In a Node.js file:
This code executes perfectly fine:
import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'
import { NotionCompatAPI } from 'notion-compat'
(async() => {
const token = 'your-token'
const notion = new NotionCompatAPI(
new Client({ auth: token })
const pageId = 'your-page-id'
const recordMap = await notion.getPage(pageId)
However, when I use Express as the Node.js backend framework, I encounter an error:
[ERROR] 14:41:09 Error: require() of ES Module path/node_modules/.pnpm/notion-compat@7.1.6_@notionhq+client@2.2.15/node_modules/notion-compat/build/index.js from path/src/notion/index.ts not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in path/src/notion/index.ts to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
Specific code file:
Key code:
import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'
import { NotionCompatAPI } from 'notion-compat'
export const getBlocks = async(blockId?: string) => {
const token = 'your-token'
const notion = new NotionCompatAPI(
new Client({ auth: token })
const pageId = 'your-page-id'
const recordMap = await notion.getPage(pageId)
return recordMap
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