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Efficient Data Sharing in SpecFlow Steps: A Cleaner Approach for Improved Maintainability

Keywords: SpecFlow, data sharing, ScenarioContext, constructor injection, cleaner code, maintainability


When working with SpecFlow, a popular BDD framework for .NET, efficient data sharing between steps is essential. While many developers rely on constructor injection for this purpose, this practice can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. In this technical blog post, we'll explore an alternative approach that not only streamlines data sharing but also minimizes the risk of data leaks.

Sharing Data Using ScenarioContext

In SpecFlow, the ScenarioContext class plays a pivotal role in facilitating data sharing. It functions as a versatile dictionary, allowing developers to store and retrieve objects associated with a particular scenario.

public abstract class BaseStep
    protected readonly ScenarioContext ScenarioContext;

    protected BaseStep(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
        ScenarioContext = scenarioContext;
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As shown in the code snippet above, we have a base step class that takes a ScenarioContext parameter in its constructor, granting access to the ScenarioContext within our step classes.

Data Sharing Without Constructor Injection

Instead of injecting data via constructor parameters, we can leverage the ScenarioContext directly to share data between steps. Let's dive into a practical example.

public sealed class AddNewUserSteps : BaseStep
    public AddNewUserSteps(ScenarioContext scenarioContext) : base(scenarioContext)


    [When(@"I create a user")]
    public void WhenICreateAUser()
        // Arrange
        var user = new User
            FirstName = "John",
            LastName = "Doe",
            Email = ""

        // Store the user object in the ScenarioContext

        // Act
        // Implement actions to create the user via UI, API, or database
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Within the WhenICreateAUser method, we create a User object and store it in the ScenarioContext using the ScenarioContext.Set method. This enables other steps within the same scenario to access this shared data.

Retrieving Data Without Constructor Injection

Now, let's see how we can effortlessly retrieve the user object in another step without the need for constructor parameter injection.

public sealed class UserAdminSteps : BaseStep
    public UserAdminSteps(ScenarioContext scenarioContext) : base(scenarioContext)


    [Then(@"I verify the new user is listed on the admin page")]
    public void ThenIVerifyNewUserIsListedOnTheAdminPage()
        // Arrange
        // Retrieve the user object from the ScenarioContext
        var user = ScenarioContext.Get<User>();

        // Assert
        // Implement logic to verify the user's presence on the admin page
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In the ThenIVerifyNewUserIsListedOnTheAdminPage method, we employ the ScenarioContext.Get method to retrieve the user object from the ScenarioContext. This grants seamless access to data shared in a previous step.

Benefits of Not Using Constructor Injection

By eschewing constructor injection and capitalizing on ScenarioContext, developers can reap several advantages:

  1. Code Simplification: The code becomes more straightforward and cleaner, eliminating the need to pass data through constructors and making it highly readable and maintainable.

  2. Enhanced Flexibility: Data can be shared between steps with unparalleled flexibility, enabling effortless modification and extension of the data sharing logic.

  3. Mitigated Data Leakage Risk: Data sharing is confined within the scope of a scenario, significantly reducing the likelihood of data leakage between different scenarios or tests.


In this technical blog post, we've unraveled an efficient methodology for sharing data between SpecFlow steps without resorting to constructor injection. By harnessing the power of ScenarioContext, you can streamline your code, bolster its flexibility, and minimize the risk of data leaks. This approach empowers you to craft cleaner and more maintainable SpecFlow scenarios while ensuring that data is readily accessible where it's needed.

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