DEV Community

Marcos Freitas
Marcos Freitas

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The Rollercoaster of Learning to Code

As my first blog in the tech industry, I would like to start by sharing some personal feelings about it. It's what I call the rollercoaster of emotions.

Like many other new techs, I'm also switching careers, from the construction industry over to something completely new and different from what I had done my entire life. Not to say every other steps and sacrifices one makes to commit to such an intense, but rewarding program.

The excitement mixed with anxiety for the first day of class soon went away by having the pleasure of meeting a lot of nice people. Everyone there with similar goals and determination to learn to code and ace their dream job. Just by being part of this community is such a humbling experience. I'm lucky to have supportive instructors and cohort! What else could I ask for?

However, even knowing I have such an amazing learning support, and enjoyed what I have learned so far; the "Imposter Syndrome", something I learned in Phase One, comes and goes without a warn. And that is what has been the hardest to me to deal with it. It's hard not to overthink just a bit sometimes, and watch movies play and re-play over and over again in your head. I feel it's because you care enough about it. And like it or not, unfortunately learning something new requires getting out of your comfort zone; it has its ups and downs where you enjoy what you are learning until it becomes too hard, or you get stuck in the "rabbit hole".

I hope that sharing some personal feelings here does not scare anybody away and can help anybody else dealing with it. As a wise man once said: "It's a marathon that you're running, not a 5k race". I'm focused on the main goal and I know it's doable. I'm looking forward to learn and grow as a software engineer.

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