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Understan How Sql works

*Process of SQL

When we are executing the command of SQL on any Relational database management system, then the system automatically finds the best routine to carry out our request, and the SQL engine determines how to interpret that particular command.

Structured Query Language contains the following four components in its process:
How Sql wokrs

Query Dispatcher
Optimization Engines
Classic Query Engine
SQL Query Engine, etc.
A classic query engine allows data professionals and users to maintain non-SQL queries. The architecture of SQL is shown in the following diagram:

SQL Tutorial
Some SQL Commands
The SQL commands help in creating and managing the database. The most common SQL commands which are highly used are mentioned below:

CREATE command
UPDATE command
DELETE command
SELECT command
DROP command
INSERT command
CREATE Command
This command helps in creating the new database, new table, table view, and other objects of the database.

UPDATE Command
This command helps in updating or changing the stored data in the database.

DELETE Command
This command helps in removing or erasing the saved records from the database tables. It erases single or multiple tuples from the tables of the database.

SELECT Command
This command helps in accessing the single or multiple rows from one or multiple tables of the database. We can also use this command with the WHERE clause.

DROP Command
This command helps in deleting the entire table, table view, and other objects from the database.

INSERT Command
This command helps in inserting the data or records into the database tables. We can easily insert the records in single as well as multiple rows of the table.

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