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Running Terraform on AWS Lambda: Harnessing the Power of Serverless Infrastructure Management

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Serverless computing has revolutionized application development and infrastructure management. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage the capabilities of AWS Lambda to run Terraform, a popular infrastructure-as-code tool. We'll dive into the details of running Terraform on AWS Lambda, its benefits, and a practical example to showcase its potential.

The Power of AWS Lambda for Infrastructure Management:

AWS Lambda provides a serverless computing environment, allowing you to run code without the need for provisioning or managing servers. Leveraging this power for infrastructure management brings several advantages:

  1. Cost Efficiency: With AWS Lambda, you pay only for the compute time consumed by your Terraform code, eliminating the cost of maintaining and scaling servers.

  2. Scalability: AWS Lambda automatically scales your Terraform execution based on the incoming workload, ensuring efficient resource utilization.

  3. Simplified Operations: By leveraging AWS Lambda, you free yourself from infrastructure management tasks, allowing you to focus on writing and executing Terraform code.

Running Terraform on AWS Lambda:

To run Terraform on AWS Lambda, follow these steps:

  1. Package Your Terraform Configuration: Bundle your Terraform configuration files, including provider configurations, variables, and modules, into a deployable package. Ensure you include the necessary AWS credentials or utilize IAM roles for Lambda functions.

  2. Create an AWS Lambda Function: Set up an AWS Lambda function using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or infrastructure-as-code tools like AWS CloudFormation or AWS CDK. Configure the function's runtime to match the version of Terraform you are using.

  3. Define the Lambda Handler: Write a Lambda handler function that will be executed when the Lambda function is triggered. The handler function should invoke Terraform CLI commands programmatically, such as "terraform init," "terraform plan," or "terraform apply."

  4. Configure Lambda Function Triggers: Determine the event sources that will trigger the Lambda function. For example, you can configure triggers based on S3 bucket events, CloudWatch Events, or API Gateway requests, depending on your use case.

  5. Set Execution Role and Permissions: Assign an execution role to the Lambda function with the necessary permissions to interact with AWS resources required by your Terraform code.

  6. Package and Deploy: Package your Terraform code and the Lambda function code into a deployable artifact, such as a ZIP file. Deploy the Lambda function to AWS Lambda using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or your preferred infrastructure-as-code tool.

Practical Example: Provisioning AWS Resources with Terraform on AWS Lambda:

Let's consider a practical example where we want to provision an Amazon S3 bucket using Terraform on AWS Lambda:

  1. Package your Terraform configuration files, including the provider configuration and S3 bucket resource definition.

  2. Create an AWS Lambda function with the appropriate Terraform runtime.

  3. Define the Lambda handler function to execute the Terraform CLI commands, such as "terraform init" and "terraform apply."

  4. Configure the Lambda function trigger to be triggered by a CloudWatch Events rule.

  5. Set the execution role for the Lambda function with the necessary permissions to create the S3 bucket.

  6. Package and deploy the Lambda function, along with your Terraform code, using the deployment method of your choice.


Running Terraform on AWS Lambda opens up exciting possibilities for serverless infrastructure management. Leveraging the power of AWS Lambda allows you to efficiently provision and manage your infrastructure without worrying about server management or scalability. With the step-by-step guide and practical example provided, you can begin exploring and leveraging this powerful combination to streamline your infrastructure management workflows.

Embrace the serverless revolution, combine Terraform with AWS Lambda, and unlock the potential of efficient and scalable infrastructure management!

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