Hi there π!
Today I'd like to share some of my experience in building (what I think are) large and complex forms with Angular. One thing to keep in mind though; if you don't feel concerned by the "scalable" or "large forms" parts, be aware that all of the following can be still be applied to super tiny forms and you'll still get a lot of benefits!
Disclaimer: I have not been the only one spending hours to think about a better way of handling forms. Zak Henry (@zak) and I both came up to the solution I'll be introducing today and I'd like to thank him for all the time he has spent thinking on the design, coding, and making code reviews too π π π.
Table of contents
- Context
- Introduction to the demo and understand what we want to build as an example
- Reactive forms
- Ngx-Sub-Form: Utility library to break down an Angular form into multiple sub components
- Summary and take away
- Useful links
Before we dig into the main topic, let me give you a little bit of context to explain why I am building large forms at work and why I really needed to find a solution doing a better job at this.
I'm currently working at CloudNC, a startup in London where we aim to greatly simplify, speed up and improve the process of machining a part using a CNC milling machine. Within our application, we need to model the environment (machines, tools, etc) as input to algorithms that generate the machine movements. This environment has a huge number of parameters, so we have quite a lot of forms.
3D visualiser to simulate how the machine is going to cut the part.
A good example with one of our forms is when we want to annotate a specific hole on a part. We can choose amongst different types of annotations and select a specific behavior:
Example of 2 forms to annotate a hole.
With this example you can see we have two separate forms, each selected by one dropdown (this forms a polymorphic model - explained later!). Each of those forms uses the same "Spotting Strategy" sub form. This isn't even our most complex form, so you can begin to understand the motivation to come up with a generic solution for breaking up forms into logical components that can be easily composed.
Introduction to the demo and understand what we want to build as an example
In order to showcase when it could be difficult to properly build a good form, we've built an app. The main idea being: "Galactic sales" where someone can decide to sell either a Droid
, Astromech
, Medical
, Protocol
) or a Vehicle
, Speeder
On the left, you can see a simple list showing the items for sale.
On the right, there's a form showing the item that has been clicked (so it can be edited, think of it as an admin view). It's also possible to create a new entry by clicking the "Create new" button.
If you want to play with the live version of the demo, you can have a go here: https://cloudnc.github.io/ngx-sub-form
If you want to take a look into the source code of the demo, you can go here: https://github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form/tree/master/src/app
Now let's take a closer look at the models (interfaces
, enums
, etc) to build a simplified version of it. Enough to understand all the concepts but avoid repetition.
A Listing
is an item for sale:
// can either be a vehicle or a droid
export enum ListingType {
VEHICLE = 'Vehicle',
DROID = 'Droid',
export interface BaseListing {
id: string;
title: string;
imageUrl: string;
price: number;
export interface VehicleListing extends BaseListing {
listingType: ListingType.VEHICLE;
product: OneVehicle;
export interface DroidListing extends BaseListing {
listingType: ListingType.DROID;
product: OneDroid;
export type OneListing = VehicleListing | DroidListing;
Let's take a look at the Vehicle
model for now:
export enum VehicleType {
SPACESHIP = 'Spaceship',
SPEEDER = 'Speeder',
export interface BaseVehicle {
color: string;
canFire: boolean;
numberOfPeopleOnBoard: number;
export interface Spaceship extends BaseVehicle {
vehicleType: VehicleType.SPACESHIP;
numberOfWings: number;
export interface Speeder extends BaseVehicle {
vehicleType: VehicleType.SPEEDER;
maximumSpeed: number;
export type OneVehicle = Spaceship | Speeder;
One important thing to note here, is that OneListing
is a polymorphic type (and so is OneVehicle
export type OneListing = VehicleListing | DroidListing;
The object that will hold a value here can either be a VehicleListing
or a DroidListing
. Typescript could ensure type safety in that case only by looking at the properties, but to be safer and also later have an easy way of knowing the type of an object, we use a discriminant property: listingType
Now let's move on to the next step and understand the challenge of building a form that can represent that data structure.
Reactive forms
They've been introduced in the early versions of Angular and completely changed the way to reason about forms. In a good way! Instead of managing all the logic of our forms from the templates, we can manage it from our Typescript/Components files. Plus we can enjoy type safety on all of our forms!
Well... Not exactly. There's a long standing issue on Github.
Reactive forms are not strongly typed
[x] feature request
- Angular version: 2
Reactive forms is meant to be used in complex forms but control's valueChanges
are Observable<any>
, which are totally against good practices for complex code.
There should be a way to create strongly typed form controls.
I invite you to show some support by putting a π on the post so that it eventually can be prioritised.
Even though we can't really benefit from type safety currently, we can still build it using a reactive form. Let's walk through the different solutions to do so.
Everything in one file π₯
One solution would be to put everything in the same component. As you can imagine, this is far from ideal:
- Huge file
- Hard to work on the same file in parallel with multiple developers
- Not splitting the logic in different groups to break down the problem into smaller pieces
- Can't reuse sub parts of the form (to edit only a smaller subset for example)
Breaking down the form into sub components π
So just like you would with any other component or function, you start to think about how to break it down into simpler and smaller sub components handling their own logic. From there, you'll probably find a few blog posts and Stack Overflow questions that recommend to pass the form group instance as an @Input()
and then from a sub component dynamically add the required new form properties.
But something doesn't feel right, does it? If it wasn't a form, just a simple object, would you pass the Listing
object to a Vehicle
component? It'd then have access to the property listing.vehicle
which is fine, but also the listing
itself, which feels dangerous. Worst, it'd be able to mutate listing.vehicle
(to add/remove properties). Following the one way data binding principle, you realize this would be wrong. I think this also applies to forms.
Breaking down the form into sub components, the right way! π
Kara talked about ControlValueAccessor
in this brilliant talk at Angular Connect in 2017: https://youtu.be/CD_t3m2WMM8
In case you've never heard of ControlValueAccessor
, it'll let you create a component that can be used as a FormControl
. Basically, you could do something like the following:
selector: 'my-custom-input',
// ...
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyCustomInput),
multi: true,
export class MyCustomInput implements ControlValueAccessor {
writeValue(obj: any): void {
// every time the form control is
// being updated from the parent
registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
// when we want to let the parent
// know that the value of the
// form control should be updated
// call `fn` callback
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
// when we want to let the parent
// know that the form control
// has been touched
// call `fn` callback
setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void {
// when the parent updates the
// state of the form control
Can you spot the main difference between passing the FormGroup
instance and using ControlValueAccessor
? It's now pretty much the same pattern that we use when we make a dumb component!
The following is not something available in Angular but just to make my point, you could think of it this way:
@Input() set value(obj: any) {}
@Input() set disabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {}
@Output() updated: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
@Output() touched: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
Note that:
- The one way data flow is respected
- The sub component doesn't have access to the whole form
If you take a look into into Angular Material source code, you'll notice that it is how a lot of components (acting as inputs) are built! For example, select, radio, slide-toggle, slider, ...
Understanding the power of ControlValueAccessor
While writing the previous example, I've created an empty class that implements ControlValueAccessor
and then my IDE generated the required methods. But let's take a closer look at one of them:
writeValue(obj: any): void
Have you noticed the name of the parameter? obj
. That is interesting π€.
You can pass any kind of object to writeValue
! You're not limited to the primitive types like string
or number
. You can pass an object, an array, ... Everything we need to start building deeply nested forms.
So, let say that we want to build a form that will handle the following object:
export interface Spaceship {
name: string;
builtInYear: number;
config: {
maxSpeed: number;
nbCanons: number;
We could:
- Create a
component - This component would handle only the primitive values (here
) and it'd request the config from another component - Create a sub component
which would itself handle only the primitive values (all of them in that case)
But let's take a look at the first level component (SpaceshipForm
) to see why it'd be a small burden to do that on every sub component:
selector: 'my-custom-input',
// ...
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyCustomInput),
multi: true,
export class MyCustomInput implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit, OnDestroy {
private onChange: (value: any) => void;
private onTouched: () => void;
private onDestroy$: Subject<void> = new Subject();
public internalFormGroup: FormGroup = new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl(),
builtInYear: new FormControl(),
config: new FormControl(),
public ngOnInit(): void {
tap(value => {
public ngOnDestroy(): void {
writeValue(obj: any): void {
// every time the form control is
// being updated from the parent
this.internalFormGroup.setValue(obj, { emitEvent: false });
registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
// when we want to let the parent
// know that the value of the
// form control should be updated
this.onChange = fn;
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
// when we want to let the parent
// know that the form control
// has been touched
this.onTouched = fn;
setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void {
// when the parent updates the
// state of the form control
if (isDisabled) {
} else {
The logic itself is not really complicated, but one thing sure is: It is verbose. That's only a minimal example and you could want to push things even further than that. But it's already ~75 lines. It seems to me that it is too much to just handle 2 inputs from that component π€·ββοΈ.
Hopefully, you're about to find out why this blog post has been written (about time huh?) and how you can handle the above code in a better way.
Ngx-Sub-Form: Utility library to break down an Angular form into multiple sub components
As briefly explained in the context part of that article, we've been working at CloudNC on a library that will handle all the boilerplate for you and give you some nice helpers. It's called ngx-sub-form
The library is published on both Github and NPM with an MIT license and is ready to be used. We've made a complete example/demo on the Github repository which is well tested too (both E2E and integration). We've also been rewriting a lot of our own forms with it and we believe that it is stable enough to be used by others now, so feel free to give it a try on your own projects!
What ngx-sub-form
has to offer
- Easily create sub forms or custom
with a minimal boilerplate - Type safety on both
files for your components - Access all the values of the form, even the nested ones
- Access all the errors of the form, even the nested ones (which is not natively supported on
s, see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/10530) - You should be able to mostly deal with synchronous values without having to deal with streams
- Remap your original data to the shape you want for every form/sub form (and still keep it type safe)
- Handle polymorphic data within your forms in an easy way
When should you use it?
Do you have a form?
Then use it.
My form is small and pretty simple, and I'm not sure it'll be worth it
You'll get type safety, less boilerplate and some helpers for free.
Unless you really have only one FormControl
to handle one search input, you should just use it.
Enough words, show me some code!
Building the demo
We'll now refactor the previous component except that this time, we'll build the whole form (including the config!).
Here's the interface as a reminder:
Which I've broken down into 2 now, as we normally would/should!
export interface SpaceshipConfig {
maxSpeed: number;
nbCanons: number;
export interface Spaceship {
name: string;
builtInYear: number;
config: SpaceshipConfig;
Looking at the interface, we can easily guess what architecture we want here:
- spaceship-container: Smart component that will inject a service to either retrieve a spaceship or save it when the form is valid and being sent
spaceship-form: Dumb component that is the top form, which will be in charge of handling the first values of the
- spaceship-config-form: Dumb component that is a sub form, only in charge of the config part
We'll start from the bottom component and then go up from there.
Here's the live demo of what I'm about to introduce: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-sub-form-basics
You can play with and follow along on Stackblitz when you want to see the code in context.
selector: 'app-spaceship-config-form',
templateUrl: './spaceship-config-form.component.html',
providers: subformComponentProviders(SpaceshipConfigFormComponent),
export class SpaceshipConfigFormComponent extends NgxSubFormComponent<SpaceshipConfig> {
protected getFormControls(): Controls<SpaceshipConfig> {
return {
maxSpeed: new FormControl(),
nbCanons: new FormControl(),
As you can see, this is a sub form component and the boilerplate is minimal.
First, let's look at the line
providers: subformComponentProviders(SpaceshipConfigFormComponent),
When building a ControlValueAccessor
, you need to at least provide NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR
and also pass NG_VALIDATORS
if you want to be able to deal with validation. It'd normally look like the following:
// ...
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => component),
multi: true,
useExisting: forwardRef(() => component),
multi: true,
All of that is reduced to one line with the utility function subformComponentProviders
where you simply need to provide the current class. It also works with the AoT compiler.
Then, notice the line:
export class SpaceshipConfigFormComponent extends NgxSubFormComponent<SpaceshipConfig>
By just doing that, you get access to a lot of
: The actual form group, useful to define the binding[formGroup]="formGroup"
to the view -
: All the control names available in your form. Use it when defining aformControlName
like so:<input [formControlName]="formControlNames.yourControl">
and it'll catch errors at build time (with AOT) if you change an interface! -
: All the controls of your form, helpful to avoid doingformGroup.get(formControlNames.yourControl)
; instead just doformGroupControls.yourControl
: Access all the values of your form directly without doingformGroup.get(formControlNames.yourControl).value
, instead just doformGroupValues.yourControl
(and it'll be correctly typed!) -
: All the errors of the current form including the sub errors (if any). Just useformGroupErrors
. Notice the question mark informGroupErrors?.yourControl
, it will returnnull
if there's no error
hook: Allows you to react whenever the form is being modified. Instead of subscribing tothis.formGroup.valueChanges
you will not have to deal with anything asynchronous nor have to worry about subscriptions and memory leaks. Just implement the methodonFormUpdate(formUpdate: FormUpdate<FormInterface>): void
and if you need to know which property changed do a check like the following:if (formUpdate.yourProperty) {}
. Be aware that this method will be called only when there are either local changes to the form or changes coming from subforms. If the parent either callssetValue
, this method won't be called -
hook: Allows you to define control options for construction of the internalFormGroup
. Use this to defineFormGroup
-level validators -
hook: Allows you to define a custom emission rate (top level or any sub level)
Now you must think that it starts to be a lot and that hopefully we won't add to much after that. In that case, you'll be happy to know that this covers most of ngx-sub-form
and the rest will now feel like deja-vu.
<fieldset [formGroup]="formGroup">
Maximum speed
<input type="number" [formControlName]="formControlNames.maxSpeed" />
Number of canons
<input type="number" [formControlName]="formControlNames.nbCanons" />
No further explanation needed for the html
I think.
Now, let's move on to the top level form.
selector: 'app-spaceship-form',
templateUrl: './spaceship-form.component.html',
export class SpaceshipFormComponent extends NgxRootFormComponent<Spaceship> {
public dataInput: Spaceship | null | undefined;
public dataOutput: EventEmitter<Spaceship> = new EventEmitter();
protected getFormControls(): Controls<Spaceship> {
return {
name: new FormControl(),
builtInYear: new FormControl(),
config: new FormControl(),
The purpose of that component is not to be bound to a FormControl
like previous ones but instead:
- To be able to update the form from an
, that you can of course rename) - To be able to share (emit) the new value once the form is valid and saved (through the
, that you can also rename)
Note: When using NgxRootFormComponent
, dataInput
does require you to use the @DataInput()
decorator with it. The reason behind that is simple: ngx-sub-form
has no way to know how you're going to rename your input and it does need to have a hook to be warned when that value changes. Instead of asking you to call a method from the ngOnChanges
hook or to create a setter on the input and call that same method, we take care of all of that with the decorator.
Let's take a quick look at the view.
<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
<input type="text" [formControlName]="formControlNames.name" />
Built in year
<input type="number" [formControlName]="formControlNames.builtInYear" />
<app-spaceship-config-form [formControlName]="formControlNames.config"></app-spaceship-config-form>
<button (click)="manualSave()">Save</button>
<pre>{{ formGroup.value | json }}</pre>
Nothing particularly new but note that we can display the whole form value (for debugging purpose here) by using formGroup.value
and also that to save the form we simply call the manualSave
method offered by ngx-sub-form
when using NgxRootFormComponent
Once we call manualSave
, if the form is valid it'll emit the form's value through the output. This way the parent can simply retrieve a new Spaceship
object and deal with it (put it into local storage, pass it to a service to make an HTTP call with it, etc). But the form is responsible only for the form itself, and the smart component (parent) is not even aware of the form. It is simply aware that a new value is available.
Speaking of which, let's take a look to the parent component.
// only to demo that passing a value as input will update the form
// but this info might come from a server for example when you want to
// edit an existing value
const getDefaultSpaceship = (): Spaceship => ({
name: 'Galactico',
builtInYear: 2500,
config: {
maxSpeed: 8000,
nbCanons: 10,
selector: 'app-spaceship-container',
templateUrl: './spaceship-container.component.html',
export class SpaceshipContainerComponent {
public spaceship$: Subject<Spaceship> = new Subject();
public preFillForm(): void {
public spaceshipUpdated(spaceship: Spaceship): void {
// from here, you can pass that value to a
// service to save/update it on a backend for example
Interesting thing here - that smart component that would retrieve the data to populate the form and collect the new values of the form when it's being saved is only dealing with object of type Spaceship
. Not a single FormGroup
instance or FormControl
is declared/used. We just delegate that responsibility to SpaceshipFormComponent
. This is really convenient because if later in the app we want to display a Spaceship
we could just reuse the form and disable it, so it'd be readonly. How so? NgxRootFormComponent
and NgxAutomaticRootFormComponent
both have an optional input property disabled
. Simply bind a boolean to it and when the value is true
, the form will be readonly. To be more specific, the whole form will be readonly, that includes all the sub form components too π.
The view here is pretty simple, but for the sake of completeness:
<button (click)="preFillForm()">Pre fill form (demo)</button>
<app-spaceship-form [spaceship]="spaceship$ | async" (spaceshipUpdated)="spaceshipUpdated($event)"></app-spaceship-form>
Going further with remapping and/or polymorphism
So far, we've seen how to break down a form into smaller components.
The last remaining bit is now to discover how to handle forms with polymorphic data.
Let's start with a small reminder about polymorphism
In programming languages and type theory, polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple different types.
Example using the interfaces from the beginning of the post:
export type OneListing = VehicleListing | DroidListing;
One object of type OneListing
can either be a VehicleListing
or a DroidListing
Even if it might not be the kind of structure you'll be using all the time with your forms, it is a fairly common use case and ngx-sub-form
offers a dedicated class to deal with that: NgxSubFormRemapComponent<ControlInterface, FormInterface>
Note that NgxRootFormComponent
and NgxAutomaticRootFormComponent
are both using NgxSubFormRemapComponent
as a base class so you can use the provided methods to remap within those too.
From here, the idea will be to create a new interface for that part of the form, which will have:
- One entry to know what is the currently selected type
- A different entry for every possible type
Example in our case:
export type OneListing = VehicleListing | DroidListing;
export enum OneListingType {
VEHICLE = 'Vehicle',
DROID = 'Droid',
export interface OneListingForm {
listingType: OneListingType | null;
vehicle: VehicleListing | null;
droid: DroidListing | null;
Then we can create our component like the following:
selector: 'app-one-listing-form',
templateUrl: '...',
export class OneListingForm extends NgxRootFormComponent<OneListing, OneListingForm> {
// note that we use `NgxRootFormComponent` as it extends `NgxSubFormRemapComponent`
// and this is the top level form; that's why we will be using `NgxRootFormComponent`
// ...
At that point, Typescript will show an error and tell you that you need to correctly implement the class.
selector: 'app-one-listing-form',
templateUrl: '...',
export class OneListingForm extends NgxSubFormRemapComponent<OneListing, OneListingForm> {
public dataInput: OneListing | null | undefined;
public dataOutput: EventEmitter<OneListing> = new EventEmitter();
public OneListingType: typeof OneListingType = OneListingType;
protected getFormControls(): Controls<OneListingForm> {
return {
listingType: new FormControl(null, { validators: [Validators.required] }),
vehicle: new FormControl(null),
droid: new FormControl(null),
protected transformToFormGroup(obj: OneListing): OneListingForm {
return {
listingType: obj.listingType,
vehicle: obj.listingType === OneListingType.VEHICLE ? obj : null,
droid: obj.listingType === OneListingType.DROID ? obj : null,
protected transformFromFormGroup(formValue: OneListingForm): OneListing | null {
switch (formValue.listingType) {
case OneListingType.VEHICLE:
return formValue.vehicle;
case OneListingType.DROID:
return formValue.droid;
case null:
return null;
throw new UnreachableCase(formValue.listingType);
As you probably noticed, we're using 2 new methods to deal with polymorphic data:
: Passes as argument the value that is being written on that sub component (or via thedataInput
if using a top level component) and remap that value to an internal one that splits the polymorphic object into separated entities -
: Passes the value of the form and expect as output to have an object matching the original interface
Within the transformToFormGroup
method, it will be really straightforward if your different objects have a discriminator property. In our case, they do:
export interface VehicleListing extends BaseListing {
listingType: ListingType.VEHICLE; // discriminator
product: OneVehicle;
export interface DroidListing extends BaseListing {
listingType: ListingType.DROID; // discriminator
product: OneDroid;
export type OneListing = VehicleListing | DroidListing;
The listingType
property is common to VehicleListing
and DroidListing
but is set to a well defined value in both cases. This allows us to do a really simple check as follow:
protected transformToFormGroup(obj: OneListing): OneListingForm {
return {
listingType: obj.listingType,
vehicle: obj.listingType === OneListingType.VEHICLE ? obj : null,
droid: obj.listingType === OneListingType.DROID ? obj : null,
If you don't have a discriminator on your properties, you will need to somehow differentiate them based on other properties but I'd strongly advise you to add a discriminator if you have control of the interface as it will make things easier, not only for your forms.
The transformFromFormGroup
method is also straightforward - based on the form value listingType
we will just return the appropriate value from the form:
protected transformFromFormGroup(formValue: OneListingForm): OneListing | null {
switch (formValue.listingType) {
case OneListingType.VEHICLE:
return formValue.vehicle;
case OneListingType.DROID:
return formValue.droid;
case null:
return null;
throw new UnreachableCase(formValue.listingType);
The line throwing an error should never happen and is here mainly for type safety reasons as it'll force you to implement all the cases:
throw new UnreachableCase(formValue.listingType);
If you don't have something similar in your own project, you could put the following in a shared folder
export class UnreachableCase {
constructor(payload: never) {}
If in future we add or remove one of the values to the OneListingType
enum, Typescript will throw an error and make sure we don't forget any of the use cases.
Summary and take away
This article is now coming to an end and I hope you enjoyed this (new?) way of working with forms. However as we went pretty deep into details and it's almost a 20 minute read, I'd like to make a small summary of the important bits that you should remember:
- Break down your forms, it'll make things easier to reason about and deal with
- Prefer a
rather than passing yourFormGroup
as inputs to a sub component - Put on your gloves, armor and helmet, stare at your terminal for a few seconds and run
yarn install ngx-sub-form
to avoid the boilerplate of creating a customControlValueAccessor
(plus enjoy some nice helpers and type safety!) - If you're building a top level form component, make your choice between
(manual save or instant save as soon as there's a change) - If you're building a sub form component, choose between
depending whether you need to remap your data or not - Enjoy
Thanks for reading, this is my first blog post ever so please let me know how you found it so I can improve for the next ones! We might disagree on some point, or I might not have explained well enough. Either way I want to know, so please don't be shy and share what you didn't like, what I could have skipped, if it was too long, not detailed enough, etc.
If you have other ideas to improve ngx-sub-form
, feel free to visit the Github project and either write an issue or make a pull request π₯.
Useful links
- Github repository: https://github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form
- Live demo of a form with polymorphic data that has been broken down into different sub components: https://cloudnc.github.io/ngx-sub-form
- Source code of the live demo: https://github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form/tree/master/src/app
- Stackblitz of the demo that we've been building in this article: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-sub-form-basics
- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maxime1992 (I share things about Angular π)
- Follow me on Github: https://github.com/maxime1992 (I try to open source as much things as I can, most of the time around Typescript, Node, Angular, NestJs)
- Zak's Twitter: https://twitter.com/zak
- Zak's Github page: https://github.com/zakhenry
- CloudNC website: https://cloudnc.com (lot of jobs in London if you're interested!)
- CloudNC's Github page: https://github.com/cloudnc (we've got few other libraries for favicons and web workers)
Thanks again for reading!
Found a typo?
If you've found a typo, a sentence that could be improved or anything else that should be updated on this blog post, you can access it through a git repository and make a pull request. Instead of posting a comment, please go directly to https://github.com/maxime1992/my-dev.to and open a new pull request with your changes. If you're interested how I manage my dev.to posts through git and CI, read more here.
Top comments (27)
I'm using angular 7 and so installed version 2.7.1 but my compiler is showing all kinds of problems with it - like DataInput and NgxRootFormComponent aren't in ngx-sub-form. Will the latest version work with angular 7?
Hi Andrew,
Angular 7 support ended after 2.7.1 I'm afraid!
landed in v2.9.0 github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form/re...So do you have sample code that works with 2.7.1 or do I need to upgrade to angular 8 in order to get my code working?
You can clone the project:
git clone git@github.com:cloudnc/ngx-sub-form.git
and checkout the latest version working with angular 7
git checkout v2.7.1
From there you'll have the README and the whole demo project working with Angular 7.
If you want to use new features that appeared after 2.7.1 or take advantage of the latest bug fixes you'll have to upgrade to Angular 8 and then use the latest of ngx-sub-form.
Hope it makes sense.
If you can and there's no particular blocker, I'd recommend upgrading to Angular 8 anyway :)
Thanks. Is there any way to add a custom validation for the entire group? Normally, I'd do so like this:
createFormGroup() {
this.myForm = this.fb.group({
mobile : new FormControl(''),
homePhone : new FormControl('')
// our custom validator
}, { validator: this.atLeastOnePhoneRequired});
but in the form using ngx-sub-form I'm using code like this:
protected getFormControls(): Controls {
return {
mobile : new FormControl(null),
homePhone : new FormControl(null)
Yes, there's definitely a way to do that.
on the README :)Hi Maxime, thank you for that very nice lib and tutorial.
Just a stupid question, i have to make "checkbox-group" for a project, that work exactly like a "select" with multivalues accepted. What is the best method to do that with ngx-sub-form ?
We need that, just because my customer prefer the look of a checkbox group than a "select" dropdown on phone.
In fact i would love to have a component like "radiogroup" or "select" that directly display a checkbox group. To do that, is it better to create as a sub-form of my main form for each "checkbox-group" or create a specific "widget" just for that ?
Hi Cesar, thanks for the kind words.
There is no stupid question :)!
Can you please open an issue here github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form/is... so that other people wondering the same thing might find it easily?
Ok, i va added the question to your github page.
Great article, how would you handle value transformations in subforms using ControlValueAccessors so you could do conversions like cents into dollars for values as they get patched, and dollars to cents when accessing the form value. I've got an initial way of accomplishing this using two directives (toDollars and toCents) and using a mask on the dollars via Maskito, but it feels janky and requires adding the 2 directives to all currency fields.
following the example
I need to put all the controls inside a single component in the "FormArray", however I didn't understand how to access the "compartment.formControlNames.deck"
Hi Elvis, I think all you need to do is change FormControlName for deck and size to a simple FormControl to witch you'd pass the compartment.
If you provide a minimal repro on stackblitz I may help you out
12 months on and this plugin is fantastic but i'm struggling to use it in one aspect. One to many master detail forms.
Is there a working example similar to the suggestion of adding multiple colours to your spaceship example or the Authors example mentioned in github.com/cloudnc/ngx-sub-form/is...
I later realised that you're demo app had the functionality. I've forked your simplified demo to include the FormArray functionality
Unless I'm missing something here, how is this diffrent from the native angular form builder?
Dont quote me on this but I'm sorta sure that one can build complex forms in a child parent manner using just the form builder.
Generate the form in the root component and pass individual form groups, form arrays to the sub components
Hi Antony,
is different than what you can do withFormBuilder
is a simple helper to save you some boilerplate instead of using directlynew FormGroup()
.If you refer to breaking-down-the-form-into-sub-co... and breaking-down-the-form-into-sub-co..., I've explained why using a
instead of passing aFormGroup
, etc) is a better idea.But
is also going further than that:.ts
)It feels like I'm quoting myself from the article without adding much in this comment so not sure how helpful this will be to you... Let me know if you're still not convinced :). Maybe you can make a demo on stackblitz using inputs to pass a formGroup and I can fork your demo to show you the difference with ngx-sub-form π
Oh and I almost forgot, but using a ControlValueAccessor you let people decide whether they want to use a template form or a reactive one. So you could build a sub component with ngx-sub-form in a reactive way, and consume it as part of another form with a template syntax for example. Which is not the case when you pass a formGroup
Thanks, I really appreciate advanced Angular posts like this. ReactiveForm is useful but I feel like working with form in Angular can be better than what we're having.
Hi Thanh! Thanks for the kind words.
I agree, feels like reactive forms could go further than what they currently do. In the meantime, let's improve them as much as we can ourselves!
Wow awesome
Thanks Lars! =)
As someone who has endured the battle of Reactive Forms, this is looking really good. Curious to your opinions to ngrx-forms. It's not the easiest to get started, but I've really liked the integration an the functional aspect of it.
I appreciate that :)! Hopefully it might help you a bit in the future.
I've never used it yet and don't have time to dive into their doc right now so can't make any comment about it.
Excellent article and a great solution to a tricky problem. Thanks for posting!
Glad you liked it, thanks for letting me know :)