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Cover image for TRUTH & LIFE'S PURPOSE

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I will not explain what truth, right, and wrong are, but rather the structure of reality behind them. Whether one labels something as right or wrong, or calls it "truth," it is not an issue as long as the consistency of the underlying structure is not reversed.

Everything that exists is reality, fact, or state.

This state is used by us in some form of interaction. Interaction with others, interaction with nature.

In simple terms, interacting with the state, interacting with the environment, interacting with reality, interacting with the current situation.

In interaction, the right attitude is required, which means a fair attitude, placing things in their proper places according to priority.

If it is not fair or according to priority, the result will be INCOMPLETE.

So, something is right because it is done according to priority. Right because it can be completed. Right because it is in its place so that it is complete as it should be.

Therefore, someone's wrongness is because they cannot fulfill their obligations. Our wrongness is because something is done not according to the order of priority.

Not according to the right placement, making the situation incomplete, and incompleteness is imperfection because perfection is completeness.

So, simply put, right/wrong due to our imperfection in completing under the determined rules, resulting in a detrimental (bad) situation.

So, if sorted, what is truth in reality is whether something is right or wrong.

The dialectic is that... perfect the measure of behavior by placing it in its place (right), so as not to be wrong, in order to live in truth (reality) with patience and gratitude by realizing where the right/wrong is without easily blaming others and the situation, except to trace a process of justice.

Because living in truth itself does not mean free from tests, but facing right/wrong to realize what needs to be done according to the order of priority (fair) so that it can be complete (perfect) in its time.

Distinguish this from faith in the Perfect God.

By realizing this, we become more aware behind this test that life must be full of tests so that humans understand what compassion is through sacrifice.

Because when everything is fulfilled, there is only enjoyment and no compassion or love.

When everything is fulfilled, there is no degree, so we also cannot realize the highest quality. We cannot realize what excellence is, cannot realize what privilege is, because everything is just enjoyment.

Only those who are mature can understand this.

That is why God is not playing with us, but that is the only way for us to realize excellence. That is the only way for enjoyment to be more than just enjoyment.

And because God is the most excellent, the most special, of course, understanding Him requires the heaviest test.

And the heaviest test is servitude (worship). Only through worship, we will realize the best humility of heart, which will also realize the best tenderness of heart. A form of superior enjoyment that we can feel (the sweetness of faith) and many other levels.

Simply put, no tests, no sacrifices, then there are no degrees of glory, no degrees of enjoyment, no degrees of excellence but everything is the same (there is only sugar, no honey - there is only sweetness, nothing sweeter).

❇️ THAT IS LIFE WITH TESTS THROUGH SACRIFICE To Gradually Realize the Highest Love Through Worship to God.

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