DEV Community

Maya Sheriff
Maya Sheriff

Posted on

Rails Migration Tips and Examples (not a full step by step)

Generates the model and migration, but also all of the RCAVs for index, show, create, update, and destroy.

  • The model name must be singular.
  • Separate column names and datatypes with colons (NO SPACES).
  • Separate name:datatype pairs with spaces (NO COMMAS).

rails generate draft:resource board name:string
rails generate draft:resource post title:string body:text expires_on:date board_id:integer
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Execute the generated migrations with:

rake db:migrate
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This will remove all the files that rails generate draft:resource post ... had previously added. You can then correct your error and re-generate from scratch.

rails destroy draft:resource post
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If you made a mistake when generating your draft:resource AND you’ve already run rake db:migrate, then first you have to run the command:

rake db:rollback
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Adding and Removing columns

rails g migration AddImageToPosts
rails g migration RemoveExpiresOnFromPosts
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  • If your database gets into a weird state (usually caused by deleting old migration files), your ultimate last resort is
  • This will destroy your entire database and all the data within it. Then, you can fix your migrations and re-run all from scratch with rake db:migrate, then rake sample_data to recover the sample data.
rake db:drop
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