
I have 500+ 🤐 So this trick is godsend for me!
Thanks Its Really a magic happens Thanks For this information
After hours of looking for a script that worked, I found it. Thanks, God bless you!
I am tired of hitting unsubscribe, thank you!
Will work. I unsubbed more than 300 channels
This is exactly what I used this trick for!
It worked but have to change the value of randomDelay, 500 not worked for me, 900 worked pretty good, anyways, thank you for the code