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Next level data privacy with easy, free and secure self hosting at home

Hello 👋!

Yes you read this well. Self hosting made: Easy. Free. Secure.
With a machine running at your house, not in the cloud. Even if you've never done that before.

That said, if you prefer to apply all this on a server you rent to some provider, it'll work the exact same way. You'll just skip the chapter on the router configuration.

Let's clarify from the start what I mean by:

  • Easy: The first setup isn't necessarily easy (nor complicated). But it takes a bit of time. We'll go through it all together. Once it's done, adding new apps will take a few seconds or minutes based on how complex the docker strategy is (integrated database or separate container to run Postgres for example)
  • Free: You will not have to pay monthly or yearly bills for a server you rent online and a domain name because I'll explain how to setup everything locally using your desktop, laptop or a spare computer that you can keep open. You'd still have to pay for a machine if you don't have a spare one, as well as electricity to run it. That said, as a metric for this, my server has consumed ~60kwh in 6 months which makes it ~10kwh/month or ~2€/month.


Have you ever wished to self host one of the +1000 brilliant open source project listed in awesome-self hosted? A project of your own? A school project? Or anything else that is web based? Sky (or the RAM of your server) is the limit!

If you're afraid of:

  • 🕵️‍♂️ Online solutions that have no respect for your privacy
  • 💸 Online hosting solutions where you're 100% in control of the server and apps, but it can be expensive
  • 🤷‍♂️ How to configure NGINX as it seems too complicated
  • 🛡️ Expose your services safely on the internet

Fear no more! In this blog post we'll be starting from scratch, all the way up to have a local stack safely accessible from the outside of our own network.

What we will achieve

Here's the high level breakdown of what we'll do:

  • Install and use Docker + Docker Compose in order to have self contained applications
  • Use DuckDNS to create a free domain name that we can point to our public IP to have access to our apps from outside our home network (note, you could skip this step and use your own domain name of course if you prefer to)
  • Use SWAG to manage our NGINX server, SSL certificates and fail2ban to ban people trying to brute force our services
  • Use Authelia (combined to our NGINX in SWAG) to add a double authentication layer in front of all our services
  • Discuss about how to open up the ports on a router to be able to have access to your apps from the internet
  • Access the default monitoring dashboard of SWAG from internet, behind our double authentication layer

As a bonus and real life demo I'll soon write another blog post for this serie, where we'll add 3 brilliant applications:

  • Paperless-ngx to manage all your digital documents
  • Photoprism to manage all your pictures and videos
  • Kopia to backup all your data from all the containers

At the end of this blog post, you will:

  • Be able to have all this stack up and running
  • Be in a position to add any other web app easily

Let's get started! 🔥
Hang tight for the initial setup. Things will get way easier once this is done.

Architecture overview

As an image is often worth a thousands words, here's the high level overview of what we'll be setting up:

Global architecture

Note that we'll add the 3 apps at the bottom only in the next post of the series.

DuckDNS setup

As mentioned previously, this part is optional and if you prefer to use your domain name instead you can.

Head over DuckDNS website and log in with the provider of your choice. You'll be setup in a matter of seconds. You should land on this page:

Anonymized DuckDNS page example

Note that the token displayed in the middle of the page must be kept secret, never share it. We'll get back to it soon.

In the domain input, type the domain name you wish to have pointing to your local setup. This will be the base of the public URL to access all your service. Something like

You will only need one as we'll be using sub domains so don't name it for a specific app. For example, with the 3 apps we'll be setting up in the next post, we'll end up with the following URLs:


From this point, all the commands we run should be run on the machine you decide to use as the server. If you only want to try out this whole stack without having a server, you can definitely give it a go from your current computer as well and migrate the setup to a server if you wish later on. I am running on Ubuntu so all the command will be Ubuntu based. That said it should be quite trivial to change the OS specific commands to match yours.

Docker and Docker Compose setup

I'll assume we start from scratch here. If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed already, you can skip this chapter.


Run the following:

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get install -y \
     ca-certificates \
     curl \
     gnupg \

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

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Docker Compose

cd ~
mkdir .docker
mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose

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Let's make sure we can run Docker without being an admin:

Replace XXXXXXXXXX by your user name.

sudo usermod -a -G docker XXXXXXXXXX
newgrp docker

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SWAG setup

If you wish to dig more into SWAG setup, here's the official documentation.

SWAG is no exception to the rule and it'll be ran as a Docker container. We will now create our docker-compose.yaml file that'll let us define all the containers we want to run.

I'd recommend to create a new folder so that all the data from our several containers will be hosted in the same folder, making our lives easier for when we look into Kopia and the backup system. In my case, I've defined it at ~/opt which is a folder I've created myself. If you point to a different folder, make sure to update the paths accordingly in the docker compose file.

Create a file called docker-compose.yaml and paste the following in it:

version: '3.0'

    container_name: swag
      - NET_ADMIN
      - common.env
      - swag.env
      - VALIDATION=duckdns
      - SUBDOMAINS=wildcard
      - DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:swag-dashboard
      - ~/opt/swag/config:/config
      - 443:443
      # open port 81 for the dashboard
      - 81:81
    restart: unless-stopped

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  • Make sure to update the URL in the environment. It's the one you've defined in your DuckDNS earlier
  • Don't forget to change the path for the volume if you've decided to put your files somewhere else than ~/opt. You could just put ./swag/config:/config but then you'd need to make sure to always launch the docker compose from that directory
  • Feel free to change the ports 443 and 81 if they're already taken to anything you'd like. Remember to only edit the port on the left side of the : as the one on the right is the internal binding for the container

Then create 2 files at the same level:



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To find out your own PUID and PGID, type in your console id and you'll something like this:

$ id
uid=1000(maxime) gid=1000(maxime)

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Use these 2 values.

As for the timezone TZ, you can find it here on Wikipedia, in the TZ Identifier column.



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Of course, replace it with the token displayed on your DuckDNS page.

Time to start our first container!

$ docker compose up -d

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It should pull the container if you don't have it already and you should see a message like this:

✔ Container swag Started

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To make double sure everything went well, we can also check the logs of the container:

$ docker logs swag

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You'll see a bunch of logs but the most important line being the last one: Server ready.

Notice as well that a swag folder was created!

SWAG folder created

Without further ado, let's access the integrated SWAG dashboard... From the internet by configuring our router.

Router configuration

Whether you have your own router or the default "box" provided your internet provider, you will have access to all the settings. That said, each router has it's own UI and I cannot cover all of these. So you will have to search a little bit in your router configuration to find out where you need to access the settings I'll mention. If you don't find them, Google is your friend for this part!

Search in the settings for DHCP. This will let us attribute a local static IP to our computer running SWAG. Create a new rule. It'll ask you what's the device you wish to configure. If it's a little bit smart, it'll list the devices and their IP and you'll be able to select from there. If not, you'll have to enter the current IP and the MAC address of the computer.

Once done, search for NAT & PAT or NAT forwarding or Port forwarding. This will let us bind a port of our public IP and redirect to a given local IP + port. In our case, we will need to have only 1 rule here as we'll be using sub domains to have multiple apps under the same base domain. Create a new rule, for all the protocols (TCP+UDP). Define the external port to be 443. You'll then need to point to a given internal IP and a given port. Specify your computer IP as for the port it'll be 443 as well (or if you changed the 443 port of our docker-compose.yaml file, put the one you wrote here).

As we've passed the environment variable DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:swag-dashboard, SWAG gives us access to an admin dashboard. Therefore, if everything went well with the router configuration, we should now have access to it from internet! Try to access your domain name with the subdomain dashboard:

You should see this 🎉:

SWAG Dashboard

Feels awesome right?!

You may think though that it's not really a good idea to expose an admin dashboard publicly on the internet. And you'd be right! Let's jump into the next chapter to setup some additional security.

Authelia and double authentication

Authelia is a fantastic piece of open source software which:

Authelia is an open-source authentication and authorization server and portal fulfilling the identity and access management (IAM) role of information security in providing multi-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO) for your applications via a web portal. It acts as a companion for common reverse

Essentially, it'll let you put an (extra) authentication layer 🔐 in front of any deployed services 🛡️. You can setup 2 factor authentication (2FA) for reinforced security as well.
🍒 on the cake, you can even define per user access to your apps. To be clear, if an app you deploy has already a login/password access, you can decide to expose it on the internet. But if the security of that app is weak, you may be in troubles. Authelia lets you plug an extra layer with 2FA in front. You'll only have to log once to Authelia and then still log independently to any app that has its own id/password login. Let's crack on!

Add the following service to our docker-compose.yaml file:

# to add a user, add directly to `authelia/users_database.yml`
# then get the encrypted password with
# docker run --rm authelia hash-password yourpassword
  container_name: authelia
    - common.env
    - ./authelia:/config
  restart: unless-stopped

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Run docker compose up -d so that the Authelia container gets started as well.

You'll see that a new folder authelia will be created with 1 file. But if we look into the logs, we can see that something needs to be fixed before we can actually use Authelia:

$ docker logs authelia

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Gives us:

time="2023-06-02T22:34:09+02:00" level=error msg="Configuration: storage: option 'encryption_key' must is required"
time="2023-06-02T22:34:09+02:00" level=fatal msg="Can't continue due to the errors loading the configuration"

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This is normal, it's because it's the first time the app is launched and for security reason, we need to change some default values in the config. Let's edit authelia/configuration.yml and replace it with the following:


  port: 9091
  read_buffer_size: 4096
  write_buffer_size: 4096
  path: 'authelia'
  level: info
  file_path: /config/logs/authelia.log
  disable_reset_password: true
    path: /config/users_database.yml
      algorithm: argon2id
      iterations: 1
      key_length: 32
      salt_length: 16
      memory: 512
      parallelism: 8
  default_policy: deny
    - domain:
        - '*'
      policy: two_factor
  name: authelia_session
  expiration: 1h
  inactivity: 5m
  remember_me_duration: 1M
  max_retries: 3
  find_time: 2m
  ban_time: 5m
    path: /config/db.sqlite3
  disable_startup_check: false
    filename: /config/notification.txt

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Update all the following:

  • yourdomain

For secrets and encryption keys, generate long and random strings❗

To avoid an error with the container, create an empty file: authelia/logs/authelia.log.

Then do docker compose down && docker compose up -d.
You should see a bunch of new files created in the authelia folder and docker logs authelia shall show a few level=info but no errors ✅.

Last but not least, we need to add a user otherwise it'll be hard to log in!

Launch the following command to encrypt your chosen password for Authelia:

$ docker run --rm authelia/authelia:latest authelia hash-password yourpassword

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Change of course yourpassword to a very strong password as this will be your entry point to Authelia. Generating it using a password manager is a good idea.

It'll then print the encrypted password to the console. Keep it there for now and head over authelia/users_database.yml.

Edit this file with the following content:

    displayname: 'your-user-name'
    password: 'Put the hashed password generated here starting with $argon2'

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Don't forget to change the username (twice) to whatever you want and update the password with the one we just generated.

Now that Authelia is configured, let's expose it through a given subdomain. For this, thanks to all the templates that SWAG has, it's really easy for most apps that we want to add!

In this case, rename swag/config/nginx/proxy-confs/authelia.subdomain.conf.sample to authelia.subdomain.conf.

Restart both services with docker compose down && docker compose up -d then go to and...

Authelia login page


If you try to log in, you'll get a message saying that you need to activate double authentication to access that resource. And it makes sense as we've specified this as the default in our config! Click on this button:

Authelia activate double authentication

You'll see a notification:

Authelia notification

It's obviously not true because we haven't setup any email provider but Authelia has a clever trick and writes the content instead to authelia/notification.txt. It'll look like this:

Date: 2023-06-02 23:13:28.051443925 +0200 CEST m=+216.364147029
Subject: Register your mobile
This email has been sent to you in order to validate your identity.
If you did not initiate the process your credentials might have been compromised. You should reset your password and contact an administrator.

To setup your 2FA please visit the following URL:

Please contact an administrator if you did not initiate the process.

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Open up the link that's written and it'll show you a page with a QR code.

Authelia double authentification QR code

With your favourite 2FA authentication app, add it. For example you can use Google Authenticator.

Brilliant! We've got Authelia and 2FA setup 🔥!

But wait, our dashboard at is still not protected. Let's edit swag/config/nginx/proxy-confs/dashboard.subdomain.conf but first: Note that, usually the proxy-confs contains all the templates and for the apps you want to expose, you rename the file to remove the .sample. In this case the dashboard template is here by default!

Anyway, let's edit dashboard.subdomain.conf. All you have to do for every new .conf file that you use to expose a new service, is to check for the lines with a comment

# enable for Authelia

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and uncomment the next line. Make sure you do that on all occurrences of the comment.

There should be at least:

  • include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf
  • include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf

In this case, there are 5 lines to uncomment ⚠️!

Now reload both services: docker compose down && docker compose up -d and head over your dashboard. It should not be accessible directly and you shall see the Authelia authentication page.

If you get a 403 Forbidden error, you may need to adjust your allowed IP addresses in dashboard.subdomain.conf.

Pro tip 💡: Notice how the URL goes from to something like ?

If you're using a password manager, assuming it's got regex support for URL detection, it's possible to separate your apps from the Authelia login which is very convenient instead of having a domain match that'd just always show you the Authelia entry as the domain doesn't change when Authelia login shows up. It's just the end of the URL.

For your Authelia entry in your password manager, enter this:


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For all your apps, enter this (example with Paperless that we'll setup later):


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This way, when your app doesn't open the Authelia page your password manager will only show 1 entry for the app, and when Authelia shows up it'll only show Authelia, not all of your apps entries.

I believe data privacy is important and being able to self host applications where you own your data is like a super power. In the next post of the series, I'll show how to setup 3 of my favourites open source apps to manage your documents, pictures and backup all that safely.

If you're interested in more articles about Angular, RxJS, open source, self hosting, data privacy, feel free to hit the follow button for more. Thanks for reading!

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If you've found a typo, a sentence that could be improved or anything else that should be updated on this blog post, you can access it through a git repository and make a pull request. Instead of posting a comment, please go directly to and open a new pull request with your changes. If you're interested how I manage my posts through git and CI, read more here.

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Top comments (12)

jpdvm2014 profile image
Jon P

Thanks for this! I started with NGINX Proxy Manager, but moved to Traefik w/Authelia. Traefik worked well, but it is so hard for me to configure. I followed a tutorial to get it up and running, but if I had to fix/change anything, it was a mess trying to figure it out on my own.

I also tried Caddy because I heard how easy it is, but I couldn't even get an SSL cert to work.

SWAG was quick and painless, and I actually understand the config files! Lol.

maxime1992 profile image

I saw these 2 but they look too complicated to have a smooth worklow IMO. So I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing, really interesting to have feedback from someone who tried those 3!

marines profile image
Mariusz Kujawski

That's a missed opportunity to use Cloudflare tunnel and skip opening ports on router. Way more secure.

edmundo096 profile image
Edmundo Elizondo

I learned about it few months ago. We can't know it all but glad you mentioned it, complementing this great article. I hope the author makes mention of it somewhere later on.

maxime1992 profile image

I have never heard nor used it myself. So I'm not going to mention it in the article itself as I wouldn't be honnest in any way. But I'm glad there's a comment about it as it looks like a good idea and TIL 🙂. People can make research on their own when seeing this comment. Thanks for sharing !

maxime1992 profile image
rebertim profile image
Tim Reber

Can you post a Link to the Picture above of the House in Good resoloution? xD
Great Post!

maxime1992 profile image

Thanks! As for the picture, I don't have any better resolution for the image I'm afraid. I used Midjourney to generate it and I don't believe I can upscale it anymore than that.

rebertim profile image
Tim Reber

No Problem, Thanks for the fast respone :)

freitzzz profile image
João Freitas

Awesome article! If I properly understood the architecture, we can plug other self-hosting services in different machines and then connect them to swag, right?

maxime1992 profile image

Thanks ! 100% correct ✅.
I've been using this as well to have an https subdomain pointing to my dev machine so I could temporarily have access to my "localhost" through https which is sometimes required. In this case it was because I was developing a webhook that I was passing on to an online 3rd party service and they only allowed https. I also used it to expose a local version of stable diffusion for my brother who's not a dev and didn't know how to run it. You just need to put the local http address in the Nginx conf instead of passing the docker container name :)

teachersfuture profile image
Mark Lew

Im interested in building a secure storage sever for home use. I will pay someone to set this up for me next month. hit me up in comments. John R.

👋 Kindness is contagious

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