Earlier this year I shared:
I published the following blog posts where I show how to take an application built with code and rebuild it with no-code:
- Tutorial: building a no-code application to text positive news with Parabola, News API, Watson NLU and Twilio
- Building a no-code application that sends an email and a text message when a new user registers
As I continue my journey I stumbled across another great application How I Built a Serverless AWS Lambda Twitter Bot in NodeJS in a Single Day and decided build it with no-code. In this blog post I’m going to show how I built a Twitter bot that posts an inspirational tweet every day at a specified time. Here is how it looks:
I was able to build the Twitter bot in about 10 minutes.
I used the following tools:
- Zapier – for integration and bot logic
- They Said So quotes API – API to get inspiration quotes
I created a Zap that has the following steps:
- Every day at 10am PT
- Get a daily inspirational quote
- Post a message to Twitter with the quote
Let’s see how each steps looks in more detail.
Every Day step
The Every Day step specifies when to run this Zap. In this example I’m running the Zap every day at 10am Pacific Time:

Note that you can see the outline of the zap on the left.
The next step is to invoke the quotes API.
GET step
The GET step allows to invoke any external REST API. In this step I’m invoking

In this step I’m invoking the https://quotes.rest/qod API (Quotes API is from They Said So®)
The last step it so create a tweet.
Create Tweet in Twitter step
In this step you connect to Twitter and put together the tweet to share:

The tweet message consists of the quote, a link to the quote and an Twitter image.
Once the Zap is ready you need to enable it to run and that’s it.
What I find incredible (or perhaps not because I’m using no-code tools) is that I was able to build this bot in under 10 minutes.
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