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Save this for later: Angular in 2021

Last year was all about Angular, the most favorite topic in 2021 indeed! Catch up with what the MeetupFeed community loved and check out the most sought-after videos from the previous year. These Angular gods are all worthy of being on the top 8 list, which one is your favorite? Learn about cross platform apps, token security, Angular architectures, error monitoring and the list goes on. Guess what 2022 holds for you? More Angular videos than ever, so stay tuned and get back to us once in a while.

Angular: Cross-platform apps with capacitor | Mike Hartington

Join Mike Hartington for a walkthrough of Capacitor, a new cross-platform native runtime that makes it easy to build web apps that run on iOS, Android, and on the web as Progressive Web Apps— all powered by a single codebase. Capacitor is a spiritual success to Cordova and offers a modern approach to app building that makes it easy for web developers to reuse their skills to build quality apps for all platforms, while significantly lessening the likelihood that they’ll get stuck on native-specific issues.

Lowering the barrier of entry to Angular | Tracy Lee

From time to time, Angular happens to be criticized for having a higher level of entry compared to similar technologies. In her presentation, Tracy Lee explains how to make things much easier for people who are planning to use Angular.

Token security and ESLint | Philippe De Ryck & James Henry

First, Philippe De Ryck talked about Token security in Angular. Here are some of the questions you’re probably asking yourself now, with the answers included.

Can an Angular application store tokens in localStorage?

– Yes, of course! LocalStorage is persistent storage, so the token is available to all tabs and windows. It even survives a browser restart.

– No, absolutely not! LocalStorage is insecure, and an attacker will be able to steal the token.

Believe it or not, but both answers are correct. As simple as this question is, the answer is far from straightforward.

In this session, Philippe dives into the security properties of Angular applications. He uncovers why localStorage is insecure and discuss potential alternatives.

By the end of this session, you will be able to decide where to store tokens in your applications.

Even better, you’ll be able to argue why your decision is the right one.

Then, James Henry followed with a presentation, titled Angular and ESLint, together at last

James Henry is a Microsoft MVP for TypeScript, Consultant Architect for Nrwl, and the creator of typescript-eslint and angular-eslint.

In this session, James teaches us about the evolution of linting in Angular projects together with how we can use Angular and ESLint together today.

James covers starting a brand new project from scratch, as well as migrating existing projects from TSLint to ESLint and what the future of the Angular CLI’s linting support looks like.

Sustainable Angular Architectures | Manfred Steyer

Monorepos allow huge enterprise applications to be subdivided into small and maintainable libraries. This is, however, only one side of the coin: We need to first define criteria for slicing our application into individual parts and we must establish rules for communication between them.

This webinar looks at a solution provided by Strategic Domain-Driven Design. By using an Angular-based case study, we investigate the idea of the ubiquitous language and the bounded context, sub-domains, and context mapping. Building on this, you will learn how to implement these ideas for Angular using Nx monorepos. We also discuss approaches for reducing coupling between the specific parts of our monorepo and for enforcing your architecture.

To sum up, you will have a technical solution and appropriate methodology to build sustainable solutions.

Angular and Core Web Vitals | Minko Gechev & Houssein

Discover what Angular does to improve your CWV metrics under the hood. Meet new techniques that make your optimization and debugging seamless. in order to get a better understanding of how you can achieve the perfect performance score.

Super Charge Your Apps using State Management with NgRx | Muhammad Awais

Muhammad Awais shows you the steps towards using NgRx Store. Obtain the ability to store all state in a single tree that is accessible from any part of the applicationLearn how you can bridge the gap between these problems by using the perfect combination of the right tools.

Federated Angular: Why and How? | Manfred Steyer

Let Manfred Steyer guide you through the implementation of Micro-Frontends into several projects he has been involved in the past.

In addition, you can find out whether Micro-Frontends are a good fit for you and how you can integrate it with Angular alongside discussing consequences, trade-offs, and alternatives.

Getting Started With Error Monitoring | Neil Manvar

In this workshop, Sentry Sales Engineering Manager Neil Manvar walks you through integrating Sentry into your Angular app, step by easy-to-understand step. He’ll show you how to integrate the SDK by importing your library, then how to configure it. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to surface and inspect any and all errors within your app.

Want to learn more? Check out other articles on our blog.

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