Cursor is an AI-first code editor that can be downloaded on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms and is intended for pair programming with AI, and it ...
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Since Ubuntu 22.04 the installation of Fuse can crash your system (as it did mine, Ubuntu 23). Just install libfuse2.
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
How do you solve the problem after installing the fuse? I've already installed it and after I restarted my Ubuntu system it was damaged and information was like this : Oh no! Something went wrong. A problem occurred and the system could not recover. Please log out and try again.
Check this out. The answer lists the packages that get removed when you install fuse: askubuntu.com/a/1409500
I just had to reinstall my Ubuntu 24.04 yesterday. Please pay attention to this comment before installing!
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
There is an option without fuse proflead.dev/posts/cursor-ai-full-...
Thanks. Wish I had seen this before crashing my Ubuntu system.
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
thx for help
@mhbaando Please add a warning to the post informing the installation of Fuse will break Ubuntu installs above 22.04. Too many people in the comments have had the problem (myself included) and nobody reads the comments before installing, so the post needs to be updated.
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & i apologize for any inconvenience caused.
It's absolutely baffling that Linux app distribution is still this frustratingly broken and annoying in 2025. A company can't even get a simple editor binary released without needing third-party install guides. Appreciate the guide though - we clearly need it!
Thanks for your feedback, I know Linux app distribution can be frustrating, which is why i made this guide to simplify installing Cursor, Glad it helped!
How to update to the latest Cursor?
you do the same steps just download the cursor, then move it the existing directory, you don't need t install the Fuse again since you already installed and keep on
Hahaha you're right! I just move the newest AppImage to my existing app. Thanks!!
it working and thanks for that but the icon of the app isnt showing (its transparent)
the reason that the icon is not showing is you have to manually assign icon,
see this section on the "How to add cursor app on the installed application list"
Thank for saving my time
U welcome :)
pretty helpful! thanks!
Is this still up to date? Can I follow this without breaking my system? (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS)
yes, its up to date
Thanks for sharing.
U welcome
This is wrong. DO NOT INSTALL FUSE ON UBUNTU 24.04. I tried this guide and it caused my system to crash to a point where I had to reboot my computer from grub rescue. It heavily deleted extensions and important apps I had on my system.
You're correct, installing the fuse package on Ubuntu 24.04 can cause system instability,
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
i got the error above how do i fix it??
The error indicates an issue with the sandboxing mechanism of the Cursor AppImage this can be resolved by ensuring proper permissions and ownership for the chrome-sandbox file,
Run the AppImage Without Sandboxing
./cursor-0.43.6-build-241206z7j6me2e2-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox
Fix Permissions for the chrome-sandbox File To correctly configure the sandbox
i did all the steps but my cursor was not added to app list then i copied .desktop file and pasted to desktop folder and now i m able to see the cursor with the coreect icon but its not opening cursor app by clicking it
it made it executable and allowed for launching still i m not able to open cursor app by using .desktop file
Ubuntu 24.04

setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_cursorARFXWq/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
this is the error i m getting
If you put the AppImage in /opt make sure it's executable by all using ls -l /opt/cursor.AppImage and try right clicking on your desktop if you have a "create launcher" option then put the appimage path in the "command" section. If you cant the hit super and type "applications" and find New Item and add it that way. Sounds like you may be using an environment that you either needed to reload or does behind the scenes things rather than directly accessing it and it's trying to open as root which it has issues with doing.
In order for the AppImage to run successfully, the --no-sandbox flag needs to be set. Thus, see below for what needs to be in your cursor.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/cursor.appimage --no-sandbox
For ubuntu24.04
./cursor-0.8.5.AppImage --no-sandbox
Running ./cursor-0.8.5.AppImage --no-sandbox on Ubuntu 24.04 can crash your system, break your desktop, or cause security issues. Make sure you know the risks and have backups before trying it!
what will be an alternative or fix to this
To open cursor with
command-Don't blindly run commands into your terminal without knowing what it does, installing fuse brakes Ubuntu 22.04 onwards
I've updated the article to reflect this correction & I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Appreciate your detailed tutorial sir. If you could, could you please share how to run “cursor” command anywhere in terminal?
Thanks! There is a way without fuse youtu.be/EX-0ui_hQMo?si=iYdTHawcYL...
Any idea why go to defintion ctrl + click (or F12) are not working ?
amazing post very help full
So helpful! Thank you!
I got the following result: The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly.
Thanks alot