I am seriously considering starting a tutorial on Vue.js
. I've been working with React
for half a year now, I'm by no means a pro at it but I was thinking that learning another Javascript framework would be a good idea.
What are you learning at the moment/ are you planning to explore in the near future and why would you like to do that?
Image source: Negative Space/ @negativespace on Pexels
Top comments (145)
I'm trying to learn advanced DOM manipulation and just started cpp
For C++ I can recommend Fundamentals of C++ Programming by Professor Richard L. Halterman (internet archive link).
Okay I just went an check it out, very helpful I'll add this to my learning resources. Really appreciate it, seriously though, you may have saved me time figuring out where to look.
You are welcome. In addition, if you want to solidify all you might learn in C++ you should have a project in mind that you'll implement in C++ with this you'll be practicing purpose driven learning and you are likely not to forget anything you might have learned.
I'll think of something so I have an end goal.
Thanks, I appreciate the advice, I'll look into it.
DOM manipulation is really beautiful. What would you consider to be advanced topics when it come to it?
I guess playing with the child of each parent node to create an effect of some kind would be simple, so advanced would be removing the child nodes and appending them to a different parent node or playing with the parent nodes to create a ripple effect that eventually gets to the children. So in other words instead of small scale manipulation, large scale and small scale manipulation and events so interaction becomes more fluid. Also, before I misread your question and answered it poorly so I'm sorry about that.
No worries :). DOM manipulation is very useful if you learn it, especially if you later want to go into React for example (ok, there we'll use something called a virtual DOM, but the principles stay the same). What resources are you using?
I'm trying to learn more about Object-Oriented design principles and Software Architecture in general.
Since COVID started I've read "Clean Architecture", "The Object-Oriented Thought Process" and "Elegant Objects - Volume 1" (I really like how opinionated this book was), and I've got the GoF Design Patterns book and "Growing Object-Oriented Software - Guided by Tests" in my reading backlog. I've been mostly trying to practice OO principles with my TypeScript projects.
Currently learning Go. Part of my strategy for learning blockchain development, especially as regards the supply chain and identity (individual and otherwise.) I think the identity issue is the most critical right now as it is part of the fabric (couldn't help it!) of a secure network be it individuals or other entities (businesses, services or even IoT devices.) It is the right of a sentient entity to be able to communicate, transact and prosper without interference, prejudice or misrepresentation. I think the blockchain type technology is the basis of a sustainable sovereign identity that would allow for transparent representation of all individuals. It will also bring the world closer to working with AI and consensus. Cheers!
I've been doing React for the last few weeks now and since use it as my primary choice for a JS framework, especially when comparing NextJS and NuxtJS.
Learning all the stuff at once is hard, but fun. Using React, Next, Emotion and Redux now.
Currently, Iβm trying to learn about data structures. Iβve been working four years. Iβm still not good at algorithms and data structures.
I think our only job as devs is really to shape data and flow it. The code, the frameworks, they are tools. If you make something with a beautiful data structure and logical flow, but ugly crappy code it will still outperform the most polished version of a poor structure.
E.g. Doesn't matter how beautiful your code, if your process requires frequently inserting things in the middle of a list then you'd better not be using an array.
If you are building a "type ahead" suggestion drop down, know you will only have limited number of items before you code a loop of "startsWith" checks! Because that idea is going to eat your cpu for lunch if the list is long.
Of course :) Actually, I didn't use any framework or library in my first year at the job. I used various frameworks and libraries for the last 3 years. Actually, I read the codes on GitHub as a weekend activity.
When I first read a code piece from Google, I told myself "I can do the same thing". But, I thought that this could be disrespectful against engineers who worked with those codes.
For example, every front-end developer can create own virtual dom implementation.
I only believe that we have to work hard. We have to deserve the knowledge we earned.
I think the same about programming languages and frameworks.. they are just tools
Same here bro, I also want to refresh in data structures and algorithms, when I started working as a dev, I already forgot to practice/using it in some situations because of using frameworks and libraries in development, etc.
Because we don't have time to make practices on algorithms. But, IMHO, we have to learn algorithms and data structures.
Can you give me resources you are using for learning data structures and algorithms. ?
I'm using these resources for algorithms;
And these are for data structures;
Thanks very much.
I've skimmed a lot of books and taken a few DS & Algo classes in university but I always felt unmotivated to actively practice. The material always felt really dry and too theoretical. This course was a game changer for me (not affiliated or sponsored in any way π ). Disregard the "getting a job" part, it's much more than that in my opinion.
I've bought most of his courses btw and I can't recommend his teaching style enough.
This looks good :) I think I have to be motivated as you said :)
How much time taken for you?
It took me about a month maybe 5hrs/week but I was writing down all the important concepts and sample problems on flash cards. I'm sure it can be done quicker, but I think the trick is to quickly review theory and then spend time practicing until confident. Hope that helps :D
Every time I tell someone I would like to learn them they look at me very strange: in my eyes this is a sign they're serious business :).
Yes, the second thing that I learn English. I feel stupid. Why I canβt learn this language? I learned some symbols called syntax but I canβt learn a real language.
Don't be so hard on yourself, it takes time and a lot of practice. It took me more than 10 years to be fluent in English - when we make mistakes in Javascript, we get errors very quickly. We don't have such luxury in real life, nobody tells us when we make English mistakes (or in any other language). Maybe watch as many movies as you can/ when you have time? I am learning German and I find it super difficult.
I am trying :)
The analogy was really great. This is something like 50 tones of learning.
Sometimes, Iβm asking myself, Is it too late for me. My mom still learns something. I canβt say too late.
Your words are really valuable. Thank you Silvia ππ»
Your mom must be really cool. Good luck with the learning!
Thank you βΊπ
English can be tough, but can be understood through thorough thought though :P
Just a little sentence I saw back in the day...
I would recommend you using something like Grammarly or similar, it has helped me a lot, because it corrects your grammar in real-time, and you can learn from it quite a bit.
Also what Silvia said about watching movies and all the content you can, will help immensely.
Also, if you can communicate, it's quite good already :)
Actually, I can write a little bit as you understand :D
For example, I had a meeting with a customer from Mexico last week. I can't speak a native speaker.
Yes, I'm watching movies like HIMYM, etc. I always listening to music. I should find voice chat channels like Discord :)
Trying to start problem-solving from the beginning, I'd recommend you to get here cses.fi/problemset/task/1068/
You can check out techiedelight.com/ .
The algorithms and data structures are implemented in Java, C++, and Python with lots of comments to aid understanding.
I never heard this before. Looks amazing ^_^
I'm putting my efforts studying the MERN stack i'm in love with the fact that i can literally write code at Backend, Frontend Web and Mobile at the same time. Sometimes we can even pick up the same code to do a specific stuff for backend in NodeJs and in frontend with React. But i confess that i still need to study and practice more dom manipulation to make more beautiful and interactives pages.
DOM manipulation seems to be something many people want to get better at :). Good luck with the studying.
I'm learning to write PEG parsers, my current goal is to create a parser for SDLang in Ruby, using Parslet.
I like your blog, is the ultra simplicity of the design intentional?
Thanks! Yes, the idea of latest redesign was to keep things as minimal and content-centric as possible.
Functional programming in javascript. That stuff is wild. Now I know why 95% of articles just talk about pure functions and immutability.
Now I know why 95% of articles just talk about pure functions and immutability.
:)) this made me laugh. Why are you specifically learning this? Are you trying to establish good practices from the beginning?
Oh, I wish I had such noble goals.
This is what happened: one day I saw this video and said "what the hell is going on in there?" And ever since I've been on a quest to answer that question.
Hehe, nice video. Now I'm the one wondering "what the hell is going on in there?".
Currently setting up react-native cli but stock on some error with JAVA_HOME haha. And also start learning PWA with react.
What resources are you using for learning about PWAs? Thank you for your input.
I saw a simple way to checklist for PWA but I still dont know if it is that easy. And I saw some ionic framework PWA? Am I correct? I'm sorry I'm still kinda confuse of how PWAs work yet π
I'm currently learning about security and the various ways attackers can get into your system. I am working through the OWASP top 10 and each week researching another item on the list and making some notes about it.