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Marouane Souda
Marouane Souda

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Convert A Promise To ASYNC/AWAIT

Hello everyone!

This is my very first post, so I hope it'll be as helpful as I want it to be.

How to convert a promise-based asynchronous code to async/await format, thus making it more readable?

As we all know, Promises were an improvement over callbacks after they were included in JavaScript as part of the ECMAScript 6 specification. But they do tend to get messy in their own way. Maybe not as hellish as callbacks (callbacks pyramid of doom anyone?), but enough to warrant an upgrade to a more readable syntax.

And this is where async/await comes in.

Convert a simple Promise.

First, let's start with a simple Promise:

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This is a simple function that returns a promise. The promise resolves to a value of type string, and of value "resolved" after 5000 milliseconds, or 5 seconds.

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We are calling the function, and after returning the promise, the then method will be called after 5 seconds, and "resolved" gets logged to the console.

The whole code looks like this

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What we want to do is turn it into an async/await code.

First, let's put the whole thing inside of a function. This is important, because await only works inside a function preceded by an async keyword. We will add it later.

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Here we created a new function, inside of which the promise is stored in a variable v. If we try and log v to the console, we can see that it is a promise object.

The important thing we should note is that await is the main keyword here, async is just a wrapper, but without it, await won't work.

So we will add it

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The function usually returns an undefined value if no return statement was specified. but with async, it returns a promise, but that's an entire point on its own, and beyond the scope of this post.

After adding the async keyword, nothing should really change. v is still a promise, but what if we add await before calling myPromise?

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As we can see, if we wait 5 seconds, "resolved" is logged, and v is a string, not a promise object. So, await resolves the promise, and we get the value directly. And our code is much cleaner.

The true benefit of async/await manifests itself when you try to chain multiple then statements with each other, which looks clumsy. With await, it'll be way easier to read and debug.

I hope this post has helped you if you want to understand async/await to learn async/await. They are actually very easy once you know how to use them.

If you have any comments, notes, or constructive criticism, please add them below, and thanks for reading.

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