DEV Community

Matthew Wigoff
Matthew Wigoff

Posted on

Getting Started with Vercel

About Vercel

Vercel is a high-performance front-end framework and static website platform. Vercel is great for front-end teams because 1. It is easy to use and 2. It generates an efficient way of creating static sites. Pertaining to the Developer Experience (DX), Vercel provides clarity, an ease of use, stability, and function.

Creating a Project and Deploying with Vercel

First, create a personal account on Vercel and link it to your GitHub account. You can also create your personal account with your email, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Second, from the Dashboard, select New Project and you have the option to import from an existing Git repository or use one of Vercel's many templates. In the Build & Development settings, I recommend changing the root directory to dist or _site.

Image description

Third, through a build step, you will deploy your project to transform it into a production-ready site. Once your project has been successfully deployed, it will be saved to your dashboard.

Vercel Command Line Interface Commands

Make a preview deployment:
$ vercel
Make a production deployment:
$ vercel --prod

My Vercel Deployments

my vercel-demo on GitHub
my vercel dashboard

My Dashboard:

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My Weather App Vercel demo:
weather app vercel demo page

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My 11ty Vercel demo:
11ty vercel demo

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Another 11ty Vercel demo:
another 11ty vercel demo

Image description



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