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Jibril Dauda Muhammad
Jibril Dauda Muhammad

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Practical Front End Development Part 3 - JS


we have style our web application, but yet to implement the main functionalities, which is to calculate GPA when a user input records.
now lets head to main.js in our js folder

Table Of Content

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3
  4. Step 4 .

Step 1:

inside main.js we need three javascript function

  • to add new row addNewRow()
  • to calculate the gpa addUpCreditsGpa()
  • to convert the letters to equivalent point gradeToPoints() .
function addNewRow(){


function addUpCreditsGpa(){


function gradeToPoints(){



Step 2:

Inside the first function that is the function that is been invoked when when the user clicked on the add button from our index.html file, we populate it with the following

    const tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");
    const tr = document.createElement("tr");

    const td = document.createElement("td");
    const td1 = document.createElement("td");
    const td2 = document.createElement("td");
    const input = document.createElement("input");
    const select1 = document.createElement("select");
    const select2 = document.createElement("select");

    const option11 = document.createElement("option");
    const option12 = document.createElement("option");
    const option13 = document.createElement("option");
    const option14 = document.createElement("option");
    const option15 = document.createElement("option");
    const option16 = document.createElement("option");
    const option21 = document.createElement("option");
    const option22 = document.createElement("option");
    const option23 = document.createElement("option");
    const option24 = document.createElement("option");
    const option25 = document.createElement("option");
    const option26 = document.createElement("option");

    input.type = "text"; = "courseCode";
    input.classList.add("code-input"); = "creditUnit"; = "grade";
    select1.setAttribute("onchange", "addUpCreditsGpa()");
    select2.setAttribute("onchange", "addUpCreditsGpa()");
    option11.innerHTML = "6";
    option12.innerHTML = "5";
    option13.innerHTML = "4";
    option14.innerHTML = "3";
    option15.innerHTML = "2";
    option16.innerHTML = "1";
    option21.innerHTML = "A";
    option22.innerHTML = "B";
    option23.innerHTML = "C";
    option24.innerHTML = "D";
    option25.innerHTML = "E";
    option26.innerHTML = "F";




Explaining the code

when creating a variable in javascript you make use of

  • let or const: e.g const table
  • document.createElement() is use to create new HTML element via js e.g document.createElement("option") equivalent to <option></option> in javascript
  • in a normal input tag <input> attributes like type and name, can be found, class attribute if you want to style it. e.g <input type='text' name='my-input'>. therefore from our sourcecode above input.type = 'text' and'courseCode' and input.classList.add('code-input') is equivalent to <input type='text' name='courseCode' class='code-input'> in a normal HTML file
  • Some elements do have event listeners, eventlisteners are things that happen when a user click, when a page load, when a file is submitted etc. an example is <from onSubmit='clearField()'></form> therefore select1.setAttribute("onchange", "addUpCreditsGpa()"); is equivalent to <select onchange='addUpCreditsGpa'>...</select> in HTML file
  • The .innerHTML is use to add content to an HTML tag e.g option11.innerHTML = "6"; in javascript is equivalent to <option>6</option> in HTML
  • The appendchild is use to insert another HTMl element into another, for those that can be child element to one another e.g select1.appendChild(option11); in javascript is equivalent to <select><option></option></select> in HTML, here <option></option> is appended to <select></select> .

Step 3:

Inside the second function this is where the calculation takes place, we add this codes to it

    const creditUnit = document.querySelectorAll('[name = creditUnit]');
    const grade = document.querySelectorAll('[name = grade]');
    let totalUnit = document.querySelector("[name = totalUnit]").value = "";
    let gpa = document.querySelector("[name = gpa]").value = "";
    let option1 = "";
    let option2 = "";
    let a  = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < creditUnit.length; ++i) {
        option1 = creditUnit[i].options[creditUnit[i].selectedIndex].text;
        let totalUnit = document.querySelector("[name = totalUnit]").value;
        totalUnit = Number(totalUnit) + Number(option1);
    let asum = a.reduce((partial_sum, a) => partial_sum + a,0); 

    let b = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < grade.length; ++i) {
        option2 = grade[i].options[grade[i].selectedIndex].text;
        let gpa = document.querySelector("[name = gpa]").value;
        let letterPoint = gradeToPoints(option2);
        let totalPoint = letterPoint;
    let addAB = a.reduce(function(r,a,i){return r+a*b[i]},0);

    let gpaScore = parseFloat(addAB / asum).toFixed(2);
    document.querySelector("[name = totalUnit]").value = asum;
    document.querySelector("[name = gpa]").value = gpaScore;

Explaining the code

  • The document.querySelectorAll() is use to select html elements/tags, id's, class, anything that can be traversed by the DOM e.g document.querySelectorAll('[name = creditUnit]') will select all element with attribute name as 'creditsUnit' when you have a .value = ""; method added to it, it means an empty value is been assigned here.
  • The first for loop will loop through the all the creditunit put every thing in an array and sum up all the unit.
  • The second for loop will loop through the grade, convert them to the equivalent point, store everything in an array and sum up all the values
  • The parseFloat(addAB / asum).toFixed(2); will calculate the GPA and correct it to 2 significant figures
  • The document.querySelector("[name = totalUnit]").value = asum; will search for an HTML element in index.html with attribute name='totalUnit' then assign the asum which is the sum of the totalunit and document.querySelector("[name = gpa]").value = gpaScore; will search for an HTML element in index.html with attribute name='gpa' then assign the gpaScore which is the quotient of addAB / asum where addAB is total of value of grade to points and asum is the total credit unit. .

Step 4:

inside the last function you paste this

    if ("A" == grade) {
        return 5.0;
    else if ("B" == grade) {
        return 4.0;
    else if ("C" == grade) {
        return 3.0;
    else if ("D" == grade) {
        return 2.0;
    else if ("E" == grade) {
        return 1.0;
    else if ("F" == grade) {
        return 0.0;
    else {
        //XXX! Should we throw an exception here?
        return Invalid;

Save your file and open index.html in your browser to see how it now work, as you change the values, the gpa and total credit unit are been updated
you can view the demo application here here


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