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Alexey Melezhik
Alexey Melezhik

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Sparky - simple and efficient alternative to Ansible


So, you have a hundred VMs you need to manage, and you have ... Ansible ? I should stop here, as this is a tool that is standard in configuration management nowadays, but I'd dare to continue and say there is a better alternative to it.

But before we get into it, why am I so frustrated with Ansible? Here are my points:

  • YAML based declarative DSL really stinks on complex tasks as it lacks the flexibility that imperative languages have.

  • YAML is not even a programming language, and you gonna pay the price very soon.

  • To keep ansible code clean and simple, extra efforts are required, one need to refactor out all the complexity from YAML to python modules and this feels like "why I even start using YAML DSL"?

  • Ansible reports are frustrating as I always need to add these debug tasks to show real STDOUT/STDERR emitted from commands, where it should just work out of the box.

  • Ansible ties me to the idea of "running on a host," where sometimes I need to run tasks not tied to hosts, yes, you can still use "ansible_connection=local" but this feels awkward.

Meet Sparky

So, meet Sparky - elegant, efficient and all-battery included automation tool. It's written on powerful and modern Raku language, with bulma css frontend and web sockets.

To install Sparky - install Rakudo first and then install Sparky itself as a Raku module:

curl | sh 
eval "$(~/.rakubrew/bin/rakubrew init Bash)" 
rakubrew download moar-2024.05
git clone
cd sparky/
# install Sparky and it's dependencies
zef install --/test .
# init sparky sqlite database
raku db-init.raku
# run sparky job runner
nohup sparkyd >~/.sparkyd.log < /dev/null &
# run sparky web console
cro run
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This simple scenario gets it up and running; if you go to you'll see a nice Sparky web console. We use the console to run sparky jobs.


Show me the design

So we have a control plane that would manage many hosts over ssh, using push mode:

         | CP , Sparky | 
       /   /    |    \    \
     host host host host host

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This is pretty much what ansible does ...

Show me the code

Now say, we have 5 NGINX servers we need to restart, let's drop a simple Sparky job to do this in pure Raku language:

use Sparky::JobApi;
class Pipeline does Sparky::JobApi::Role { 
  method stage-main {
    for 1..5 -> $i {
      my $j = :workers<5>; 
      $j.queue: %(
        sparrowdo => %(
          bootstrap => true,
          host => "nginx_{$i}.local.domain"
       tags => %(
         stage => "child",
         i => $i
  method stage-child {
    service-restart "nginx" 
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In this scenario, Sparky will run five parallel jobs that restart nginx on five hosts. Simple and elegant.

Moreover those five jobs will appear as five separate reports in Sparky UI …

Got interested?

Of course, this is only a quick glance at Sparky architecture and features, things to cover further:

  • Job orchestration (DAGs)
  • Core DSL (pure Raku)
  • Custom UIs
  • Authentication (oauth2) and security access list
  • Writing more sophisticated scenarios
  • Extending Sparky with plugins by using many programming languages
  • Installing Sparky with MySQL/Postgresql database storage (instead of sqlite)
  • Using Sparky as CI server (SCM triggering and cron jobs)


Sparky project -

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