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Most useful Programming Language of 2021

If you work with computers, then the one thing you definitely need to know how to do is program. But which programming language should you learn? Many people start with Java because it is used in almost every internet-connected device and has a reputation for being easy to learn. However, after a few months of learning Java and playing around with it, I found that it was difficult for me to keep up as I wanted more flexibility in my coding skills. For example, I didn't like the way that if you accidentally put a ';' in your code it would automatically execute the following line, which wasn't something that I wanted to happen.
In addition, if you didn't know what coding was all about, then it would be quite difficult to know why your code was not working properly. For example, in one tutorial on Java programming I spent about a week trying to make a program for counting down from 20 seconds.

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