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FullStack developer on a journey to mastery

Location Paris, France Joined Joined on  Personal website github website
10 rules to help you write cleaner js code

10 rules to help you write cleaner js code

Comments 13
8 min read

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14 tips to write better Javascript

14 tips to write better Javascript

Comments 34
6 min read
Hoisting in javascript

Hoisting in javascript

4 min read
Easily retrieve the value of a nested property inside an object in javascript without the need for optional chaining in 2023.

Easily retrieve the value of a nested property inside an object in javascript without the need for optional chaining in 2023.

3 min read
How to find the minimum value in a collection of primitives or objects with Javascript in 2023

How to find the minimum value in a collection of primitives or objects with Javascript in 2023

Comments 4
2 min read
How to convert an array of objects to directories alike.

How to convert an array of objects to directories alike.

3 min read
How to efficiently remove elements from an array in 2023.

How to efficiently remove elements from an array in 2023.

2 min read
An easy way to recursively flatten a multidimensional array in JavaScript with only native JavaScript.

An easy way to recursively flatten a multidimensional array in JavaScript with only native JavaScript.

3 min read
Ever wondered how to find the difference between two arrays without a third party library?

Ever wondered how to find the difference between two arrays without a third party library?

3 min read
Ever dreamed of finding the intersecting values between arrays without a third party library?

Ever dreamed of finding the intersecting values between arrays without a third party library?

2 min read
Split an array into smaller arrays of a specific size

Split an array into smaller arrays of a specific size

3 min read
Filtering objects as easily as arrays.

Filtering objects as easily as arrays.

2 min read
Convert a number to a proper amount in Javascript.

Convert a number to a proper amount in Javascript.

3 min read
Use Javascript Destructuring to add and conditionally override a property of an object.

Use Javascript Destructuring to add and conditionally override a property of an object.

2 min read
A classic debounce function, written in modern Javascript.

A classic debounce function, written in modern Javascript.

3 min read
Generate a random number from a range like we all wished Math.random worked.

Generate a random number from a range like we all wished Math.random worked.

2 min read