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Shashank Trivedi
Shashank Trivedi

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Leetcode LinkedList Questions

  1. Reverse Linked List (LeetCode #206) Difficulty: Easy Concepts: Iterative and recursive approaches.
  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists (LeetCode #21) Difficulty: Easy Concepts: Linked list traversal and merging techniques.
  3. Remove Nth Node From End of List **(LeetCode #19) **Difficulty: Medium Concepts: Two-pointer technique (slow and fast pointer).
  4. Linked List Cycle **(LeetCode #141) **Difficulty: Easy Problem: Detect whether a linked list contains a cycle. Concepts: Floyd’s cycle detection algorithm (tortoise and hare).
  5. Linked List Cycle II **(LeetCode #142) **Difficulty: Medium Problem: Find the node where the cycle begins in a linked list. Concepts: Floyd’s cycle detection, meeting point of slow and fast pointers.
  6. Add Two Numbers (LeetCode #2) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers, add the two numbers. Concepts: Linked list traversal and addition with carry.
  7. Intersection of Two Linked Lists (LeetCode #160) Difficulty: Easy Problem: Find the node at which two linked lists intersect. Concepts: Two-pointer technique and linked list lengths.
  8. Palindrome Linked List (LeetCode #234) Difficulty: Easy Problem: Check whether a linked list is a palindrome. Concepts: Slow and fast pointer, reversing the second half of the list.
  9. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List (LeetCode #430) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Flatten a multilevel doubly linked list. Concepts: Recursion and linked list traversal.
  10. Sort List (LeetCode #148) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time and O(1) space. Concepts: Merge sort on linked lists.
  11. Reorder List (LeetCode #143) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Reorder a linked list by alternating nodes from the start and end. Concepts: Linked list manipulation, reversing second half of the list.
  12. Rotate List (LeetCode #61) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Rotate a linked list to the right by k places. Concepts: Length of list, rotating nodes. 13.Copy List with Random Pointer (LeetCode #138) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Deep copy of a linked list where each node has a random pointer. Concepts: HashMap or constant space cloning technique.
  13. Swap Nodes in Pairs **(LeetCode #24) **Difficulty: Medium Problem: Swap every two adjacent nodes in a linked list. Concepts: Recursion and pointer manipulation.
  14. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (LeetCode #83) Difficulty: Easy Problem: Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list. Concepts: Linked list traversal and in-place modifications.
  15. Odd Even Linked List **(LeetCode #328) **Difficulty: Medium Problem: Group all odd nodes together followed by even nodes. Concepts: Linked list rearrangement.
  16. Reverse Nodes in k-Group **(LeetCode #25) **Difficulty: Hard Problem: Reverse nodes in groups of k at a time. Concepts: Recursion and linked list manipulation.
  17. Split Linked List in Parts (LeetCode #725) Difficulty: Medium Problem: Split a linked list into k parts. Concepts: Linked list traversal and partitioning.

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