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What Are Datacenter Proxies?

Wondering what datacenter proxies are? Many people do, especially those just getting familiar with the concept of proxies. A lot of people want to understand how datacenter proxies work and whether this proxy type is right for them.

For example, do you know what sets these proxies apart? Or how not being affiliated with internet service providers affects the servers and you as their user?

Luckily, we have all the answers you need to understand datacenter proxies and realize if they can help you or not.

Defining Datacenter Proxies

A proxy server, or just proxy, functions as a gateway between your device or web browser and websites or online sources. The same definition applies to a datacenter proxy.

These servers have their own IP addresses, just like your device has. So when you’re using one, you’re actually using its IP address to access the website you want. But what happens with your original IP address?

It’s simple – it stays hidden the whole time, letting you browse the web and perform your online tasks anonymously.

How Do Datacenter Proxies Work?

They work like any other proxy – by routing your internet traffic to and from your device through itself. This means all requests you send to a particular website go to the datacenter proxies first.

From here, they continue to the website as if they were originally sent from the proxy’s IP address and not yours. So when the website sends the response, it actually sends it to the proxy’s IP address. So when you get the response, it doesn’t come directly from the website but from the proxy.

Can you see how that makes your online identity and activities anonymous?

What about datacenter proxies’ IP addresses? Do you know where they come from?

Datacenter IPs come from data centers usually owned by hosting and cloud companies. These secondary corporations set up and manage a network of servers so they can offer proxy solutions, data storage, data management, hosting, networking solutions, and other services.

The creation of datacenter proxies can be explained in a few steps:

  • Establishing a set of servers.

  • Interconnecting the servers through a sophisticated network infrastructure to ensure efficient communication and data exchange between them.

  • Adjusting for load balancing and ensuring efficient traffic distribution across the proxy server cluster.

All this makes datacenter proxies exceptionally fast. And since they usually feature unlimited bandwidth, you can use them to handle large amounts of internet traffic.

However, the fact that they are not associated with internet service providers or ISPs reduces their trust score.

Types of Datacenter Proxies

Learning what datacenter proxies are is not enough. You have to know the different types of datacenter proxies so you can make the right decision.

Here’s how they differ.

- Rotating or static IPs

You can find rotating datacenter and static datacenter proxies. In other words, datacenter proxy servers with IPs that rotate after each request or at a set time and IPs that stay the same the whole time.

- Dedicated or shared IPs

With dedicated datacenter proxies, you’re using IPs reserved just for you. Shared datacenter proxies are cheaper but also slower and less reliable. That’s because their IPs are used by many different users simultaneously.

- SOCKS5 or HTTP/HTTPS protocols

Datacenter proxies can support the SOCKS5 protocol, the HTTP/HTTPS protocol, or both. The first option is good if you need to download or transfer large amounts of data. But for more secure web browsing, you need HTTP/HTTPS proxies.

What Are the Other Types of Proxies?

Aside from datacenter proxies, you have residential, ISP, and mobile proxy services. Here’s something about each so you can make a well-informed decision.

Residential Proxies

Residential proxies are very popular thanks to their high trust scores. That’s because their IP addresses come from genuine internet users and real internet service providers.

On top of that, their IPs are constantly rotating. All things considered, they are extremely reliable and almost impossible to detect, especially if they come from a reputable provider.

For these reasons, they are used for tasks like web scraping, ad verification, market price monitoring, etc.

ISP Proxies

Many people see them as a combination of residential and datacenter proxies. Here’s the reason. Just like residential proxies, they are related to ISPs. On the other hand, they’re hosted by servers in data centers.

They are usually static but can also be rotating, depending on the provider. All this makes ISP proxies fast and reliable but also a bit costly. People use them for multiple account management, gaming, SEO monitoring, social media monitoring, etc.

Mobile Proxies

Mobile proxy addresses are linked to smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Since their IPs originate from mobile data networks, using one will make you look like a real mobile user no matter what device you use.

Just like residential proxies, mobile proxy servers are naturally rotating. Their highly trustworthy IP address source and rotating nature make them extremely reliable but also expensive.

You can use them to manage social media accounts, compare prices, test apps and websites, scrape data from websites, etc.

Datacenter Proxies vs. Residential Proxies

Residential and datacenter proxy addresses both hide your IP address and make your web browsing anonymous. However, they differ in many aspects, including the following.


Remember that datacenter IP addresses are not affiliated with ISPs?

Well, this makes them faster than residential IPs as they don’t rely on home internet user’s connections. Instead, they have dedicated hardware and a business-grade network which ensures the best possible speeds.

However, not all datacenter proxies are fast proxies. It depends on the type of datacenter proxy and the provider. Generally, dedicated datacenter proxies with SOCKS5 support are the fastest option out there, but they must come from a reliable provider.


The lack of connection with ISPs and IP traceability makes datacenter proxies less anonymous. Their IPs are artificial, so websites know when you’re using one. Still, they do hide your original IP address and offer anonymity, of course, if obtained from the right provider.

A residential proxy mimics a real home internet user, making it almost impossible for websites to tell you’re connected to one. This is why they are a better option for tasks or projects that require high online anonymity.


Overall, datacenter proxies are less reliable than residential ones, especially shared proxies. For example, your web scraping requests routed through a datacenter proxy server are much more likely to get blocks like geo-restrictions, CAPTCHAs, or IP bans.

Residential proxy servers are much harder to detect and can easily avoid complex anti-bot systems. The most reliable options are considered ethically sourced residential IPs from trusty providers.

Risk of IP Banning

Generally, residential IPs have lower chances of getting detected and banned than datacenter proxies. It has to do with their trusty IP address source and rotating nature.

Datacenter proxies can also prevent an IP ban if chosen correctly. This means choosing dedicated options over shared or public ones. Also, getting them from a reputable provider.


Did you notice that datacenter proxies are quite budget-friendly? Compared to residential IPs, they are much cheaper to maintain because there are no additional expenses or ISPs involved.

Most residential and shared datacenter proxy services are priced per GB of network traffic. For dedicated datacenter proxy servers, you’ll most likely have to pay per IP address.

What Are Datacenter Proxies Used For?

The high speeds and performance of datacenter proxies make them a great option for many different tasks. As long as you get them from a reputable provider and they are not shared, you can use them for any of the use cases mentioned below.

Web Scraping

Datacenter proxies are great for scraping public website data on a large scale, especially simple targets. While they are easier to detect, they can help you get the data you need from websites that don’t have strict anti-scraping software.

These proxies are mostly used for web scraping tasks that require high speeds and plenty of bandwidth. However, it’s best to use dedicated proxies because they are more reliable than shared options.

Accessing Geo-restricted Content

If you’re dealing with geo-restrictions, datacenter proxies can give you the access to the restricted content you need. However, the success rates are higher if their IPs are dedicated and purchased from a reliable provider.

Therefore, find out where your target website is available and look for a provider that offers IPs in a supported location. Also, make sure the IPs are dedicated, and avoid any free or public options to bypass the geo-restrictions.

App Testing & Deployment

Datacenter proxies are everyday tools for website and app testers that need to ensure a particular site or software works as intended.

Many sites and apps show different content to people in different regions. Others adjust their pricing and other factors based on the user’s location. So it’s the software testers' job to check if the software they are testing works properly everywhere.

By using IPs in the required locations, they can perform efficient website testing and see if the site or software shows the right content or prices to the right audience.

Market Research

Companies often use datacenter proxies to collect and research massive amounts of market data. They usually combine these proxies with web scraping tools to perform market research without interruptions.

With a fast and reliable datacenter proxy service, companies gather up-to-date information about the competition, new markets, and potential customers.

Price Monitoring

Monitoring the daily price changes manually is impossible. Online retailers make multiple changes every day, so e-commerce specialists use proxies to make things easier for them.

Datacenter proxies, especially dedicated ones, help them collect precise e-commerce data quickly and effectively. They help them bypass CAPTCHAs and blocks and ensure a steady flow of real-time data from any location.

Sneaker Copping

What’s more important than winning the lottery to sneakerheads and sneaker resellers? Getting the desired pair of shoes before others! This is why they use sneaker bots and fast proxies.

Since datacenter proxies provide both anonymity and high speeds, sneaker enthusiasts often use them to cop limited-edition sneakers and not just one pair. With the right bot and proxies, they can buy multiple pairs of limited-edition kicks before they get sold out.

Bypassing IP Bans

Since datacenter proxies hide your IP by replacing it with another, they can help you get around IP bans and blocks on certain websites. This way, the website or service that has blocked your IP can now grant you access to its platform.

For its servers, you’ll be another user with another IP address from another location. As a result, you can regain access to a website, especially if you got the ban by mistake or by breaking a rule unintentionally.

To Sum Up

Datacenter proxies can be the ideal solution for many occasions, but not so great for others. It all depends on the datacenter proxy type, the provider, and your particular use case.

With our guide, we’re sure you’ll make the right decision. And if someone wonders, “What are datacenter proxies?” you can be the expert helping them.

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