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Lets start at the very beginning . .

I am now 3 weeks into my bootcamp, so through the next 3 blogs lets recap everything I have learned thus far:


Week 1 was all about an introduction to javaScript.

We started off by learning DataTypes such as number(7), string("Hello"), Boolean(true/ false), Undefined, Null, and Symbol. Type Coercion and implementing variable is what we were introduced to next. Type Coercion includes evaluating (==) or a strict evaluation (===) and seeing if the variable does not evaluate equal or true (!= or !===) with a bang(!).

Next we began learning about Arrays[] and Array Methods. Some Methods we learned include unShift(adds a value to the beginning), pop(removes the last value), reverse(reverse the order of an array), and join(converts an array into a string). We began to implement our learning by declaring a function and calling our input through the console.log to compare values, data type, and mess around with methods.

Then came the if, else, and else if statements as well as higher order functions with for loops and array methods such as .map(takes variables and index) and .filter(only gives values that name this condition to be true). We began to map and filter over arrays to return a value and did so through different challenges given to us by our instructors.

And that ladies and gentlemen wrapped up my first week at bootcamp!

I was able to comprehend a lot more than I was expecting too and also wasn't as mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted as I thought I might be. I was excited to be there and looking forward to the week to come!

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