Setting Up Dokku in AWS EC2
Dokku is a popular open-source platform that simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications. In this guide, we'll show you how to set up Dokku in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance.
Step 1: Pass the Public SSH Key to the AWS Server
Use the following command to pass the public SSH key to the AWS server:
# cat <public_key_dir> | ssh -i <aws_key_dir> <username>@<ip_add/domain> sudo dokku ssh-keys:add <KEY_NAME>
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -i "intelli_masuk.pem" sudo dokku ssh-keys:add admin
Step 2: Remote Dokku Command in a Server from Local Machine
To run a remote Dokku command in the server from your local machine, use the following command:
# ssh dokku@<ip_add> <DOKKU_COMMAND>
ssh dokku@ apps:create hobby
Step 3: Setting Up the Global Domain for a Dokku Server
To set up the global domain for a Dokku server, follow these steps:
- Remove the global domain:
# ssh dokku@<IP_ADD> domains:remove-global <SERVER_ADDRESS>
ssh dokku@ domains:remove-global example-address.compute.internal
- Add the global domain:
# ssh dokku@<IP_ADD> domains:add-global <DOMAIN_NAME>
ssh dokku@ domains:add-global
Step 4: Setting Up the SSL Certificate Plugin for a New Dokku Server
To set up the Dokku Let's Encrypt plugin for the first time, use the following commands:
sudo dokku plugin:install
dokku config:set --global
Step 5: Deploying an Application in Dokku Server
To deploy an application in the Dokku server, follow these steps:
- Add a Git repository in the Dokku server:
# git remote add <repo_name> dokku@<ip_add/domain>:<app_name>
git remote add dokku dokku@
- Create an app in the Dokku server from your local machine:
# ssh dokku@<ip_add> apps:create <app_name>
ssh dokku@ apps:create hobby
- Deploy the Git repository in the Dokku server:
git push dokku main
Step 6: Setting Up a Domain for an App
To set up a domain for an app, follow these steps:
- Report the app's domains:
ssh dokku@ domains:report hobby
- Set the domain for the app:
dokku domains:set hobby
- Add the domain remotely:
ssh dokku@ domains:add hobby
Step 7: Enabling the SSL Certificate for an App
To enable the SSL certificate for an app, follow these steps:
- Set the email to get the SSL certificate:
ssh dokku@ letsencrypt:set hobby email
- Enable the SSL for the app:
ssh dokku@ letsencrypt:enable hobby
- Automatically update the letsencrypt certificate
ssh dokku@ letsencrypt:cron-job --add
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