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Comprehensive Guide: Deploying a Java App to Google Cloud Functions with gcloud


Google Cloud Functions offers a serverless execution environment, perfect for running lightweight Java applications. This guide provides an end-to-end walkthrough on deploying a Java app to Google Cloud Functions, including detailed gcloud setup and function configuration.


  • A Google Cloud account with billing enabled.
  • Basic knowledge of Java and Maven.

Step 1: Installing and Configuring gcloud

Before deploying your Java application, set up the Google Cloud SDK (gcloud) on your local machine.

Installing gcloud

  1. Download the Google Cloud SDK installer for your operating system from the Google Cloud SDK page.
  2. Follow the installation instructions specific to your OS.

Authenticating gcloud

After installation, authenticate gcloud and configure your project:

gcloud auth login
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This command opens a new browser window asking you to log in with your Google credentials.

Setting the Default Project

Set your default project in gcloud:

gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
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Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your actual Google Cloud project ID.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Java Application

Create a basic Java function to deploy. This example uses Maven for building the application.

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Creating a Simple Java Function

  1. Create a new Maven project.
  2. Add Google Cloud Functions dependency in your pom.xml:
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  1. Create a Java class implementing HttpFunction:

public class HelloWorld implements HttpFunction {
  public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
      throws Exception {
    BufferedWriter writer = response.getWriter();
    writer.write("Hello World");
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Step 3: Configuring Your Cloud Function

Before deploying, you need to configure your Cloud Function in the Java project.

Defining the Function Handler

The entry point is the HelloWorld class. Ensure this class is correctly referenced in the deployment step.

Building the Deployment Artifact

Build your application into a deployable JAR file:

mvn clean package
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Step 4: Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Now, deploy your function using the gcloud CLI.

Deploying the Function

Deploy the function with the following command:

gcloud functions deploy hello-world-function \
  --entry-point HelloWorld \
  --runtime java11 \
  --trigger-http \
  --memory 512MB \
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  • hello-world-function is your function's name.
  • '--entry-point' specifies the main class.
  • Other flags configure the runtime, trigger, memory, and authentication.

Verifying the Deployment

After deployment, gcloud will output the URL of your function. Test it by sending a request to this URL.


You've now successfully deployed a Java application to Google Cloud Functions using gcloud. This serverless solution is perfect for applications that require scalability and minimal infrastructure management. Experiment with more complex functions and integrate them with other Google Cloud services for advanced use cases.

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