DEV Community

Discussion on: What's something you're currently learning?

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

I've been learning React since 1.5 year now, and I was also thinking about learning Vue or even Angular, considering many of the job positions I saw lately asked for some knowledge about them. But I decided to learn more about tests instead. So, right now I'm following a great series of videos on youtube on the CodeItWrong channel about TDD in React. So far, it's been great, the guy explains well and it was a livestream originally, so you can see him dealing with the issues in real time. It's nice to see how other developer debugs the code.
Another thing is that I found a nice resource about Data Structures and Algorithms on the interview cake website and I decided to give those a shot again. Maybe this time I understand it. :D

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

all the best btw mycodeschool is having best playlist related to data structures and algorithms on youtube

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Great. Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely take a look on that playlist.