Originally posted on Twitter as a thread: https://twitter.com/hexrcs/status/1201593792417144833
State management in React apps can be a hard thing...
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Wasn't really bothered to study MobX because I'm so accustomed to Redux, will definitely read again when I get the chance to :) I can tell that you tried very hard to make it as easy to read as possible. Great work, and thank you for the post!
Hi, if love redux, I strongly recommend you have a try with concent) , which is born for build large scale and high performance react app.
here is online demos:
js ver: codesandbox.io/s/concent-guide-xvcej
ts ver: codesandbox.io/s/concent-guide-ts-...
function component and class component share business logic code easily, including their life-cycle methods.
Thank you for the kind words :) Really glad you've found it useful!
Hi, I recommend you have a try with concent) , which is born for build large scale and high performance react app.
here is online demos:
js ver: codesandbox.io/s/concent-guide-xvcej
ts ver: codesandbox.io/s/concent-guide-ts-...
function component and class component share business logic code easily, including their life-cycle methods.
Hey, looks like a cool project!
One thought: I'm sure it can gain a lot more traction if the docs have an English version. (Maybe create an Issue on GitHub for this and label it "good first issue" or something?)
In fact I just came across this post on how to promote OSS Projects, check it out! => dev.to/zenika/open-source-promotio...
thx for your reply, en doc is preparing(my en is not good, so it may be ready in next year)......
Concent is quite new and I only just posted a article a couple of days before to introduce Concent.
I believe I can benefit from 【Open source promotion】,thx a lot .
Try opening an issue for the translation work, I'm sure there are people willing to help!
thank you for your suggestion, I have opened an issue: github.com/concentjs/concent/issues/4, hope some can help me.
thank you , its greate, but you know ? i think redux is better ....
Everyone has their own opinion 😉
I'm making a new crash course on MobX State Tree, which is a bit like Redux but with all the benefits of MobX, a healthy mix of both worlds. You might find it interesting if you check back in two weeks! 😃
Did u come around making MST?
I’m confused about which one to choose now. I have 3 main contenders - MobX, MST & Overmind :)