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Cover image for ChatGPT-Powered Finance App
Manuel Alférez Ruiz
Manuel Alférez Ruiz

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ChatGPT-Powered Finance App

Hi everyone,

I am thrilled to announce the official launch of Flowinance, a cutting-edge Financing App that is revolutionizing the way you manage your finances! Flowinance is designed to simplify and streamline your financial life, providing you with the tools and security you need to take control of your money.

Key Features

🔐 Secure Authentication: Flowinance uses Supabase for authentication, ensuring that your data remains protected and confidential.

📋 Automatic Transaction Categorization: Thanks to ChatGPT, Flowinance automatically categorizes and cleans your transaction records, making it effortless to track your spending.

🔒 Top-Notch Data Encryption: Your financial information is fully encrypted, and every transaction field is inaccessible to anyone but you.

📈 Real-Time Spending Trends: Keep a close eye on your spending trends and make informed financial decisions in real-time.

User Interface:

💼 Transactions: Visualize your transactions effortlessly with a clean and intuitive interface.
Transaction page

📊 Dashboard: Gain insights into your financial health through an organized dashboard.
Dashboard page

⚙️ Settings Page: Customize your Flowinance experience with ease.
Settings page

✨ Easy Upload with ChatGPT: Simplify data entry with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Upload files with ChatGPT

Technologies Used

💼 Supabase: Our secure authentication and data management are powered by Supabase, guaranteeing the utmost protection for your financial information.

🖥️ RadixUI: We've incorporated RadixUI to create an intuitive and seamless user interface for Flowinance, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

🌐 Next.js: Flowinance utilizes Next.js to provide a fast, responsive, and dynamic web application that adapts to your needs.

🎨 Tailwind CSS: Our design is built on the foundation of Tailwind CSS, giving Flowinance a sleek and modern appearance while maintaining exceptional performance.

The best part? Flowinance is absolutely FREE! Your feedback is invaluable to us ❤️, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

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