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mary kariuki
mary kariuki

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visualization of data using matplotlib and seaborn

Visualization of data.

Data visualization is the graphical representation of data.
Matplotlib is a python library used in plotting of graphs with other modules such such pandas and numpy while seaborn is also
a python library used for plotting graph with help ofother libararies like matplotlib,numpy and pandas.
The difference between seaborn and matplotlib is that,seaborn
complies the entire data into a single plot while matplotlib is
used in plotting 2-D graphs of arrays.

  1. Matplotlib

The first thing is to install matplotlib that uses a simple command

pip install matplotlib
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After matplotlib has being installed you have to import the matplotlib module as shown below

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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note: plt is an alias.
Matplotlib is used in plotting varoius graphs such as

  • bar graphs

  • histograms

  • pie charts

  • scatter plots

Scatter plot

to draw a scatter plot we use the SCATTER() method which draws one dot for each value.To plot a scatter function one should have two values that is the x-axis values and y-axis values.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

xpoints = np.array([3,4,5,7,1,0,5,8,6,4])
ypoints = np.array([70,20,70,30,50,90,55,49,34,28])

plt.scatter(xpoints, ypoints)
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Bar graphs

when drawing a bar graph we use the BAR() method to create bar graphs and provide the x-axis and y-axis values.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

xvalues = np.array(["mary", "anne", "simon", "james"])
yvalues = np.array([90,10,50,70]),yvalues)
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A histogram is a graph that shows frequency distribution.
We use the HIST() method to create histograms, which uses arrays of numbers where the hist function reads the array and provide a histogram.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

y = np.random.normal(20, 40, 500)

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We use the pie() method to create pie charts.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

z = np.array([10,30,5,60,59,70,2])

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The pie chart is subdivided in 7parts since we have passed 7elements in the array.

  1. Seaborn

To use seaborn module you will first install as shown.

pip install seaborn
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after installing you now import the matplotlib and seaborn since they go hand in hand.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
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import seaborn as sns
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Seaborn is used in statistical graphics in python now lets load our data.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
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Out of our data we can have a single plot that describes
the entire data.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
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Note:pairplot > allows us to plot pairwise relationships between variables within a dataset.

Distplot in seaborn
Distplot stands for distribution plot it takes as input an array and plots a curve corresponding to the distribution of points in the array.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

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Top comments (3)

hkmburu profile image


andrea189699 profile image

Hi Mary, this is awesome. Matplotlib and seaborn are very useful modules in data analysis.
Machine learning 🔥🔥

marykariuki90 profile image
mary kariuki

Thank you so much