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Next level data privacy with easy, free and secure self hosting at home

Maxime on June 03, 2023

Hello 👋! Yes you read this well. Self hosting made: Easy. Free. Secure. With a machine running at your house, not in the cloud. Even if you've nev...
jpdvm2014 profile image
Jon P •

Thanks for this! I started with NGINX Proxy Manager, but moved to Traefik w/Authelia. Traefik worked well, but it is so hard for me to configure. I followed a tutorial to get it up and running, but if I had to fix/change anything, it was a mess trying to figure it out on my own.

I also tried Caddy because I heard how easy it is, but I couldn't even get an SSL cert to work.

SWAG was quick and painless, and I actually understand the config files! Lol.

maxime1992 profile image
Maxime •

I saw these 2 but they look too complicated to have a smooth worklow IMO. So I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing, really interesting to have feedback from someone who tried those 3!

marines profile image
Mariusz Kujawski •

That's a missed opportunity to use Cloudflare tunnel and skip opening ports on router. Way more secure.

edmundo096 profile image
Edmundo Elizondo •

I learned about it few months ago. We can't know it all but glad you mentioned it, complementing this great article. I hope the author makes mention of it somewhere later on.

maxime1992 profile image
Maxime •

I have never heard nor used it myself. So I'm not going to mention it in the article itself as I wouldn't be honnest in any way. But I'm glad there's a comment about it as it looks like a good idea and TIL 🙂. People can make research on their own when seeing this comment. Thanks for sharing !

maxime1992 profile image
Maxime •
rebertim profile image
Tim Reber •

Can you post a Link to the Picture above of the House in Good resoloution? xD
Great Post!

maxime1992 profile image
Maxime •

Thanks! As for the picture, I don't have any better resolution for the image I'm afraid. I used Midjourney to generate it and I don't believe I can upscale it anymore than that.

rebertim profile image
Tim Reber •

No Problem, Thanks for the fast respone :)

freitzzz profile image
João Freitas •

Awesome article! If I properly understood the architecture, we can plug other self-hosting services in different machines and then connect them to swag, right?

maxime1992 profile image
Maxime •

Thanks ! 100% correct ✅.
I've been using this as well to have an https subdomain pointing to my dev machine so I could temporarily have access to my "localhost" through https which is sometimes required. In this case it was because I was developing a webhook that I was passing on to an online 3rd party service and they only allowed https. I also used it to expose a local version of stable diffusion for my brother who's not a dev and didn't know how to run it. You just need to put the local http address in the Nginx conf instead of passing the docker container name :)

teachersfuture profile image
Mark Lew •

Im interested in building a secure storage sever for home use. I will pay someone to set this up for me next month. hit me up in comments. John R.