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Cover image for OmeDEV - Talk to Developers! MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV
Mateus Abelli
Mateus Abelli

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OmeDEV - Talk to Developers! MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

OmeDEV is an Omegle clone that lets you connect "randomly" with stranger developers to have a nice chat.

Category Submission: Choose Your Own Adventure

App Link




Dark theme
Dark theme

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Light theme


When you connect with someone, the chats attempts to be anonymous by searching for the first room available, if it does not exist one will be created for you. The next user will automagically be joined in a FIFO style (First in, First out). To prevent predictions on who will be joining theres a random delay applied to each user. Your messages are sent and received through websocket and only the rooms ids are stored in database for no longer than one day.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License



I wanted the build something beyond my current skills, to imagine something and code it into reality, this project has proven me that it is possible and taught me valuable lessons. I choose to do an Omegle clone because it is my first chat application.

How I built it

The chat rooms are stored in MongoDB Atlas. It stores the ID for the Pusher presence channel which allows the app to receive events whenever someone joins or leaves the channel.

I've learned a ton but the biggest lesson was to always try to organize the ideas and plan out before coding. This application was built while I was learning about how everything would work, so there was little to no planning in the project.

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